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  • Ministerials
  • Paragraphs Related to the Theme
    • • Mandates arising from the Sixth Summit of the Americas - Cartagena, Colombia - April 2012
      • 7:
      Poverty, Inequality, and Inequity To promote economic growth with equity and social inclusion by strengthening cooperatives, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, including cultural industries, in addition to grassroots economic initiatives and other production units, innovation, and competitiveness in the countries of the Americas.
      • Declaration of Commitment - Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago - April 2009
      • 12:
      We recognise that there are significant differences in the levels of development and the size of our respective economies. Accordingly, we must continue to make a particular effort to promote sustainable development in small and vulnerable economies of the hemisphere by enhancing their competitiveness, human and institutional capacity-building, financial and physical infrastructure, as well as the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the development of the business sector and other productive economic sectors, including tourism. We will also continue to support the national development efforts of middle-income countries to achieve the goals of the Millennium Declaration, emphasising the reduction of poverty and the eradication of extreme poverty. We will work, as appropriate, in coordination with the relevant international institutions and organisations to improve the effectiveness of aid and development cooperation with middle-income countries. In this context, we also recognise the challenges faced by the land-locked countries of the hemisphere.
      • 13:
      To reduce poverty and hunger, eradicate extreme poverty, create dignified and decent work, and raise the standard of living of all our people, we must achieve higher levels of business development and sustainable economic growth with equity. Subject to the domestic laws of each country, we will continue to promote diversified economic activity in the energy, transport, tourism, communications, services, financial services and agricultural sectors. We are committed to facilitating investment and public-private partnerships in infrastructure and other relevant sectors in order to promote business development, economic growth and social development with equity. We will continue to promote increased corporate social responsibility and improved competitiveness, to which the Americas Competitiveness Forum in Chile in 2009 will contribute.
      • 20:
      We recognise that micro, small and medium-sized enterprises constitute a strategic force to generate new employment, improve the quality of life, and have a positive impact on development and economic growth while promoting equity and social inclusion. We also recognise the contribution to the economy and to the creation of decent work by productive organisations, in accordance with each nation’s characteristics, such as cooperatives and other production units. In this context, we call on international and regional financial institutions, as appropriate, to increase their efforts to promote our economies’ development and growth by increasing lending and significantly expanding access to credit by 2012.
      • 7:
      We are committed to addressing the current economic and financial crisis in order to achieve our objectives of promoting human prosperity and securing our citizens’ future. We are determined to enhance our cooperation and work together to restore global growth and achieve needed reforms in the world’s financial systems.
      • Declaration - Mar del Plata, Argentina - November 2005
      • 10:
      Recognizing the existence of external factors that hamper economic growth, we reaffirm the importance of international cooperation for medium-to-low income countries, in order to supplement those countries’ efforts to implement their development programs and meet their commitments to the Millennium Development Goals. Such cooperation will contribute to employment generation and to democratic governance.
      • 12:
      Sustained economic growth, with equity and social inclusion, is an indispensable condition to create jobs, fight extreme poverty, and overcome inequality in the Hemisphere. To achieve these ends, it is necessary to improve transparency and the investment climate in our countries, build human capital, encourage increased incomes and improve their distribution, promote corporate social responsibility, and foster a spirit of entrepreneurship as well as strong business activity.
      • 14:
      One of the major challenges to democratic stability is to generate productive and quality employment in the interest of ensuring that all our people benefit from economic prosperity. We support a country’s legitimate right to pursue and attain its development within the framework of its political, economic, social, and cultural realities. We reiterate our commitment to achieving greater economic integration and we will adopt economic policies that promote economic growth, generate employment, and reduce poverty. To this end, we will address the problems that come about because of trade barriers and unsustainable debt, and we will continue to reform the international financial architecture.
      • 15:
      One of the major challenges to democratic stability is to generate productive and quality employment in the interest of ensuring that all our people benefit from economic prosperity. We support a country’s legitimate right to pursue and attain its development within the framework of its political, economic, social, and cultural realities. We reiterate our commitment to achieving greater economic integration and we will adopt economic policies that promote economic growth, generate employment, and reduce poverty. To this end, we will address the problems that come about because of trade barriers and unsustainable debt, and we will continue to reform the international financial architecture.
      • 16:
      This reform has the following objectives, among others: to contribute to the prevention and rapid resolution of financial crises, which particularly harm developing countries in the region; to enhance financing for development; to combat poverty; and to strengthen democratic governance. We stress the need for multilateral financial institutions, in providing policy advice and financial support, to work on the basis of sound, nationally owned paths of reform that the respective countries have identified with, and which take into account the needs of the poor and measures to reduce poverty. To achieve our sustainable development objectives, we need international and multilateral institutions that are more efficient, democratic, and accountable. We call upon the international and regional financial institutions to strengthen coordination of their activities so that they can respond more effectively to the long-term development needs of the countries of the region to achieve measurable results in their efforts to eradicate poverty through more effective use of all available development financing sources. For the poorest and least creditworthy countries, we support increased multilateral development banks (MDB) funding provided as performance-based grants.
      • 17:
      We will make efforts to increase investment in infrastructure in order to create favorable conditions for employment generation and increased productivity. We will also implement policies to foster the development of our local and/or regional markets.
      • 18:
      We express our commitment to the progress of the negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda. We will make every effort to attain an ambitious and balanced outcome at the Sixth World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference, which will lead to a successful conclusion of the Doha Round in 2006 based, inter alia, on the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries. We remain committed to achieving substantial progress on all elements of the Doha Negotiations, in order to gain, in particular, greater access to markets for our exports, the elimination of all forms of agricultural export subsidies, and a substantial reduction of trade-distorting domestic support. We remain committed to achieving an ambitious outcome to the negotiations and to the full and effective implementation of the Work Program related to small economies. Our objective is to expand our trade, as a means of boosting growth and our capacity to generate more, higher quality, and better-paying jobs.
      • 3:
      We reaffirm our support for the mandates and commitments undertaken at the Summits of the Americas; the World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen, 1995); the Millennium Summit of the United Nations (New York, 2000); the International Conference on Financing for Development (Monterrey, 2002); the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, 2002); and the High-level Plenary Meeting of the Sixtieth Session of the United Nations General Assembly (New York, 2005) Reservation by the Delegation of Venezuela, as a fundamental condition for the sustainable development of our countries.
      • 39:
      We underline the importance of the OAS Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Sustainable Development to be held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, in August 2006. We encourage the participation of member states and we call upon the OAS to continue to support the preparatory work necessary to make this meeting a success.
