Sustainable Communities in Central America and the Caribbean

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Country: Trinidad and Tobago

Sustainable Communities Pillar: Sustainable Transport Solutions

Project Title: Understanding and Improving Walkable Caribbean Urban Heritage: Willemstad, Paramaribo, Bridgetown, St. Georges and East Port-of-Spain

Grant Amount:USD$50,000

Implementer: University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus-Caribbean Network for Urban Land Management (CNULM)

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Objective: Comparatively analyze built and cultural heritage of five Caribbean cities (Willemstad, Paramaribo, Bridgetown, St. Georges and East Port-of-Spain), three of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and one of which seeks that designation, for elements of smart urban design that decrease car use and encourage walking and cycling as well as potential to generate local economic development and serve as a model for new urban development.

Expected Results:

  • Generate an assessment of historic sites, existing literature, current preservation policies and practices, conservation and management plans, education and skills training in urban heritage and culture, and history of each locality as it relates to Valletta Principles and HUL guidelines.
  • Detailed assessment of East Port of Spain as it relates to the criteria necessary for achieving UNESCO Heritage status.
  • Hosting of workshop session on built and cultural heritage as it relates to economic development to obtain stakeholder feedback as part of Caribbean Urban Forum 3. Development of a conceptual framework for the East Port of Spain Heritage City Initiative through situation analysis and workshop overlapping with CUF2013
  • Create and disseminate policy recommendations to reduce car usage, improve walkability and cycling and potential for economic development and present them to academia, planning professionals, and land use policymakers at the municipal, national and regional level. This will take the form of technical, policy, and academic papers for presentation at Caribbean Urban Forums 2013, regional workshops, CARICOM Council of Economic Trade and Development (COTED), and in academic journals.
  • Review of available education and skills training in the five selected sites and their relationship to urban heritage and culture. The economic development and job creation aspect of heritage conservation will be included in this review. The project will compile examples from field investigations to identify other resources that can complement and promote heritage conservation and development.

Available Documents:

Project Proposal l Response to Clarification Request l Letter of Endorsement Barbados Town and Country Planning Society l Letter of Endorsement East Port of Spain Council of Community Organizations l Letter of Endorsement Port of Spain Corporation l Letter of Endorsement Suriname Built Heritage Foundation l Final Report l Technical Cooperation Mission Report l