Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)
Department of Economic Development


Working Group 1
Innovation and internationalization of SMEs


Good Practices

Bahamas, Belize, Barbados, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica,St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago

Caribbean Export Development Agency
Information sharing and workshops on the empowerment of the private sector to access European markets while facilitating linkages to investors through CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Bolivia: Microcredit Pilot test with the Consejo Central de Federaciones y Asociaciones de Artesanos de El Alto (COCEDAL) New Button

Viceministerio de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa – MDPyEP
International Fair “Expotextil”.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Bolivia: Platform for the Support of Exports, PAEX

Ministry for Sustainable Development and a Plural Economy MDPyEP
Visits and information sharing on public services such as registration, accreditation, certication and verication closer to stakeholders.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Brasil: Design Export

Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil)
Videoconferences, teleconferences, workshops, experts visits and information sharing on stimulation of creative and innovative potential of Brazilian industries as a way of gaining competitiveness, thus better positioning of Brazilian products on international markets.
» See experience

Bandera Canada Canada: Business Women in International Trade New Button

Global Affairs Canada
Supporting women entrepreneurs through the Canadian Business Women in International Trade (BWIT) Program
» See experience

Bandera Canada Canada: Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) New Button

National Research Council of Canada
Innovation assistance program for growth oriented small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Chile: Start-Up Chile (2012, 2013)

Production Development Corporation (CORFO), Ministry of Economy
A programme specialist visit to another country to encourage entrepreneurs make a social commitment.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Chile: University Research Evaluation Programme

National Commission on Research, Science and Technology
Teleconferences, videoconferences, expert visits and Information sharing on innovative entrepreneurship in Chilean universities promoting Science and Technology.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Colombia: International Creativity Park

International Creativity Park
Workshops and conferences on identification of young talent to create inventions, patent them and create companies based on scientfic and technological developments.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Colombia: Fondo Emprender

National Learning Service - SENA
Sharing of information and providing advice to create a fund for survival ventures.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Colombia: iNNpulsa Colombia

Bancoldex – Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Sharing of knowledge and used methodologies on strengthening of clusters with emphasis on innovation.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Dominican Republic: Quality to Compete Programme

National Competitiveness Council
Workshops and meetings about quality management systems to strengthen SMEs” productive and export capabilities.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Dominican Republic: Más PYMES (2012, 2013)

National Competitiveness Council
Government and private sector technicians provision to share information on SMEs programme to strengthen competitiveness and innovation among businesses.
» See experience

Bandera Ecuador Ecuador: Productive Development Center – Textile and Clothing New Button

Ministry of Industry and Productivity
To strengthen the technical capacity, efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of the industry.
» See experience

Bandera Ecuador Ecuador: Implementation of the Productive Development Center – Metalmecánico Carrocero New Button

Ministry of Industry and Productivity
Consolidate 'Productive Development Centres' as an economically sustainable entity with technical, financial and political autonomy.
» See experience

Bandera Ecuador Ecuador: Project to Assist in the Development of Ecuadorian MSMEs New Button

Ministry of Industry and Productivity
Project to assist in the development of the Leather and Footwear Sector.
» See experience

Bandera Ecuador Ecuador: Innovacentro – Wood and Furniture New Button

Ministry of Industry and Productivity
Its main objective is to generate targeted technology services to the wood and furniture sector.
» See experience

Bandera Ecuador Ecuador: Technology Platform to Register SMEs New Button

Ministry of Industry and Productivity
This initiative is aimed at establishing a register of Ecuadorian MSMEs.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Ecuador: InnovaEcuador

Ministry of Coordination of Production, Employment, and Competitiveness
Sharing the experience to create a network in the region to promote the development of knowledge and technologies to create new products, processes, and commercialization mechanisms.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia El Salvador: Exportar Más

Ministry of the Economy
Exchange of experts and best practices, as well as information sharing on tools for businesses to increase exports.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia El Salvador: Business and Investment Climate

Ministry of the Economy
Exchange of experts, and information sharing on business climate improvement to facilitate business operations and become more competitive internationally.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia El Salvador: Toolbox for MSMEs

Ministry of the Economy
Videoconferences, teleconferences, workshops and information sharing on a knowledge management platform to provide information to MSMEs about the European market to foster business between regions.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Jamaica: National ISO Quality Management System Certication Project

Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce
Provide high-level expert on Certication Programs to help businesses become more internationally competitive.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Mexico: Support for Regulatory Improvement Projects

Secretariat of the Economy
Information sharing on public policy to increase productivity.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Mexico: Programme for Software Industry Development (PROSOFT)

Ministry of the Economy
Teleconferences, videoconferences, workshops and technical and experts visits and information sharing on competitiveness in the Information Technology sector (IT), primarily by promoting the adoption of IT from an innovative, market-oriented perspective.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Mexico: FINNOVA

Ministry of Economy
Information, teleconferences, videoconferences, workshops and technical and experts visits on innovation in Mexico through total or partial grants for innovation-oriented projects.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Mexico: University Programme to Support Patent Filing and Technology Transfer

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Teleconferences, videoconferences, workshops, tours and experts visits, information sharing on patent ling and technology transfer in Puebla.
» See experience

Bandera Panamá Panama: Promoting an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Favourable to Enterpreneurs in General and Female Entrepreneurs in particular New Button

Innovation Center Ciudad del Saber Foundation
Increase women's entrepreneurial base in Panama and support business growth opportunities led by women.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Panama: Georgia Tech Panama Logistics Innovation & Research Centre

National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT)
Visits of experts, technical tours, videoconferences, workshops, and peer reviews on Capacity and Performance of the Country’s Logistics.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Perú: Science and Technology Programme FINCYT (Financing for Innovation, Science and Technology)

