Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

Preparatory Meeting for the IX Inter-American
Meeting of Ministers of Education

Date: October 26 to 28, 2016

Venue: Padilha Vidal Room - OAS Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

Address: 1889 F Street NW, Washington D.C., 20006

Objetive: Consideration of the documents to be approved during the IX Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education in the Framework of CIDI: Draft Inter-American Education Agenda, and Draft Declaration of Nassau. These Documents will be distributed to the delegations prior to the meeting.

Information Guide | Boletín Informativo

Documents Considered at the Preparatory Meeting:

  • Draft Schedule for the Preparatory Meeting
    CIDI/RPME/Doc. 30 rev.1/16 – Español | English
  • Draft Inter-American Education Agenda (Presented by the Delegation of The Bahamas)
    CIDI/RPME/Doc. 32/rev.3/16 Español |English| Français |Português
  • Addendum 1: Work Plan for each of the priority areas of the Inter-American Agenda of Education (Document prepared by the Chairs of the Working Groups)
    CIDI/RPME/Doc. 32/16 Add. 1 Español |English| Français* |Português*   
  • Addendum 2: Conceptual Framework (Document prepared by the Chairs of the Working Groups)
    CIDI/RPME/Doc. 32/16 Add. 2 Español |English (Available in English and Spanish only)
  • Draft Declaration of Nassau (Presented by the Delegation of The Bahamas)
    CIDI/RPME/Doc. 33/rev. 1/16 Español |English| Français|Português
  • OAS Institutional and Programmatic Support to the Inter-American Education Agenda
    CIDI/RPME/Doc. 34/16 Español |English|
  • List of Participants
    CIDI/RPME/Doc. 35/16 TEXTUAL


Supporting and Reference Documents

  • Preliminary Draft Agenda for the IX Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education in the framework of CIDI (Presented by the delegation of The Bahamas) (CIDI/Doc. 210/16 - Español - English - Français - Português)
  • Resolution “Building an Inter-American Education Agenda: Education with Equity for Prosperity (Adopted at the eighth plenary session, held on February 5, 2015, and subject to review by the Style Committee) (CIDI/RME/RES. 1/15 Español |English| Français|Português)