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Cyber-Crime Questionnaires

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    Technical Workshops Following the Sixth Meeting

At its sixth meeting, held on January 21 and 22, 2010, the Working Group on Cyber-crime, one of the REMJA working groups, recommended that training be provided for prosecutors, investigators and judges, to increase and strengthen international cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of cybercrimes, particularly with respect to technologies that enable criminals to use the Internet on a global scale, as well as tools that assist law enforcement in this regard. 

Place and Date


Workshops Documents

Bogota, Colombia

November, 28-30, 2011

Latin American countries

Agenda [ En ]

Miami, USA

May, 9-13, 2011

OAS Member States

Agenda [ En ]

Antigua and Barbuda

December, 13-16, 2010

Caribbean countries

Agenda [ En ]


August 31 - September 2, 2010

Latin American countries

Agenda [ En ]Presentaciones

Mexico City

June, 23-25, 2010

Mexico, Dominican Republic and Central America

Agenda and Presentations

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