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September 2023

Department of International Law joins celebrations of International Access to Public Information Day

Department of International Law joins celebrations of International Access to Public Information Day

In 2015, noting that various civil society organizations and government agencies in different parts of the world had been celebrating September 28 annually as the international day of the right to know, the United Nations Scientific, Cultural and Cultural Organization Education (UNESCO) officially proclaimed that date as the International Day of the Right of Universal Access to Public Information.

Within the framework of the activities carried out internationally to celebrate this important date, the Department of International Law (DDI) participated in the Movida Regional 2023, an effort organized by the Transparency and Access to Information Network (RTA) with the objective of promoting and socializing, among various audiences, the instrumental role of the right to know to support development, equality and the democracies of Ibero-America.

The participation of the DDI focused on the relevant provisions of the Inter-American Model Law 2.0 on Access to Public Information, pointing out that it has a specific section in which it is established that the obligated subjects must proactively publish the information referring to the needs of specific groups, such as women, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendant and LGBTTI groups, as well as people with disabilities.

Likewise, the DDI highlighted that, in terms of the Model Law 2.0, publication schemes must promote equal opportunities and social inclusion, and recalled that the guarantor bodies must disseminate guides and other similar resources on the relevance of the right of access to information and its practical application, taking into account accessibility criteria for vulnerable groups, as well as publishing annual reports on its activities including disaggregated statistical information that enables readers to identify and measure the existence of inequalities that require the adoption of differentiated solutions and the measures and proposals that may help reduce the gaps between the different sectors of society.

The DDI concluded its presentation by illustrating how the innovations contained in Model Law 2.0 allow the right of access to information to be exercised transversally across the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

» To view the videos of the Movida Regional 2023 (Spanish only), click here

» To access the Model Inter-American Law 2.0 on Access to Public Information, click here

» To visit the DIL website on access to information, click here


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