      • 4:
      In search of sustained, long-term, and equitable economic growth that creates jobs, reduces poverty, eliminates hunger, and raises the standard of living, including for the most vulnerable sectors and social groups, and in the framework of national strategies, we are committed to continuing the implementation of sound macroeconomic policies geared toward maintaining high growth rates, full employment, prudent fiscal and monetary policies, appropriate exchange rate policies, sound public debt management policies, and working to diversify economic activity and improve competitiveness. At the same time, we will stimulate income growth and better income distribution, increasing productivity, and protecting workers’ rights and the environment. We recognize that the appropriate role of government in market oriented economies will vary from country to country.
      • 5:
      We emphasize the importance of the participation of the business sector in achieving our objectives. We recognize, in particular, that micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, providers of goods and services, constitute a fundamental component for economic growth, job creation, and reduction of poverty and social inequality in our countries.
      • 54:
      We will support the efforts that the multilateral development banks make with the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as fundamental factors of economic growth and we will welcome the increased efforts of the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and other regional development banks to create the enabling environment for strengthening such enterprises.
      • 7:
      We are concerned also to note that poverty is a phenomenon found in all the countries of the Hemisphere and that extreme poverty affects millions of people. In that regard, we are committed to intensifying our efforts toward attaining the goals agreed to at the Millennium Summit, especially that of reducing, by 50%, the proportion of persons living in extreme poverty by 2015 given the fact that, despite the efforts made by the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, more than 96 million people still live in extreme poverty.
      • 71:
      We offer our encouragement to the OAS in drafting the Social Charter of the Americas and its Plan of Action, whose principles and objectives will be directed towards the achievement by member states of societies that offer all of our citizens more opportunities to benefit from sustainable development with equity and social inclusion.
      • 72:
      National efforts to generate decent jobs and good employment must be supported by international cooperation and solidarity. In this context, we will strengthen hemispheric cooperation mechanisms among our countries within the OAS framework and with other multilateral organizations and financial institutions, to ensure an effective use of instruments and resources needed to promote sustainable growth and development. In this regard, we take note with interest of the international efforts, contributions and discussions, such as the Action Against Hunger and Poverty, aimed at identifying innovative and additional sources of financing for development on a public, private, domestic or external basis, according to each country´s national development strategies, to increase and supplement traditional sources of financing in support of the achievement of internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDG´s) and reflecting the global partnership of the Monterrey Consensus.
      • 8:
      We recognize that economic growth is a basic, indispensable, but not sufficient, condition to address the high rates of unemployment, poverty, and growth of the informal economy. We recognize that only countries that have had years of sustained economic growth have successfully reduced poverty. However, in the recent past some countries of the Hemisphere have experienced periods of economic growth that did not translate into equivalent employment gains, compounding existing problems of high income concentration, poverty, and indigence. The challenge is to sustain higher rates of growth with equity and social inclusion, and to generate expanded opportunities, social investment, and social development. Good economic policies and a favorable international commercial and economic framework are factors that have helped the region achieve, in 2004, rising incomes and the fastest growth rates in a quarter century, which boosted job creation.
      • 9:
      We recognize that some economies in the region have confronted negative external shocks with consequent internal adjustments, which affect their capacity to generate adequate employment. We call upon countries to continue to implement sound policies to deal with such factors. We also call for increased cooperation on the bilateral, regional, and multilateral levels to address these issues.
      • Declaration - Nuevo León, Mexico - January 2004
      • 1:
      We, the democratically elected Heads of State and Government of the Americas, who include fourteen new leaders who have taken office since the Third Summit of the Americas, in Quebec City, Canada, have gathered together for a Special Summit in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. Our purpose is to advance implementation of measures to combat poverty, to promote social development, to achieve economic growth with equity, and to strengthen governance in our democracies. With a renewed and strengthened vision of cooperation, solidarity, and integration, we will confront the continuing and growing challenges in the Hemisphere.
      • 10:
      We recognize the important role that trade plays in promoting sustained growth and economic development. We affirm our commitment to advance the Doha Agenda in order to benefit all our economies, particularly developing economies, by promoting, among other measures, better access to markets and by eliminating export subsidies and by substantially reducing trade-distorting domestic support.
      • 13:
      We will continue working to reform the international financial architecture with the following objectives, among others: to contribute to the prevention and rapid resolution of financial crises, which particularly harm developing countries in the region; to enhance financing for development; to combat poverty; and to strengthen democratic governance. We support the efforts of borrowing countries to work with the private sector to explore new approaches to reduce the burden of debt service during periods of economic downturns. We applaud the leadership of countries in the region in including collective action clauses in their international bond issues. We call upon the international and regional financial institutions to enhance coordination of their activities so that they can respond more effectively to the long-term development needs of the countries of the region to achieve measurable results in their efforts to eradicate poverty through more effective use of all available development financing sources.
      • 14:
      We maintain that sustainable economic growth is the most important factor for the management and servicing of public debt.
      • 17:
      Moreover, we recognize the responsibility of each country for its own economic development, but also that there is a link of interdependence between domestic economies and the international economic system.
      • 18:
      In the context of the Enhanced Heavily-Indebted Poor Countries Initiative, we call upon all creditors to participate in debt relief to benefit eligible countries in the Hemisphere in support of economic reforms and poverty reduction.
      • 19:
      We recognize that legally secure property rights are one of the essential elements for economic growth, since proof of ownership helps people to obtain loans and start businesses.
      • 2:
      Guided by the need to work together to stimulate prosperity, promote social inclusion and a more equitable distribution of economic growth, eliminate hunger, raise living standards, generate new employment and investment opportunities, and promote decent work as well as confront the new threats to security, such as terrorism, organized crime, and illicit trafficking in arms, we reaffirm our commitment to the Inter-American Democratic Charter and we reiterate our firm intention to continue implementing the mandates of the Summits of the Americas, as well as the commitments made at the Millennium Summit, the International Conference on Financing for Development (the Monterrey Consensus) and the World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in Johannesburg.
      • 3:
      We affirm that the well-being of our people requires the achievement of three closely linked and interdependent objectives: economic growth with equity to reduce poverty, social development, and democratic governance.
      • 36:
      We are aware that the information revolution brings new opportunities for increasing access to knowledge for development, and for enhancing equitable citizen participation in the sustainable development of our societies, particularly in rural, remote, and marginalized areas. In an endeavor to close the digital divide, both within and between our countries, we are committed to the Declaration of Principles of the World Summit on the Information Society, and the continued implementation of the Agenda for Connectivity in the Americas and Plan of Action of Quito. We therefore reaffirm our commitment to build a people-centered, inclusive, and development-oriented information society, inspired by objectives of social inclusion, poverty reduction, and progress in the framework of balanced economic and social development.