National Competitiveness Council
Information sharing through presentations on finance scientfic and technological research and business innovation activities.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Suriname: Suriname Business and Innovation Programme

Competitiveness Unit Suriname
Information sharing, conference calls, videoconferences on formulation and implementation of a modern industrial policy to facilitate sustainable growth and diversication; the legal and institutional framework; among others for effective public private dialogue.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Suriname: Laboratory of Multimedia Innovation, TELESUR

Telecommunication Company Suriname (TELESUR)
Information sharing on innovation Lab Spurs development of multimedia applications.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Suriname: Pilot Programme: Innovation for Firms in Suriname

Competitiveness Unit Suriname
Information sharing, conference calls and videoconference on innovation and development of local firms, particularly SMEs by strengthening their integration into value chains.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Trinidad y Tobago: Idea 2 Innovation Competition (2012, 2013, 2014)

Council for Competitiveness and Innovation, Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development
Information sharing and details of the i2i initiative are available through the council´s Website on Innovation Competition Rewards Business Creativity that Serves the National Community.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Trinidad and Tobago: Enterprise Development Centre to Support MSMEs

Caribbean Industrial Research Institute
Host trips to observe the facility and information sharing on the Centre to transform “ideas” into viable businesses.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Trinidad y Tobago: Capacity Building for Innovation and Business Creation/Expansion

Caribbean Industrial Research Institute
Conference calls, workshops, technical and experts, information sharing, and technical visits about business advisory support services to individuals and enterprises wishing to take innovative ideas and projects through the incubation process to commercialisation.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia Trinidad y Tobago: Trinidad and Tobago Foresight and Innovation Network

NEXT Caribbean
Information sharing, workshops and technical and experts visits on the development of an online social network to engage and connect champions of innovation, critical thinking, creativity and entrepreneurship.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Business Ethics in Sectors of Export Interest to APEC Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Ministry of Labour and Treasury
Conduct studies and support in the design and adaptation of methodologies and programs on Formalisation Policy.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Supporting Inclusive Businesses in Value Chain Competitiveness

Action for Enterprise
Information sharing on improving the role of inclusive businesses in MSMEs.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Commonwealth Centre for Advanced Manufacturing

University of Virginia
Conference calls, videoconferences, workshops and technical and experts visits, information sharing on how to transform applied research into business advantages and to create and apply new technologies that solve problems identied by industry.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Building a Water Technology Cluster and Fostering Entrepreneurship

» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Global Centre for Medical Innovation

Georgia Institute of Technology, Saint Joseph’s Translational Research Institute, Piedmont Healthcare, Georgia Research Alliance
Hosting tours and meetings on medical device development and commercialization in other countries.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Manufacturing Solutions Centre, North Carolina

The Manufacturing Solutions Centre
Experience sharing, both positive and negative, on creating and retaining manufacturing jobs.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology, Northern Arizona

Northern Arizona Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology Incubator Building
Information sharing on promoting commercialization of local technologies.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Clemson University International Centre for Automotive Research

Clemson University
Information sharing virtually and face to face, about fostering a knowledge economy that benets local companies.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Innovation Campus

City of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Information sharing, conference calls, videoconferences, and technical and experts visits about public/private partnership designed to create a place to launch intellectual property for the new Century.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Engineering Services and Business Counselling to Support the Western North Carolina Region

Western Carolina University, Cullowhee NC
Conference calls, videoconferences, workshops and technical and experts visits and information sharing on a suite of prototyping services for inventors, entrepreneurs, project sponsors and business partners.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Innovative Solutions for Invention Xceleration (ISIX)

Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron (ABIA)
Conference calls, videoconferences, workshops, technical and experts visits, and information sharing to increase innovation and minimise the time from idea to commercialisation of new technologies.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Digital Sandbox KC – Kansas City’s Proof of Concept Centre to Spur Startup Entrepreneurship

University of Missouri – Kansas City
Sharing of information including process manuals; workshops and technical; experts visits; conference calls; and videoconferences on proof-of-concept Centre to serve as the connection point for large businesses; emerging enterprises and university research community.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: TechHelp – Programme to Develop and Grow Idaho Manufacturers

TechHelp, Boise State University
Conference calls, videoconferences, workshops and technical and experts visits, information sharing and webinars on technical assistance and trainings to grow revenue, increase productivity and performance, and strengthen global competitiveness.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Advanced Manufacturing and Prototype Centre of East Tennessee

Technology 2020
Conference calls, workshops, technical and experts visits, information sharing on job growth acceleration and development in the region.
» See experience

Bandera Colombia United States of America: Small Business Network of the Americas, Extending the Small Business Development Centre Model to LAC Markets for SME Development and Trade

University of Texas at San Antonio on behalf of U.S. Department of State
Conference calls, videoconferences, workshops and technical, expert visits, network building and information sharing on model expansion to improve SME competitiveness, generate new trade opportunities and promote the economic integration of the region.
» See experience

Bandera Uruguay Uruguay: Exporta Fácil New Button

Instituto de Promoción y Exportaciones de Bienes y Servicios (Uruguay XXI)
Simplified postal system for exports.
» See experience

Bandera Uruguay Uruguay: Market Diversification Fund New Button

Instituto de Promoción y Exportaciones de Bienes y Servicios (Uruguay XXI)
Supporting the internationalization of SMEs.
» See experience

Bandera Uruguay Uruguay: Proexport New Button

Instituto de Promoción y Exportaciones de Bienes y Servicios (Uruguay XXI)
Support SMEs through trade promotion co-financing.
» See experience