Media Center

Press Release

New Ambassador of Bolivia to the OAS Presents Credentials

  May 13, 2011

The new representative of the Government of Bolivia to the Organization of American States (OAS), Ambassador Diego Pary Rodriguez, today presented his credentials to the Secretary General of the hemispheric Organization, José Miguel Insulza, at a ceremony held today in Washington.

Upon presenting his credentials, the new ambassador expressed satisfaction for his appointment by the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, to represent his country to the Organization. “We the indigenous people of Bolivia, since 2006, became builders of our own destiny; and today one of our historic dreams comes true: today we have representation in the multilateral organization,” he said.

The Bolivian diplomat also expressed hope that consensus acquire the same significance for the OAS as it has for indigenous people. “The old and young, children and adults participate in the assemblies, councils and meetings because deciding the fate of our people is a collective task, and to reach a shared opinion, dialogue is essential, as it is at the OAS,” he said.

Furthermore, he made a call to the representatives of the Member States so that “in the time I have to share with each of you, we quicken the flow of words and time so our suffered peoples can find the road towards better lives,” he concluded.

The Secretary General welcomed him and thanked the representative and President of his country, Evo Morales, for the “opportunity you have given this organization to build consensus and agreement to support what is fundamental about the process of change taking place in your country.”

“We admire the way this process has been conducted. A difficult one, the beginning of which some of us won’t even remember,” said Secretary General Insulza, who recalled that “Bolivia has thrice invoked the Inter-American Democratic Charter at different times along its process, precisely to have the support and presence of this Organization and deal with the difficult obstacles that arise in a country where the majority has been permanently excluded.”

To conclude, the Secretary General thanked the new representative for his remarks and expressed his wish to “continue our joint efforts to build the consensus we all require so our people can make progress.”

A gallery of photos of the event is available here.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-666/11