Media Center

Press Release

OAS and BCIE Strengthen Cooperation on Matters of Competitiveness

  October 6, 2011

The Organization of American States (OAS) and the Central American Economic Integration Bank (BCIE) today strengthened their cooperation activities on matters of competitiveness upon signing a Cooperation Agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding in the framework of the Annual Meeting of the Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC), held yesterday in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Both documents were signed by the OAS Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, and by the Executive Vice President of the BCIE, Alejandro Rodríguez Zamora.

In this way, the two multilateral institutions established regulatory and legal frameworks for strengthening cooperation between them, according to their individual goals, functions and mandates, and while seeking to maintain a close collaboration with their member countries. The contribution of support for the development of priority studies, the sharing of technical assistance, and the organization of events and workshops are some of the activities foreseen.

In a ceremony held today in the Dominican capital, Secretary General Insulza said that “it is very important for the OAS to be able to collaborate with the Central American Economic Integration Bank to support the countries of Central America in their efforts to improve their levels of innovation, productivity, and competitiveness, and we wish to do it through an agreement for collaborative work with an organization that represents this region.” “I hope we can develop local competitiveness agendas and above all be able to identify the key elements that drive effective economic growth in the countries,” he concluded.

For his part, the BCIE representative, Alejandro Rodríguez, recalled that the Bank, created 50 years ago, has been “working very closely with the countries of the Central American region and with beneficiary countries, channeling resources to promote the balanced social economic development of the region.” In this sense, he added that “in our 2010-2014 strategy one of the fundamental pillars is competitiveness,” and emphasized that “we appreciate and truly value very much this support we are going to receive from the Organization of American States, and particularly from the Inter-American Competitiveness Network.”

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-878/11