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Department of International Law > OAS

Secured Transactions - October 2013

Department Participates in Conference on Secured Transactions Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Department of International Law recently took part in a “Conference on Secured Transactions Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean” in San Jose, September 18-19, 2013, that was co-sponsored by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group, the Institute of the Americas and the Government of Costa Rica. The regional conference was held to promote and broaden implementation of secured transactions reform throughout the Hemisphere.

The Conference provided a platform for the Department to showcase the OAS Secured Financing Project, strengthen coordination with key local and international stakeholders, facilitate operational dialogue and knowledge-sharing with partners and technical assistance providers, and identify opportunities for collaboration with Member States that have not yet initiated secured transactions reform.

The Department was represented by Mr. Eugenio Briales, Co-Manager of the Secured Financing Project and secured transactions expert with the OAS. Mr. Briales participated as a speaker on a panel together with representatives from IFC, the Inter-American Development Bank and the United States Department of the Treasury, Office of Technical Assistance. He reviewed the necessary actions to initiate secured transactions reforms and technical assistance that is available through development initiatives such as the OAS Secured Financing Project.

Developing modern and effective secured transactions systems is an exercise that can only be pursued collaboratively. In this context, the Department’s participation in such conferences as well as at certain regularly scheduled meetings (such as those of UNCITRAL, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) is being pursued as an invaluable way to foster such collaboration.

The OAS Secured Financing Project is made possible through funding by the Government of Canada.

To see OAS Booklet — Secured Transactions Reform in the Americas, click here »

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