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The Second Progress Report on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption, adopted by the Committee of Experts of its follow-up mechanism (MESICIC), and recently published, describes 158 actions that the States Parties to the Mechanism have reported undertaking in their last two annual reports on progress in implementation of these standards of conduct, based on the recommendations formulated by the Committee of Experts in this regard.

With respect to standards to prevent conflicts of interest in public administration, the States reported 77 actions, of which 54% correspond to the adoption of laws or other legal standards and institutional strengthening, and 19% correspond to training actions.  In this area, the recommendations are aimed at protection of the public interest, and include measures such as preventing access to public positions for those whose backgrounds or specific interests jeopardize the pubic interest; removing the public official from consideration of a particular matter or from the public service; and establishing restrictions so that those who leave a public post do not unduly take advantage of their position as a former public servant.

With respect to standards for the conservation of public resources, the States reported 57 actions, of which 60% correspond to the adoption of laws or other legal standards and institutional strengthening, and 35% correspond to training actions.  In this area, the recommendations are aimed at ensuring that public resources are used for their designated purpose, and ensuring that transparent budgetary systems are in place in the planning and execution of public expenditure; impartial audits and objective accountability processes; criminal, civil and disciplinary responsibility for those who cause losses to the public treasury; and efficient mechanisms for recovering those losses.

The States reported 57 actions related to the obligation of public servants to report acts of corruption, of which 44% correspond to the adoption of laws and other legal standards and institutional strengthening, while 24% correspond to training activities.  In this area, the recommendations are aimed at the ability to ensure effective compliance with this obligation; facilitation of compliance through the provision of modern means of communication and the elimination of formalities that inhibit reporting; and protection from threats or reprisals that may result from reporting.

For more information on this report and the MESICIC, visit the Anticorruption Portal of the Americas.

Edition N° 153 - Nov. 2013

What is the MESICIC?

The Mechanism For Follow-up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption, known as MESICIC for its Spanish acronym, is a tool to support the development of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption through cooperation between States Parties.

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