Media Center

Press Release

OAS Secretary General Meets with Judge Baltasar Garzón

  May 25, 2011

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, met with Judge Baltasar Garzón today in Washington, DC, on the jurist’s recently begun work as consultant for the Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia (MAPP/OAS).

Secretary General Insulza said that “the peace process is at a key stage, in which there is a need for adjusting the Law of Justice and Peace, and the support from a renowned jurist such as Baltasar Garzón will be of great help so the OAS may continue to follow the initiatives of the Colombian government in matters of transitional justice and restitution to victims.”

The judge will advise the MAPP/OAS in the framework of the Mission’s mandate, which establishes support for a policy of peace and the strengthening of a transitional system of justice, according to international standards of human rights, in coordination and agreement with the different partners involved in the development of these policies.

The judge’s duties include the monitoring and support of the implementation of the process of justice and peace, to provide advice to the Government and the institutions of the Colombian State on issues regarding transitional justice that promote peace and reconciliation in the country, and to contribute to the efforts of the State to guarantee respect for human rights, among other things.

Last week, Judge Garzón was in Colombia to hold a series of work meeting with experts in areas of the MAPP/OAS with the goal of coordinating agendas and developing issues prior to his definitive incorporation at the end of the month.

The Mission to Support the Peace Process of the Organization of American States began its work in 2004 with an invitation from the Government of Colombia. Through the years, it has verified disarmament and demobilization processes, guided and monitored the processes of reintegration and justice and peace, and supported communities and victims affected by the violence.

A gallery of photos of the event is available here.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-688/11