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Transparency, accountability and citizen engagement as elements of an open government: a discussion on progress, challenges, and opportunities.

 March 20th, 2012, Mexico City


The Mexican Government, the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS),
and the Open Government Partnership (OGP)

This conference aims to foster the exchange of experiences & good practices on information, transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement policies to strengthen integrity and the fight against corruption in the Americas.

Public officials from States Parties of the OAS Inter-American Convention against Corruption, member & interested countries of the OGP, academics, representatives from international & Civil Society Organizations responsible & interested on information access, transparency, accountability and civil engagement policies. 

Place & Date:
The conference will be held at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Mexico City, Mexico. 


 I. Opening Session

II. Plenary sessions:

Panel 1. Hemispheric Agenda
Commitments and progress achieved by the State Parties to the Inter-American Convention against Corruption on transparency, accountability, and civic engagement policies.

Panel 2. Open Government Partnership 
Progress and challenges faced by OGP member countries in the elaboration and implementation of their National Action Plans.

Panel 3. Open Government Partnership
Share experiences of the process of elaboration of National Action Plans by future or eligible OGP countries.

III. Workshops:

Simultaneous workshops to present good practices, cooperation and technical assistance projects in four areas:

  1. Transparency and accountability for better public service delivery.
  2. Public resources: efficient and transparent management to prevent corruption and promote integrity.
  3. Beyond the right of access to information: model law of access to administrative information.
  4. Driving citizen participation through IT.

IV. Summing-up session

Further Information: please contact us via email [email protected]


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