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May 2023

Department of International Law participates in meetings with Access to Public Information guarantor bodies

Department of International Law participates in meetings with Access to Public Information guarantor bodies

The Department of International Law (DIL) participated in the XXIV Meeting of the Transparency and Access to Public Information Network (RTA), which brings together the guarantor bodies of many OAS Member States as well as international and civil socitety organizations. Argentina's Public Information Agency (AAIP) hosted this event, held on Apeil 23-25 in Buenos Aires.

Within this framework, the DIL presented the Principles on Privacy and the Protection of Personal Data approved by the OAS General Assembly in 2021, highlighting those that refer to the processing of sensitive data, personal data contained within public information, transborder flow of data and data protection authorities.

The DIL was also part of the panel discussion "Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities for International Cooperation Projects", joining representatives from the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (Unesco) , the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), the Central American for Economic Integraction (BCIE), the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC), and the CAF Development Bank. The DIL's intervention emphasized the importance of articulating efficient communication between public information agencies and their respective State's foreign ministries, as it is the latter who typically act as liaisons with multilateral organizations.

Finally, the DIL participated in the International Seminar "Democracy Strengthening: transparency, social engagement and human rights policies", organized by the AAIP. The DIL's comments centered on the development of transparency policy in the decade between the 2010 OAS Interamerican Model Law on Access to Public Information and its successor, commonly known as Model Law 2.0, approved by the General Assembly in 2020.

» Click here to visit our web page on access to public information

» Click here to view the Inter-American Model Law 2.0 on Access to Public Information


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