Departament for Effective Public Management - DEPM

International Seminar on Municipal Management Modernization Efficiency and Transparency for Municipal Governance Citizen Service
May, 30 - 31, 2013 – Guadalajara, México

With 79.9% of the total population of the region, 464 million inhabitants, Latin America and the Caribbean is the region with the highest concentration of urban population. Is the region which condenses the highest percentage of population in urban areas, and the fastest that making this transition worldwide since 1960.

As a result of demographic change and intense processes of decentralization of the past 3 decades, the approximately 16,500 municipalities in the region must respond today to a growing social demand. Despite the progress, to respond effectively to the needs of this population is imperative make adjustments to the management of municipal government.

The International Seminar on Municipal Management Modernization provides a dynamic exchange of experiences, good practices and modern management tools for effective governance of local governments in the era of knowledge society.

Throughout the agenda proposed in this seminar have been identified strategic issues of public administration in the light of an agile methodology that allows intertwine the concepts, cases and actual applicability of these tools.

Seminar Objectives:

  • Identify and understand essential elements for the modernization of municipal management.
  • Analyze case studies of successful modernization of municipal management and procure a technical exchange of these experiences.
  • Reflect on the importance of intergovernmental coordination in improving democratic governance.
  • Contribute to the dialogue on strengthening the foundation for efficient administration, effective, transparent and participatory.
  • Provide tools for implementing modernization strategies of municipal management.

The seminar is addressed to political leaders, managers and public servants, municipal technical teams, professionals, practitioners, researchers and academia interested in the modernization of municipal management for strengthening democratic governance. It anticipates an attendance of about 50 international participants.



  • Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretario de Asuntos Políticos
  • Mtro Arturo Zamora Jimenez, Secretario de Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco
  • Gestión Pública y Calidade Institucional, Victor Rico
  • Ing. Ramiro Hernández García, Presidente Constitucional del Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara, Jalisco
  • Cátedra Magistral:
  • El Municipio: Centro de la Gobernabilidad, Ronald MacLean, Exalcalde de la Ciudad de La Paz, Bolivia y Asesor del Banco Mundial
  • Cátedra Magistral:

    El Municipio: Centro de la Gobernabilidad, Ronald MacLean, Exalcalde de la Ciudad de La Paz, Bolivia y Asesor del Banco Mundial.

Panel 1:

Panel 2:

Panel 3:

Workshop Access to Information

Workshop E-Gov

Workshop Catastro