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August 2023

Department of International Law participates in XVI ASADIP conference

Department of International Law participates in XVI ASADIP conference

The Department of International Law (DDI) participated in the XVI Conference of the American Association of Private International Law (ASADIP) "Private International Law: Between the Innovative and the Disruptive", held on August 10 and 11 in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil. The event was held at the law schools of the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) of Rio and the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).

In addition to the presence of ASADIP members, mostly international law professors from the region, this Conference hosted legal advisers from the foreign ministries of various OAS Member States, as well as members of the Inter-American Juridical Committee (CJI) and students of the Course on International Law organized annually by the CJI.

The program of this XVI Conference included panels and presentations on topics of private international law (DIPr) such as the law applicable to foreign investments, the state of DIPr laws in the countries of the region, the gender perspective in DIPr, international commercial arbitration, and the digitization of the global economy, among others.

In its capacity as Technical Secretariat of the CJI, the DDI, made a presentation on the work of DIPr that this legal consultative body of the OAS is currently carrying out. The Chair of the CJI, Dr. José Moreno Rodríguez, presented the Guide on the Law Applicable to International Investment Arbitration, whose approval is expected by said body by the end of this year. For her part, Dr. Cecilia Fresnedo de Aguirre, also a member of the CJI, made two presentations on the topics of the rapporteurships under her responsibility, namely, contracts between merchants with a contractually weak party and new technologies and their relevance for the international cooperation.

Finally, the DDI participated in the panel “Forums of International Legal Production: between the harmonization of law and global governance”, in which it referred to the mandates conferred by the OAS General Assembly in terms of DIPr, also highlighting the importance of working jointly and in coordination with organizations such as the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), the International Institute for the Unification of Private International Law (Unidroit), the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law ( UNCITRAL), and ASADIP itself.

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