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April 2023

Inter-American Juridical Committee concludes 102nd regular session

nter-American Juridical Committee concludes 102nd regular session

The Inter-American Juridical Committee (CJI) concluded its 102nd regular session at its headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on March 10.

On this occasion, the CJI adopted two declarations and a report that were subsequently forwarded to the Permanent Council for its consideration and subsequent submission to the General Assembly:

• The Declaration of Inter-American Principles on Neuroscience, Neurotechnologies, and Human Rights (document CJI/RES. 281corr.1), which formulates a set of proposals to link advances in neuroscience and neurotechnologies to protection measures in the area of human rights, including the rights to dignity, identity, the privacy, and health (both physical and mental), as well as the prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, among others.

• The Declaration of Inter-American Principles on the Legal Framework for the Creation, Operation, Financing, and Dissolution of Non-profit Civil Entities (document CJI/RES. 282 corr.1), which is intended to facilitate the operation of such entities throughout their life cycle, based on international and national standards and best practices, including appropriate law in OAS member states. The CJI document systematizes, updates, and consolidates the standards developed in the region based on an exhaustive study that is reflected in the comments on each principle.

• The report on compulsory primary education (document CJI/doc. 690/23 rev.1), which urges OAS member states to ensure full enjoyment of primary education and strengthen the free, compulsory, and universal nature of this "fundamental human right." The CJI resolution adopting the report also recommends seeking alternatives to provide technical and financial assistance to those States encountering problems with its implementation (resolution CJI/RES. 279 (CII-O/23).

During its 102nd regular session, the CJI added three new topics to its agenda: “Legal implications of sea level rise in the inter-American regional context”; “Corporate responsibility of manufacturers and sellers of weapons in the area of human rights;” and “Approach to the new law of outer space.”

Finally, the CJI adopted a resolution that pays posthumous tribute to Dr. Eduardo Vío Grossi, a member of the Committee from 1992 to 2007 who passed away in December 2022.

The CJI will celebrate its next regular session from July 31 to August 9, 2023, when it will also hold the IX Joint Meeting with Legal Advisors to Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the OAS member states in charge of international law (or their equivalent). In addition, the Forty-eighth Course on International Law will be held from July 31 to August 11, 2023. The call for participants can be found at

The CJI is one of the advisory bodies to the OAS on juridical matters. Its purpose is to promote the progressive development and codification of international law and to examine the possibility of harmonizing the legislation of the countries of the region. The Department of International Law of the OAS Secretariat for Legal Affairs serves as the Technical Secretariat of the CJI. Information about the work of the CJI work can be found at:

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