November 2009


Wanda K. Jones

Wanda K. Jones: "To eradicate violence against women in the Hemisphere"

Wanda K. Jones, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health at the US Department of Health and Human Services and Director of the Office of Women's Health, has assumed the Presidency of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), a Specialized Organization of the Organization of American States (OAS)... Read more »

Promoting Democracy

Electoral Observation Missions watch over transparency and citizen participation

On December 6, 2009, an Electoral Observation Mission from the Organization of American States (OAS) will participate in the general elections of Bolivia. This will be the sixth mission the OAS deploys to the South American country... Read more »

Belize and Guatemala: Youth for Peace

Belize and Guatemala: Youth for peace

For a day, the spirit of the Adjacency Zone Belize-Guatemala was anything but what might be expected of a territory that has been under dispute for more than a century, as hundreds of Guatemalan and Belizean youth joined in a colorful parade, artistic presentations and other activities that were part of a cultural celebration of peace... Read more »

Ensuring a Multidimensional Approach to Security

A Landmine-Free Hemisphere

A landmine-free Hemisphere

Every year, hundreds of people, most of them civilians, die or suffer physical harm as a result of anti-personnel mines. To address this scourge, the Organization of American States (OAS) in 1992 created the Assistance Program for Demining in Central America (PADCA), acting on a request from Central American Member States like Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala, whose territories were impacted by more than 180,000 anti-personnel mines... Read more »

Fostering Integral Development and Prosperity

Haiti: underprivileged children interpret the great classics

Haiti: Underprivileged children interpret the great classics

Children and youth from underprivileged neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, interpreted some of the great compositions of Classical music and Haitian folk music arrangements... Read more »

Links in highlight

Upcoming events


November 30 – December 2: 33rd Edition of the Annual Conference of "Caribbean-Central American Action" (CCAA), Miami, Florida.

November 29 – December 4: Second Revision Conference of the Convention of Ottawa. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

December 4: Special Session of the OAS Permanent Council. OAS Headquarters, Washington D.C.

December 6: Mission of Electoral Observation (MOE) of the General Elections and Autonomous Referendum in Bolivia.

December 9: Trust for the Americas celebrates the Corporate Citizen of the Americas Award 2009, Washington D.C.

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