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Press Release

OAS and the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) Offer 160 Scholarships for Master’s and Doctoral Degrees

  July 9, 2012

The Organization of American States (OAS) and the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB), with the support of the Division of Educational Issues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, will award partial scholarships to 160 master's and doctoral degree programs in 19 universities in the South American country. The initiative, which is developed under the Partnerships for Education and Training of the OAS to promote greater integration of Brazilian universities with other countries in the region and encourage scientific and cultural exchange, as well as the internationalization and mobilization of students from the Americas, and the promotion of human development.

This new scholarship program is added to the plan designed in recent years as a part of the policy of the General Secretariat to benefit young graduates without the economic opportunities to improve their professional knowledge. Since 1958, the OAS has awarded more than 20,000 scholarships to professionals from its Member States. In this context, the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, has repeatedly expressed his interest for the hemispheric organization to continue its support and even enhance this initiative in order that "emerging leaders, professionals and experts from the Americas" have the opportunity to improve their training and knowledge.

Among the benefits of the scholarships are full coverage of tuition costs and a partial contribution to monthly living expenses. The first 80 candidates selected (60 master’s students and 20 doctoral students) will be awarded a one-time contribution to transportation and moving costs, which will be given upon arrival at the university.

Master's and doctoral degree programs will be taught in Portuguese. For scholarship recipients whose first language is Spanish, a minimum level of Portuguese will not be required. Students speaking other languages ​​will be required to prove an intermediate level of Portuguese through a standardized test such as the CELPE-Bras.

The courses will be delivered in person on the campus of the 19 participating universities located in five regions of Brazil, and classes will begin in the first half of 2013. The deadline to apply for these scholarships is August 31, 2012.

For more information about these scholarship opportunities and the application process, see the Partnerships for Education and Training page of the OAS here or write to [email protected].

Reference: E-245/12