      • 5:
      We reaffirm our commitment to the Monterrey Consensus, adopted at the International Conference on Financing for Development in 2002, that each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development through sound policies, good governance, and the rule of law. Fulfillment of this responsibility enables effective use of domestic and international resources for development, economic growth, and poverty reduction. In this context, we reaffirm the imperative for the international community to support national development efforts. In accordance with the recommendations of the Monterrey Consensus, we will seek to coordinate international efforts with a view to mobilizing resources for sustainable economic development and for combating poverty and hunger in all countries of the Hemisphere. In particular, we will continue our efforts with a view to identifying secure sources of financing to meet the needs of developing countries and to opening markets for their products.
      • 65:
      We take note with satisfaction that governments in the Hemisphere are implementing the Monterrey Consensus by exploring innovative ways to mobilize financing for private and public investment and to strengthen debt management, by considering financial instruments, such as growth-indexed bonds and others, to promote macroeconomic stability and reduce financial vulnerability. The implementation of such measures would be aimed at accelerating growth, reducing poverty, and strengthening democratic governance. We also note the efforts of governments in the region to promote discussion in this area.
      • 7:
      We emphasize the importance of the participation of the private sector in achieving our objectives. We recognize that micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises constitute a fundamental component for economic growth, employment creation, and poverty reduction in our countries. We will support micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises through policies and programs that facilitate their consolidation and incorporation into the formal sector, allow their effective access to markets and to government procurement, and, inter alia, promote investment in and training of human resources, and facilitate access to credit, business development services, and new technologies in order to reduce administrative costs. Additionally, we will promote greater international cooperation in order to foster the sharing of best practices for the development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.
      • Declaration - Quebec, Canada - April 2001
      • 18:
      Recognizing the importance of energy as one of the fundamental bases for economic development, the region's prosperity and improved quality of life, we commit to pursuing renewable energy initiatives, promoting energy integration and enhancing regulatory frameworks and their application, while promoting the principles of sustainable development.
      • 19:
      Democracy and economic and social development are interdependent and mutually reinforcing as fundamental conditions to combat poverty and inequality. We will spare no effort to free our fellow citizens from the dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty. We commit to further efforts to reach international development goals, especially the reduction by 50% by the year 2015 of the proportion of people living in extreme poverty.
      • 3:
      Our rich and varied traditions provide unparalleled opportunities for growth and to share experiences and knowledge and to build a hemispheric family on the basis of a more just and democratic international order. We must meet the challenges inherent in the differences in size and levels of social, economic and institutional development in our countries and our region.
      • Plan of Action - Quebec , Canada - April 2001
      • 113:
      Affirm that greater attention must be given to increasing economic growth and reducing poverty in a mutually reinforcing way, and that this priority must include social sector policies that effectively achieve poverty reduction and greater investment in people, with improved access to basic education and health services.
      • 115:
      Recognizing the central role that businesses of all sizes play in the creation of prosperity and the flow and maintenance of trade and investment in the Hemisphere, and, noting that businesses can make an important contribution to sustainable development and increasing access to opportunities, including the reduction of inequalities in the communities in which they operate, and taking into consideration the increasing expectations of our citizens and civil society organizations that businesses carry out their operations in a manner consistent with their social and environmental responsibilities.
      • 116:
      Support the continued analysis and consideration in the OAS of corporate social responsibility, ensuring that civil society, including the private sector, is appropriately and regularly consulted and that this process benefits from the experiences of other international organizations, national agencies and non governmental actors.
      • 117:
      Convene a meeting as early as feasible in 2002 with the support of the OAS, the IDB and other relevant inter American organizations involving representatives from governments, civil society, including mainly the business community, to deepen dialogue on corporate social responsibility in the Hemisphere, raise awareness of key issues to be determined and discuss ways to promote the development, adoption and implementation by the business community of principles of good conduct that will advance corporate social and environmental responsibility.
      • 182:
      Recognizing that economic growth is fundamental to overcoming economic disparities and strengthening democracy in the Hemisphere, and that in order to achieve sustained economic growth and political and social stability, it is necessary to face the primary challenge that confronts the Hemisphere - the eradication of poverty and inequity - that requires an integrated and focused approach, which promotes better competitiveness, equity enhancing trade and more equitable access to opportunities, taking into account the difficulties that the countries of the region face, including those under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative, in obtaining financing for their development; and that it is necessary to take measures at the national and hemispheric levels in order to create a positive environment for business, maximize the benefits of orderly migration, minimize the effects of economic volatility and natural disasters and encourage social stability and mobility in order to promote a more equitable distribution of the benefits of economic growth:
      • 183:
      Acknowledge the need for development financing, including aid from bilateral donors and lending from the MDBs on appropriate terms, and commit to support our Finance Ministers and the MDBs in promoting policies to develop and maintain access to international capital markets to finance our sustainable development efforts, recognizing that debt servicing constitutes a major constraint on investment for many countries in the Hemisphere.
      • Plan of Action - Santiago, Chile - April 1998
      • 135:
      Ensure that a significant number of the 50 million micro, small and medium size enterprises in the Hemisphere, whose owners and workers are persons with low incomes, especially women from these enterprises, have access to financial services by the year 2000.
      • Declaration - Santa Cruz de la Sierra , Bolivia - December 1996
      • 10:
      In keeping with the principles stated above, we emphasize the following points regarding application of the Plan of Action for the Sustainable Development of the Americas: a. Equitable economic growth Implement effective and ongoing measures to ensure that the international economic and financial system supports the growth of local economies and their sustainable development with a view to establishing greater social justice for all of our peoples. Reinforce the mutually supportive relationship between trade and the environment by acting to conserve the environment, while safeguarding an open, equitable, and nondiscriminatory multilateral trade system, taking into account the efforts currently being deployed in this field by the Committee on Trade and Environment of the World Trade Organization. We recognize the great need of our countries to improve access to markets while maintaining effective and appropriate environmental policies. In this regard, we will avoid hidden trade restrictions, in accordance with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO) and other international obligations. Full participation by the private sector especially small, medium-sized, and micro-enterprises, as well as cooperatives and other forms of productive organization in a sustainable development strategy essential to take advantage of its resources and dynamism. This strategy should balance comprehensive policies to address environmental and development problems. d. Public participation We will promote increased opportunities for the expression of ideas and the exchange of information and traditional knowledge on sustainable development between groups, organizations, businesses, and individuals, including indigenous people, as well as for their effective participation in the formulation, adoption, and execution of decisions that affect their lives. g. Strengthening of the legal framework Relations between countries of the Hemisphere, within the framework of this partnership for sustainable development, will be grounded in the rules and principles of international law. We will consider the progress in international environmental law and promote the reform and modernization of national laws, as appropriate, to reflect sustainable development concepts. We will also develop national mechanisms for effective enforcement of applicable international and national laws and provisions. We will seek to secure ratification of, or accession to, international instruments on sustainable development and will fulfill all commitments made therein.
