Résolution No. 61/23( LEVAGE )
MC 265-19 - Carla Valpeoz , Pérou

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) decides to lift these precautionary measures in favor of Carla Valpeoz. At the time of making the decision, the Commission assessed the measures adopted domestically by the State, as well as the lack of response by the beneficiary's representation during the time the precautionary measures were in force. In that regard, taking into account the nature of the precautionary measures and in light of the information available, the Commission considered that it is not possible to identify a situation presenting a risk under the terms of Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure at this time. In this respect, it assessed that it is appropriate to analyze the presented allegations in the framework of a petition. Upon not identifying compliance with the procedural requirements, the IACHR has decided to lift these precautionary measures.

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