Estrella del Sur

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DIRECTOR Luis Nieto PRODUCTION CO Rio Truco Producciones and Malapata Producciones EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION Pedro Belda, Jaime Lozano SCREENPLAY Luis Nieto CINEMATOGRAPHY Pierre Benzrihem PRODUCER Didier Nedjar EDITOR Jorge Valencia ART DIRECTION Carolina Comas, Natalia Dur� COSTUME DESIGN Violant Porcel MUSIC Gustavo Montemuro CAST Jean Pierre Noher, Margarita Musto, Roger Casamajor. 2002, Color, 97 min. Spanish with english subtitles.

Back in Uruguay after many years in forced exile, Jean-Pierre Noher (A LOVE OF BORGES) brings back a family unfamiliar with his country wife Margarita Musto, herself an Argentine exile, and their two children. But they're building their new home on top of a powder keg literally, because Noher left a big cache of arms on the site before he left. Although he keeps his wife in the dark, Noher tells son Roger Casamajor (WARRIORS, EU Fest '02) his secret big mistake! as the past comes back in a violent way.

De vuelta en Uruguay despu�s de muchos a�os de exilio forzado, Jean-Pierre Noher (A LOVE OF BORGES) trae consigo una familia que no est� compenetrada con su pa�s: su esposa Margarita Musto, ella misma una exiliada argentina, y sus dos hijos. Y est�n construyendo su casa, literalmente, sobre un barril de p�lvora ya que Noher dej� un gran dep�sito de armas en el lugar cuando se fue. A pesar de que no le dice nada a su esposa, Noher le cuenta su secreto a su hijo Roger Casamajor (WARRIORS, EU festival de 2002); gran error, pues el pasado regresa de manera violenta.



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