      • 3:
      One essential feature of the Americas is their natural and cultural diversity. Our countries share a unique and rich political tradition grounded in democratic values and significant potential for economic growth and technological development in a context of open, market-based economies. These characteristics are of fundamental importance for the promotion of economic development and social welfare and for the preservation of a healthy environment. We will adopt policies and strategies that will encourage changes in production and consumption patterns in order to attain sustainable development and a better quality of life, as well as to preserve our natural environment and contribute to the alleviation of poverty. We reaffirm our commitment to the fundamental principle of the Charter of the Organization of American States, restated at the Summit of the Americas, that representative democracy is essential for peace, justice, and development. Sustainable development requires that we strengthen and promote our democratic institutions and values.
      • 5:
      We recognize that the needs and responsibilities facing the countries of the Hemisphere today are diverse. Sustainable development does not assume that all the countries are at the same level of development, have the same capabilities, or can necessarily use the same model to attain it. In view of the different contributions to global environmental degradation, states have common but differentiated responsibilities in the global quest for sustainable development. We should make efforts to ensure that the benefits of sustainable development reach all countries in the Hemisphere, in particular those that are less developed, and all segments of our populations. We will give special attention to the small island states, whose environmental vulnerability, especially with regard to natural disasters, is greater owing to their geographic situation, their size, and the scale of their economies, among other factors.
      • 6:
      The alleviation of poverty is an integral part of sustainable development. The benefits of prosperity will only be attained through policies that address the interrelationship between human beings and nature. In developing policies and programs for sustainable development, special attention should be given to the needs of indigenous people, minority communities, women, youth, and children and to facilitating their full participation in the development process. The living conditions of persons with disabilities and the elderly also merit special attention.
      • 7:
      We will establish or strengthen our programs, policies, and institutional frameworks in support of sustainable development objectives. National efforts should be complemented by ongoing international cooperation in furtherance of the commitments made at the Rio conference related to financial resources, and the transfer of technology on fair and favorable terms, including preferential terms, as mutually agreed.
      • Plan of Accion - Santa Cruz de la Sierra , Bolivia - December 1996
      • I:
      Introduction We, the elected Heads of States and Governments of the Americas, convinced of the urgent need to advance toward sustainable development by strengthening social awareness, with a broad vision that promotes public participation, integration, hemispheric cooperation, equity, and social justice, with special emphasis on women, children, and vulnerable groups, commit ourselves to implement the first Plan of Action for the Sustainable Development of the Americas, based on the principles of the Declaration of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, for the purpose of overcoming the most pressing problems faced by our people and assuring an adequate and decent standard of living for present and future generations.
      • II.1 :
      Health and Education Recognizing that the primary challenges to the attainment of sustainable development in this area include: -Development of a public awareness of economic, social, and environmental concerns, in order to open pathways for the transition of our societies to sustainable development; -Equitable access to health services and improvement of their quality in accordance with the principles and priorities laid down in the Pan American Charter: Health and Environment in Sustainable Human Development, taking into account diseases related to environmental deterioration; -Reduction of negative environmental effects on health, particularly those relating to mortality and morbidity among the most vulnerable groups, such as women and children; -Increased access to education and improvement of its quality, with special attention to vulnerable groups such as women, girls, and children, in order to assure the training that is necessary for sustainable development; -Strengthening of appropriate regional cooperation in the promotion of formal and non-formal sustainable development education and of communication to enhance their impact; and -Establishment and/or strengthening of disease outbreak response and disaster preparedness, as well as disaster management institutions and their policies and response capabilities.
      • II.3:
      Sustainable Cities and Communities Recognizing that the primary challenges to the attainment of sustainable development in this area include: -Incorporation of the poorest and most disadvantaged sectors of the population into the productive process by, inter alia, creating jobs through public and private investment and expanding and enhancing access to credit and to environmentally sound technologies; -Growth in job creation in small and micro-enterprises by simplifying paperwork, bureaucracy, and operations that affect them and by promoting the economic competitiveness and environmental efficiency of these production units in urban as well as rural areas; -Narrowing of the housing unit gap and expansion of basic infrastructure services through a comprehensive approach to the problem of rapid urban growth, including the use of clean, safe technologies; -Promotion of the quality of life in cities and communities, taking into account their spatial, economic, social, and environmental circumstances; and -Assurance of the most efficient and least polluting industrial and transportation practices so as to reduce adverse environmental impact and promote sustainable development in cities and communities.
      • Declaration of Principles - Miami, United States - December 1994
      • 1:
      The elected Heads of State and Government of the Americas are committed to advance the prosperity, democratic values and institutions, and security of our Hemisphere. For the first time in history, the Americas are a community of democratic societies. Although faced with differing development challenges, the Americas are united in pursuing prosperity through open markets, hemispheric integration, and sustainable development. We are determined to consolidate and advance closer bonds of cooperation and to transform our aspirations into concrete realities.
      • 10:
      Our continued economic progress depends on sound economic policies, sustainable development, and dynamic private sectors. A key to prosperity is trade without barriers, without subsidies, without unfair practices, and with an increasing stream of productive investments. Eliminating impediments to market access for goods and services among our countries will foster our economic growth. A growing world economy will also enhance our domestic prosperity. Free trade and increased economic integration are key factors for raising standards of living, improving the working conditions of people in the Americas and better protecting the environment.
      • 12:
      Aware that investment is the main engine for growth in the Hemisphere; we will encourage such investment by cooperating to build more open, transparent and integrated markets. In this regard, we are committed to create strengthened mechanisms that promote and protect the flow of productive investment in the Hemisphere, and to promote the development and progressive integration of capital markets.
      • 14:
      We recognize that despite the substantial progress in dealing with debt problems in the Hemisphere, high foreign debt burdens still hinder the development of some of our countries.
      • 26:
      Our thirty-four nations share a fervent commitment to democratic practices, economic integration, and social justice. Our people are better able than ever to express their aspirations and to learn from one another. The conditions for hemispheric cooperation are propitious. Therefore, on behalf of all our people, in whose name we affix our signatures to this Declaration, we seize this historic opportunity to create a Partnership for Development and Prosperity in the Americas.

