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Secured Transactions - October 2014

Department of International Law Launches Secured Transactions Webpage

The Department of International Law (DIL) has recently launched a Secured Transactions Webpage, which provides information about the work of DIL on secured transactions reforms and related information throughout the Americas.

Department of International Law Launches Secured Transactions Webpage

The webpage includes links to the key OAS legal instruments, in particular, the Model Inter-American Law on Secured Transactions and Model Registry Regulations. It also includes information on the OAS Secured Financing Project, its objectives, and DIL’s approach, which emphasizes a participatory process to strengthen capacity among Member States engaged in reforms of secured transactions legislation and effective implementation.

DIL considers the webpage as an important new vehicle to further our outreach in this field. Throughout this project and in all of our work, DIL emphasizes international collaboration by encouraging collective action among the various entities and organizations that are involved in secured transactions reforms. This includes all key stakeholders in national reform initiatives, other international organizations, the public sector, academia, the private sector, and Member States citizens.

The new webpage is part of DIL’s main website, which covers a wide range of international law topics, by which this bulletin is made available to the public. The webpage is currently available only in English, but many of the documents are available in both English and Spanish. A Spanish version will be made available shortly.

The OAS Secured Financing Project is made possible through funding from the Government of Canada.

» To access the webpage, please click here

» To see OAS Booklet — Secured Transactions Reform in the Americas, click here

» For additional information about the Department, please visit our Website


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