
Assistant Secretary General will participate in the annual meeting of the Caribbean and Central America

Assistant Secretary General, Albert Ramdin, will participate in the 33rd Edition of the Annual Conference of "Caribbean-Central American Action" (CCAA), which will take place from November 30 until December 2 in Miami, Florida, where Ramdin together with Secretary of State of the United States, Hilary Clinton, and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Americas of Canada, Peter Kent, will realize a presentation. Presidents and Ministers from other nations of the hemisphere will also participate in the conference, as well as representatives of the private sector and of think tanks committed with the issues of development, environment, and the economy in the region.

Multilateral Initiative of Education for Human Development

On Tuesday November 10, the OAS presented in Buenos Aires, Argentina the “Multilateral initiative of Education for Human Development” a project done jointly with institutions such as Virtual Educa, the Latin-American Parliament (Parlatino), UNESCO, through its Regional Bureau of Education for Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC), and the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD). The Multilateral Initiative’s objective is to promote education for human development in Latin America and the Caribbean from an innovative, inclusive and high-impact perspective. Its lines of action include technical and vocational training, secondary education, multilateral programs, information and communication, as well as knowledge management.

The OAS supports the Inter-American Conference of Social Protection

The representative of the OAS in Mexico, Ambassador Oscar Maúrtua de Romaña, recently participated in the XXV General Assembly of the Inter-American Conference of Social Security (CISS), which took place in Guatemala City and during which the Declaration of Guatemala was signed. "For a culture of Social Security in the Americas," an incentive promoted by the Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies (CIESS), the International Association of Social Security (AISS), the Ibero-American Organization of Social Organization (OISS), and the  International Labor Organization (ILO). Through the mentioned participation, the OAS reiterated its commitment of promoting social security, taking into account that it is a human right that must be strengthened and protected.

The governments of Ecuador and Paraguay present their new Permanent Representatives to the OAS

The Government of Ecuador presented last October the new Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the OAS, Ambassador Francisco Proaño Arandí. Proaño was the Sub-secretary of International Relations in 2003, and is a well-known writer and diplomat. Likewise, the Government of Paraguay appointed Ambassador Hugo Bernardino Saguier Caballero as the new Permanent Representative to the Organization. Ambassador Saguier is a diplomat and politician whom until recently was the Secretary General of ALADI.