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
    • Reports
    • Date:  5/2/2013    Paragraphs: 7
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  5/2/2013    Paragraphs: 7
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  12/21/2010    Paragraphs: 7
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  12/21/2010    Paragraphs: 12
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  12/21/2010    Paragraphs: 13
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  12/21/2010    Paragraphs: 20
    Information available in Spanish
  • Bahamas
    • Reports
    • Date:  5/15/2012    Paragraphs: 12
    Use of Information Communication Technology
    10. The Ministry of Finance has orchestrated the introduction of E-Government in all Bahamian Government Ministries along with developing a centralized Department of Information Technology (DIT).
    11. In an attempt to make it easier to access information and prepare the Department of Social Services for an electronic-based system, data bases were created in its Registry for client and administrative files and the various types of reports prepared by staff members. All clients visiting the Department were placed in a database prepared by the Receptionist. Additionally, efforts are underway for the Juvenile Unit to enter its statistics into a database.
    • Date:  5/15/2012    Paragraphs: 13
    Business Climate
    12. The Ministry of Finance has also introduced a New Business License Act and a New Framework for Regulating Communications in The Bahamas.
  • Barbados
    • Reports
    • Date:  12/18/2015    Paragraphs: 7
    Barbados Human Resource Development (HRD) Strategy
    The Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Human Resource Development (MLSD) is collaborating with the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (METI) and the European Union (EU) to implement the Barbados Human Resource Development (HRD) Strategy 2011-2016. This strategy defines a comprehensive, multi-sector programme that seeks to harmonise HRD efforts and realize the vision of “an efficient, well-coordinated, effective, knowledge-led, and demand-driven HRD system responsive to global conditions and Barbadian aspirations”. Parliament approved the HRD strategy in 2010 and the implementation of the HRD Strategy officially began in January 2011 with the signing of the Financing Agreement between the Government of Barbados (GOB) and the European Union (EU).
    The HRD Strategy adopts a holistic approach to human resource development which facilitates strategic linkages among stakeholders and defines the policy and programme interventions, outputs, outcomes, and indicators for the following five (5) broad strategic pillars:
    1. Creation of an enabling environment for human resource development through institutional strengthening and capacity building;
    2. Development of an internationally-recognised national qualifications framework;
    3. Development of a demand-driven professional development and training services;
    4. Rationalisation of knowledge management systems and improved information access; and
    5. Enhancement of research to improve innovation, entrepreneurship, and development capacity.
    A significant element of Pillar 5 is the improvement of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through the creation of policies and programmes which would enable them to contribute in a more meaningful way to economic development. To this end, the Government is working with the small business sector in its efforts to build capacity and develop and implement mechanisms which would allow prospective entrepreneurs and existing business owners access to micro-financing. An analysis of best practices in SME development in other jurisdictions is also being undertaken.
    It is expected that with the successful realization of these goals, Barbados will achieve increased international competitiveness, sustainable growth and reduced poverty. The Barbados HRD Strategy will also assist in addressing the current symptoms of the downturn in the economy while mitigating the risk of longer term impacts by providing a stronger, more flexible and responsive infrastructure for human resource and skills development and improving employability and overall productivity.
    Given the multifaceted and integrated approach to HRD under the strategy, the programme’s delivery will be spread across multiple organizations. To support the necessary coordination of the programme, the HRD Programme Implementation Unit has been set up under the MLSD and it is headed by a Programme Coordinator. A Programme Steering Committee was established to provide technical support and oversight throughout the life of the programme.
    Conset Bay Pilot (Fisheries) Project
    The Ministry of Environment and Drainage, through the Policy Research, Planning and Information Unit and the Cabinet Approved Conset Bay Pilot Project Governance Committee, continues to make a case for on-going work under the Conset Bay Pilot Project, Phase II. There is scope for collaboration between the Organisation of American States, the community-based Conset Bay Advocacy Group and Barbados National Union of Fisher-folk Organisations (BARNUFO), in further enhancing an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries and terrestrial resources management at the community level within this water-shed.
    It should be noted that the community has already developed and promulgated its own Local Sustainable Fisheries Code to promote responsible fisheries development and management. Opportunities for the enhancement of economic diversification through traditional and non-traditional fisheries and water-shed management initiatives have been identified, and would benefit from financial and technical support going forward.
    Cultural Industries Development Act
    The Cultural Industries Development Act was proclaimed by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth, the Hon. Stephen Lashley, M.P. on February 1, 2015. The Act recognizes the vital contribution of the cultural industries to sustainable development and seeks to promote the cultural industries though the provision of incentives for cultural workers. Specifically it provides for the establishment of a regulatory framework to facilitate and encourage the sustainable growth and development of the cultural industries, funding for cultural projects and duty-free concessions and income tax benefits in respect of cultural projects and related matters.
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 7
    Conscious of the impact of the global recession on the country and the implications this
    has for the poor and the vulnerable, the Barbados Government has scaled-up its efforts
    to combat poverty in all its dimensions and remains steadfastly committed to
    strengthening efforts to reduce social disparities and inequality and to halve extreme
    poverty by the year 2015. This has been done essentially to safeguard the level of
    progress made as a nation and to maintain the quality of life that Barbadians have been
    able to enjoy, especially over the last four decades. To this end, institutional frameworks
    are being strengthened and participatory governance is being mainstreamed. Social
    protection is receiving special attention with the emphasis being shifted from that of
    mere stabilisation to that of the empowerment of the poor and those persons at risk
    including Persons with Disabilities and Older Persons. The goal of these strategies is to
    promote human prosperity and in the process, ensure sustainable economic growth and
    maintain social development.

