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Versión Español | March 2015


OAS Equips Argentine SMEs with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategies

Argentine CSR

Mendoza, Argentina gave a decisive boost to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with the recent launch of a new incentives package, designed to promote socially responsible practices by companies and organizations. In line with these efforts, the OAS-SEDI’s CSR Program held a workshop, entitled, "From Awareness to Action: How to Implement CSR in SMEs" in Mendoza on March 12 and 13.

SMEs are the backbone of the productive structure in the region and CSR has become a tool that companies employ to become more competitive, to improve growth, and to access new markets. In order to better equip SMEs with the knowledge required to navigate in today’s markets, the OAS CSR Program developed a methodology aimed to provide these enterprises with tools to implement responsible practices into their business models and to take advantage of the opportunities that new economic, social, and environmental challenges present.

The event was organized in collaboration with a wide range of institutional allies, including the Government of Mendoza, the Ministry of Agro Industry and Technology, the Senate, the Canadian Embassy in Argentina, the Trade and Industrial Union (UCIM), the Mendoza Economic Federation (FEM), the Mendocino Business Council (CEM), and the Professional Council of Economic Sciences and VALOS, a local CSR organization. These partners have been essential in adopting the voluntary law, or incentives package, which establishes the reporting guidelines to measure the social, environmental and economic impacts of businesses and organizations. Those who comply with the guidelines of the law and report on their activities are eligible for the "Commitment to CSR" award and will have preferential access to provincial and/or municipal government procurement, and will have greater access to lines of credit and financing, among other incentives. 

During the event’s opening ceremony, the Undersecretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Leonardo Miranda declared that “when firms commit and manage their resources and business strategies, focusing on societal impact, it translates into a win-win situation, not only for the company but also for the entire community." Meanwhile, Lieutenant Governor of the Province, Carlos Ciurca said that he is "convinced that as more organizations are managed through values, transparency, and care for our people and for the environment, we will have a better place to live".

Forty SMEs from a variety of sectors participated in the workshop and all of them stressed the usefulness of the knowledge and tools that they acquired. The tailored action plans developed for each company and the 5 month follow up to be provided by the CSR Program, will allow entrepreneurs to incorporate and measure their actions that will result in tangible social, environmental and economic benefits.

The OAS, through the CSR Program, will continue the execution of its project “From Awareness to Action: CSR Implementation in SMEs”, with the financial support of the OAS-Canada Cooperation Plan. In the near future, the Program will begin shifting its focus to a “train-the-trainer” methodology in order to build capacity in the region by training SME support institutions and local CSR organizations. The “train-the trainer” methodology will build on the lessons learned from the methodology implemented in the OAS CSR-SME Project and will be adapted to reflect the unique reality of both Latin America and the Caribbean.

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