Sustainable Energy



The primary mission of the Sustainable Energy Section is to support the development and use of sustainable energy technologies and services within OAS member states. ECCM seeks to enable OAS member states to implement policies, laws, strategies, and actions for the advancement of sustainable energy geared towards meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own energy needs.

The Sustainable Energy Section seeks to fulfill its mission by supporting the development and use of sustainable energy alternatives including clean fossil fuels, renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, and increasing regional cooperation and trans-boundary interconnections. In pursuit of this mission, the ECCM shall undertake actions that contribute to:

  • Promoting market transformation through the reform of laws, regulations, plans and policies that favor sustainable energy approaches
  • Supporting the development of human and institutional capacity essential for the development, use and management of sustainable energy systems
  • Strengthening collaborative efforts among governments, businesses, not for profit organizations, academia, and international development organizations
  • Improving energy efficiency and supporting cleaner production in manufacturing
  • Increasing the availability of funding for renewable energy, clean fossil fuels, and energy efficiency initiatives, projects and programs by fostering the development of financial mechanisms that support increased private and public investment
  • Facilitate knowledge management, the exchange of information, and the promotion of best practices.