Resolution No. 23/14( LIFTED )
PM 423-10 - Matter of "X", Argentina

On September 5, 2014, the IACHR lifted the Precautionary Measure 423/10, granted on October 24, 2011, for "X", in Argentina, a 5 year old boy at the time, whose identity has been kept confidential due to his condition as a minor. The request for precautionary measures alleged that the child had a developmental chronic encephalopathy and other diseases, and medical assistance provided by the State would had been inadequate, putting at risk his life and the development of his muscles and bones. The Commission had requested the State to adopt urgent measures in order to ensure effectively the necessary and sufficient medical conditions so the proposed beneficiary could develop a life with dignity, in a way that his right to life would not suffer an irreparable harm, and agree the measures to be adopt with the boy's family. The precautionary measure in favor of the child "X" has no longer object due to his death. Resolution only available in

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