Media Center

Press Release

Statement by the OAS Secretary General on International Migrants Day

  December 18, 2010

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, welcomed International Migrants Day and recognized the contributions of migrants to the enrichment and development of the nations they adopt, as well as the significant economic benefits they contribute to their countries of origin.

“Today more than ever we must become involved in making progress towards the creation of basic understanding in dealing with the phenomenon of migration, promoting the capabilities of migrants as political, economic, cultural and scientific forces that contribute to the human and economic development of the societies they come from and those they adopt," he said.

Secretary General Insulza said an important goal at the OAS is "for Governments to generate and implement easy-access mechanisms to regulate migration, ones that make it possible to identify those who live, work, and study in their territories, guarantee fundamental human and labor rights for migrants, and fully recognize their contributions."

The head of the OAS reiterated that, on International Migrants Day, "the OAS honors these men and women who for any number of reasons must live in a country other than the one they were born in."

The OAS, through its Department of Social Development and Employment, recently launched a virtual tool that allows users to learn about the various temporary employment programs in which migrant workers in the Americas participate: Interactive Map of Temporary Employment Programs for Migrant Workers – MINPET available at

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-494/10