Briefings and Tours (June 1, 2010)

Picture of briefing

On June 1, the OAS received 40 Military from La Escuela Superior de Guerra de Colombia. Aline Hommes, Specialist, Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations escorted them on a tour through the Historical OAS Main Building. Ambassador Luis Alfonso Hoyos, Permanent Representative of the Mission of Colombia to the OAS gave a description of the functions and objectives of the Mission of Colombian. Irene Klinger, Director Department of International Affairs, Secretariat for External Relations welcomed them and gave an overview of the organization. Mario Lopez, Senior Human Rights Specialist, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, gave a specialized briefing on human rights. Gala Redington, Principal Specialist, Secretariat for Multidimensional Security, gave a specialized briefing on security issues concluding the session.