
The resolution entitled “Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Business,” document AG/RES. 2840 (XLIV-O/14), adopted by the General Assembly in June 2014, requested the Permanent Council to hold a special meeting, through the OAS Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs in first quarter 2015, “to foster the exchange of best practices and experiences in the promotion and protection of human rights in business.”

Operative paragraph 5 of the aforementioned resolution states:

6. To request the Permanent Council to hold a special meeting of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs in first quarter 2015 to foster the exchange of best practices and experiences in the promotion and protection of human rights in business. That special meeting shall be attended by the member states; government, academic, and civil society experts; and other social actors, as well as representatives of international organizations, and through the Secretariat for Legal Affairs shall prepare a report of that meeting’s findings prior to the forty-fifth regular session of the General Assembly.

Participants at the special meeting should include the member states; government, academic, and civil society experts; and other social actors engaged on this issue, as well as international organizations.