Media Center

Press Release


  August 7, 2003

Education ministers from around the Americas will meet in Mexico City from August 11 to 13 to assess the state of education in the hemisphere and examine how to confront the most pressing challenges ahead.

The Third Meeting of Ministers of Education will open Monday morning at Chapultepec Castle, with remarks by Mexico’s President Vicente Fox and the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), César Gaviria, as well as Mexico’s Secretary of Public Education, Reyes Tamez Guerra.

During the meeting the Inter-American Committee on Education will be formally established as a permanent forum on educational issues. The ministers will also approve three hemispheric projects designed to improve teacher training, strengthen secondary education and promote equity and quality in the region’s educational systems. The projects will be financed by the OAS, through a special $2 million fund allocated for education.

“These funds will be channeled to all the sub-regions, from the Caribbean to the Southern Cone, in order to be able to produce concrete results that comply with the mandates established at the last Summit of the Americas,” said Sofialeticia Morales, Director of the OAS Unit for Social Development and Education.

The ministerial meeting will include, for the first time, a session on financing education, sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank. Participants will include finance ministers and representatives of the private sector.

The OAS is responsible for convening regular ministerial meetings in such areas as education, labor, defense, culture and sustainable development. These meetings help strengthen cooperation on sector-specific issues and ensure that Summit of the Americas policies reach the national level.

The Third Meeting of Ministers of Education takes places in the framework of the Inter-American Council on Integral Development, an OAS body. The last time the hemisphere’s education ministers met was in September 2001 in Punta del Este, Uruguay.

Reference: E-148/03