    Institutional Frameworks

    Given its configuration, it is understood that the current global economic and financial
    crisis will further expose Barbados' economy to external shocks that will test the capacity
    of its resilience and ability to cope. Further, if not correctly handled, the situation has
    the potential to erode some of the gains made over the years in the social sector and slow
    progress in the effort to empower the poor and the indigent. As a consequence,
    Government was required to talce a pro-active stance, and to adopt an integrated
    approach to the delivery of social services to mitigate the negative impact of the crisis.
    Among the responses of Government was the establishment of two institutional
    frameworks, the Social Policy Committee of the Cabinet and the Inter-Ministry Task
    Force to Monitor and Strengthen the Social Safety Net.
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 13
    Mainstreaming Participatory Governance

    Participatory governance is being pursued by government through what is being referred
    as the Constituency Empowerment Programme. This Programme can be described as a
    local governance system, bounded by the geography of the enumeration districts, which
    strengthens the capacity of citizens to bring about positive change at the individual and
    community levels, thus contributing to sustainable development at the national level. It
    has three (3) dimensions. Politically it is seen as a platform for promoting development
    and an avenue through which Barbadians can participate in the decision-maldng process
    and hence contribute to national development. Socially, it is a strategy to increase the
    effectiveness of development programmes, since the programmes are undertaken in
    response to the needs of the constituency which have been identified and prioritised by
    its residents. Economically, it allows for a more efficient delivery of services to the
    residents and the constituency as the level of bureaucracy will decrease. It also permits
    the creation of local livelihoods as residents with the required skills will be on the
    frontline of employment opportunities within their respective constituencies.
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 13, 20
    Programmes undertaken by the Councils to date include the conducting of educational
    programmes for children and young people; training in the area of entrepreneurial
    development; clean-up and beautification campaigns; recreational activities; the clearing
    of wells to mitigate flooding especially during the rainy season; and response to
    emergency matters. Support to community-based organisations, including sporting
    organisations has also been forthcoming.
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 13
    Website Development

    The Website as developed will provide information on the services of the Ministry and its
    Agencies. Ultimately, application forms to access the various services will be made
    available on line.

