Themes Concluded (1998-2024)

International Commercial Contracts in the Americas

In February 2019, the Inter-American Juridical Committee adopted the “Guide on the Law Applicable to International Commercial Contracts in the Americas,” as established by the corresponding resolution

In addressing this topic, the Inter-American Juridical Committee has examined the following background matter over the years:

  • 2015
    CJI/464/14 rev. 1 Law applicable to international contracts (presented by Dr. Ana Elizabeth Villalta Vizcarrra)
    CJI/doc.481/15 Questionnaire on the implementation of the Inter-American Conventions on Private International Law (presented by Drs. David P. Stewart and Ana Elizabeth Villalta Vizcarra)

  • 2016
    CJI/doc.510/16 Furtherance of the law on international contracts in the Americas: A guide to the legal principles (presented by Drs. José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez and Ana Elizabeth Villalta Vizcarra)

  • 2017
    CJI/doc.540/17 corr.1 First draft guide to international contracts in the Americas (Presented by Dr. José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez)

  • 2019
    CJI/doc. 577/19 Guide on the law applicable to international commercial contracts in the Americas: Second Draft (Presented by Dr. Jose A. Moreno Rodriguez)