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Press Release

Message from the Secretary General of the OAS on the Observance of World Humanitarian Day

  August 19, 2013

Every day, the Organization of American States (OAS) is engaged in marshaling its resources towards assisting the efforts of member states in articulating policies, plans and strategies that aim to bring relief to the millions of people in the Hemisphere who unfortunately live and/or work in conditions that stifle human potential, reduce the quality of life and diminish the human spirit.

While encouraging progress is being made in the Hemisphere, significant challenges remain in practically all areas, most notably in poverty alleviation, reducing inequality, increasing access to education and health services, and access to potable water, sanitation and energy. These unfavorable conditions are made worse by external shocks such as the ongoing global financial crisis and by natural events, such as storms and earthquakes.

The OAS extends its complete support to the efforts led by the United Nations to generate and deploy assistance in humanitarian crises all over the world.

For its part, the OAS remains steadfast in its commitment to bring relief and a sense of optimism to those who face these challenging circumstances in the Americas, and will continue to apply the full range of its various instruments towards that goal.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-310/13