    The Country Assessment of Living Conditions had four main components. These were
    the Survey of Living Conditions, a Participatory Poverty Assessment, an Institutional
    Assessment and a Macro Social and Economic Assessment. This Assessment is expected
    to inform on the extent and cause of poverty in Barbados and the existing poverty line. It
    will also chronicle the experience of persons living in poverty and evaluate the
    institutions that deliver the services.

    The field work for the assessment is completed. The findings are being compiled and the
    first draft of the report is expected to be ready for submission in June 2011. As a follow-up,
    a Poverty Eradication Action Plan will be formulated.
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 12
    Promotion of Continuous Training Programmes in Conjunction with Workers' Representatives and the Private Sector to enable Workers to respond to the Demands of the Labour Market.

    The Ministry of Labour through its Barbados Vocational Training Board continues to consult with employers in industry in the structuring of training programmes to facilitate the moulding of a graduate that can adequately respond to the demands of employers as they enter the labour market. In addition, the Board continues to promote apprenticeship training where training is delivered at the employers' workplace. Other areas of collaboration with both the private sector and workers' representatives include:
    - development of curricula;
    - establishment of technical committees;
    - membership on the Board of Directors of the Barbados Vocational Training Board.
  • Belize
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
    • Reports
    • Date:  11/29/2010    Paragraphs: 7
    The Global Financial Crisis:
    Brazil’s experience exemplifies how social programs such as the ones mentioned above, representing social expenditure of just a few percentage points of GDP, need not dampen the country’s prospects for economic growth and development. On the contrary, during the recent financial crisis the programs of Brazil’s social protection floor have helped stabilize demand and maintain economic vigor. The global financial crisis has served as a catalyst for consolidating the “the social protection floor” concept, inasmuch as it has led to a weakening of the social protection network in some countries and underscored gaps in coverage in the industrialized countries as well.
    Brazil has confronted the financial crisis by emphasizing its social aspects and adopted a number of measures to foster job creation. With respect to public investment in labor-intensive sectors, especially infrastructure-related sectors, the federal government announced its intentions not only to maintain but also to step-up investment through its Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), as well as to increase the intensity of such labor by adding a second labor shift. The government temporarily suspended the federal excise tax (IPI) on motor vehicles and its corporate income tax. Moreover, Brazil increased social protection by expanding social welfare programs (i.e., increasing the benefits and the number of Bolsa Família recipients), in order to maintain levels of consumption and buoy the economy, and has also extended unemployment insurance benefits from five to seven months. The government frequently includes civil society groups in the formulation and debate of strategies to combat the crisis The Brazilian government has also promoted discussions on labor market issues, both at the domestic and international levels, through the Tripartite Commission on International Relations (CTRI) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE).
    • Date:  11/29/2010    Paragraphs: 13
    Social Protection:
    The “social protection floor” concept is considered a particularly appropriate tool for guiding policies of expanded social protection under conditions of an expansive informal labor market, and high rates of unemployment and poverty. In addition, the “decent work” concept addresses social protection for workers. Hemispheric and regional agendas on decent work include goals for expanding coverage in the various regions and countries, such as the goal of the “Decent Work in the Americas: An agenda for the Hemisphere, 2006-2015” of expanding such coverage by 20 percent, adopted in Brasília in 2006. Brazilian social programs, such as the 4 Bolsa Família, the Unified Health System (SUS), the Continuous Cash Benefit Program (social assistance for the elderly and extremely poor individuals living with disabilities – BPC), the rural welfare system (Previdência Rural), and unemployment insurance, play an important role in the expansion of Brazilian social protection for the most vulnerable segments of society. The degree of expanded coverage achieved in Brazil has been significant—not only in absolute numbers but also with respect to the percentage of the population
    covered by such programs.

