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October 2023

Department of International Law participates in the 11th International Seminar on Access to Public Information

Department of International Law participates in the 11th International Seminar on Access to Public Information

On October 17, the Department of International Law (DIL) participated in the 11th International Seminar on Access to Information organized by the Access to Public Information Unit (UAIP) of Uruguay with the theme: “15 years building transparency”, honoring the 15th anniversary of the sanction of Law No. 18,381, through which the fundamental right of access to public information was recognized and the UAIP was created.

At the event, the UAIP presented a proposal for a comprehensive reform of said Law, with presentations from national and international specialists from the public and private sectors, academia and civil society, who addressed topics such as technology, information, archives. and rights, as well as the perspectives and challenges of the right of access to public information in Uruguay and the region.

For its part, the DIL reflected on the evolution of the regional development of legislation on access to public information and guarantor bodies in the last 15 years and reiterated its offer to provide OAS Member States with the technical assistance they may require to support their legal reform processes.

» To view the full video, click here

» To view the program, click here

» To visit the DIL´s web page on access to public information, click here


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