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People of African Descent - December 2015

The Department of International Law takes part in the Regional Meeting on Ethnicity and Health in the Americas

The “Regional Meeting on Ethnicity and Health" took place in Washington, D.C., United States of America, from December 7 to 8, 2015.

The Department of International Law takes part in the Regional Meeting on Ethnicity and Health in the Americas

The Meeting was organized by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to analyze conceptual frameworks on ethnicity and health; share information on experiences and progress, challenges, and opportunities in the field of ethnicity and health in the region; discuss the next steps to be taken toward a Strategy and Action Plan on Ethnicity and Health for the Americas; and to facilitate and support dialogue around the JAPPER initiative: The Joint Action Plan between the United States and Brazil to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and Promote Equality.

Participating in the meeting were representatives of the ministries of health in the region, along with members of civil society and international experts, who sought to highlight core issues in attempts to address ethnic disparities in health and to share experience and knowledge, with a view to fostering and becoming better acquainted with future actions.

In view of its work on Afrodescendant issues at the Organization of American States (OAS), the Department of International Law was invited to take part in the panel discussions on" Indigenous and Afrodescendants' Health in the Americas Today".

The Department of International Law has been working on issues concerning people of African descent since 2008, holding different types of activities to draw attention to Afro-descendants in the context of the inter-American system and enable them to participate more effectively in its work.

» To see the "Regional Meeting on Ethnicity and Health in the Americas," please click here

» For more information about the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), please click here

» For further information about the Department of International Law, please visit our website


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