Media Center

Press Release


  June 5, 2003

New challenges in the travel sector and the Hemisphere’s response to sustain its recovery and growth top the agenda for eighteenth Inter-American American Travel Congress, which opens in Guatemala on June 18.

The three-day meeting will bring together delegations from Organization of American States (OAS) member countries and private sector leaders to discuss hemispheric tourism policies, technological advances to spur tourism development and products of greater potential.

Cecil A. Miller, Director of the OAS’ Tourism Unit, said “the proposals, decisions and recommendations that are adopted during the Congress will provide orientation on the joint tourism policies of the OAS member States.”

Underscoring the importance of central theme of the Congress, “New Challenges in the Travel Sector and Hemispheric Responses to Sustain its Recovery and Growth,” Miller, who is from Barbados, noted that the strategic subjects will be approached in order to favor tourism development, analyzing those obstacles that the Americas will face in the near future, and actions to be taken in order to realize general growth and benefit.

Participants include government representatives from ministries and agencies involved in planning and promoting tourism, hotel and hostelling companies, airlines, cruise lines, promoters and managers of tourist attractions, as well as wholesalers and tour operators, travel agencies, institutional and private investors, chambers of tourism, commerce and industry, and finance press.

The Inter-American Travel Congress was created in San Francisco in 1939 to encourage tourism in the Americas. Its purpose was to perform technical studies, maintain contact among government institutions and the private sector, consider technical cooperation projects, and support the member States in their tourism development activities.

Reference: E-113/03