Media Center


FACT SHEET: Inter-American Program of Judicial Facilitators

  April 20, 2016

FEATURE: OAS Judicial Facilitators: More Justice for More People

• 5.5 million citizens in the Americas have access to a judicial facilitator

• There are more than 11,500 judicial facilitators in eight countries of the Americas: Argentina, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Paraguay.

• The Inter-American Program of Judicial Facilitators of the OAS improves access to justice for millions of citizens of the Americas.

• Facilitators are leaders chosen by their communities and trained by the Program that act as mediators and conciliators and ease the workload and the costs of the regular judicial process.

• Facilitators resolve many cases quickly and at lesser cost than via the judicial path.

• Judicial Facilitators collaborate without pay, in their free time.

• Their tasks include supporting the judicial authorities in various processes, serving as a mechanism for transmitting situations or cases, advising people on the law and administrative processes, helping members of the community to complete administrative processes, carrying out conciliations in areas where the law allows, and contributing to the creation of a civic-legal culture.

• In 2015, facilitators carried out more than 34,000 mediations.

• In 2011, the Program received the international prize for “Innovative Justice” – awarded by the Dutch consortium Innovating Justice – Platform for Rules of Law Solutions – among hundreds of initiatives for access to justice around the world.

Reference: S-007/16