    Employment and Income:
    Brazil’s Minister of Labor and Employment, Mr. Carlos Lupi, took part in the Sixteenth Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) of the OAS, organized around the theme “Facing the Crisis with Development, Decent Work, and Social Protection.” In most countries of the region, the response to the crisis points to consensus on matters such as appreciation of the role of the State, the implementation of monetary policies to ensure greater levels of liquidity in the economy, and the importance attributed to “anti-cyclical” policies—in most cases, investment policies designed to deter economic slowdowns and create jobs, policies targeting the labor market to promote new or maintain existing jobs, and social protection policies to increase coverage of or extend benefits and thereby ensure minimum levels for the most affected population.
    With regard to strengthening the formal labor sector and the rights of migrants, it is essential to underscore the importance of protecting the most vulnerable groups, which should necessarily include migrant workers. Social protection programs for these groups should not be limited to creating jobs for those who are out of work, but also include non-contributory social security systems so as to cover workers in the informal economy and people who are unable to work.
    Brazil’s results in the areas of labor and employment have outstripped expectations. Since 2003, a total of 24 million Brazilians were lifted from absolute poverty, while another 31 million joined the ranks of the middle class. From January 2003 to April 2010, a total of 12,715,090 jobs were created in the formal sector. Over the past 12 months, 1,278,277 new jobs were created, and this recovery has been witnessed in all sectors of the economy.
    Moreover, in March 2009, unemployment in the country’s major metropolitan areas was 7.6 percent—the lowest March unemployment rate since such recordkeeping began back in 2002. It bears mentioning that since 2003, Brazil’s National Worker Training Policy (PNQ) has prepared nearly 800,000 workers for careers in civil engineering, tourism, the petroleum and natural gas industries, shipbuilding, textiles, agriculture and extractive activities, the “solidarity economy” (i.e., micro- and small-scale enterprises, etc.), as well as in the trade and services sectors. Another 700,000 young people were also prepared to enter the job market.
    Also worthy of note is the National Agenda of Decent Work, comprising four priority areas of cooperation: (a) job creation, microfinance activities, and human resources training, with emphasis on the employment of young people; (b) viability and expansion of the social security system; (c) strengthening of “tripartism” and social dialogue; (d) combating child labor, child and adolescent sexual abuse, forced labor, as well as discrimination in the workplace and employment.
    • Date:  11/29/2010    Paragraphs: 20
    Employment and Income:
    Brazil’s Minister of Labor and Employment, Mr. Carlos Lupi, took part in the Sixteenth Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) of the OAS, organized around the theme “Facing the Crisis with Development, Decent Work, and Social Protection.” In most countries of the region, the response to the crisis points to consensus on matters such as appreciation of the role of the State, the implementation of monetary policies to ensure greater levels of liquidity in the economy, and the importance attributed to “anti-cyclical” policies—in most cases, investment policies designed to deter economic slowdowns and create jobs, policies targeting the labor market to promote new or maintain existing jobs, and social protection policies to increase coverage of or extend benefits and thereby ensure minimum levels for the most affected population.
    With regard to strengthening the formal labor sector and the rights of migrants, it is essential to underscore the importance of protecting the most vulnerable groups, which should necessarily include migrant workers. Social protection programs for these groups should not be limited to creating jobs for those who are out of work, but also include non-contributory social security systems so as to cover workers in the informal economy and people who are unable to work. Brazil’s results in the areas of labor and employment have outstripped expectations. Since 2003, a total of 24 million Brazilians were lifted from absolute poverty, while another 31 million joined the ranks of the middle class. From January 2003 to April 2010, a total of 12,715,090 jobs were created in the formal sector Over the past 12 months, 1,278,277 new jobs were created, and this recovery has been witnessed in all sectors of the economy.

    Moreover, in March 2009, unemployment in the country’s major metropolitan areas was 7.6 percent—the lowest March unemployment rate since such recordkeeping began back in 2002. It bears mentioning that since 2003, Brazil’s National Worker Training Policy (PNQ) has prepared nearly 800,000 workers for careers in civil engineering, tourism, the petroleum and natural gas industries, shipbuilding, textiles, agriculture and extractive activities, the “solidarity economy” (i.e., micro- and small-scale enterprises, etc.), as well as in the trade and services sectors. Another 700,000 young people were also prepared to enter the job market.
    Also worthy of note is the National Agenda of Decent Work, comprising four priority areas of cooperation: (a) job creation, microfinance activities, and human resources training, with emphasis on the employment of young people; (b) viability and expansion of the social security system; (c) strengthening of “tripartism” and social dialogue; (d) combating child labor, child and adolescent sexual abuse, forced labor, as well as discrimination in the workplace and employment.
    • Related Resources
  • Canada
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/20/2010    Paragraphs: 7
    In April 2009, Canada temporarily provided the Inter-American Development Bank with US$4 billion in lending capital, providing added credit access for borrowing members. Throughout 2009 and into 2010, Canada has been active in capital increase discussions for both the Inter-American and Caribbean Development Banks. Canada is also working to ensure the right governance structures are in place at the international financial institutions, such as through domestic ratification of proposed reforms to establish more balanced and equitable representation at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.Regionally and bilaterally, Canada is contributing funds towards the establishment of a Regional Technical Assistance Centre for Central America and the Dominican Republic, which aims to improve governance in the areas of macro-economic, fiscal and monetary policy and practices, as a basis for improved economic growth and poverty reduction. In 2009, CIDA also provided support to Haiti for a Technical Support program, helping government institutions facilitate Haiti’s National Strategy for Growth and Poverty Reduction.
    • Date:  6/20/2010    Paragraphs: 12
    Canada supports equitable development in both large and smaller, more vulnerable economies via negotiation of free trade agreements, support for governance initiatives and through technical assistance. In 2009, CIDA announced a Trade-Related Technical Assistance Program to support partners’ abilities to use trade and investment to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development.

    CIDA has contributed to sustainable economic growth in Haiti in a number of ways, including:
    • a partnership with Developpement International Desjardins to support savings and credit cooperatives;
    • support for economic and community opportunities for grassroots groups, and rehabilitation and construction of social and economic infrastructure; and,
    • a partnership with the province of Quebec to strengthen public sector financial management.

    CIDA has also contributed to the Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre, which provides technical assistance and training in core areas of economic and financial management.

    In 2009 Canada announced an Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program, which will expand an existing scholarship program to enable students from the Americas to come to Canada and study in fields which advance the economic, social and governance development in their countries.

    Canada’s ability to support the sustainable development of the hemisphere is also enhanced in an ongoing way by organizations such as the Export Development Canada (EDC), the Canadian Commercial Corporation and the International Development Research Centre. For example, in 2009, EDC supported the construction of Phase 1 of the San Jacinto-Tizate Geothermal Energy Project in Nicaragua.

    The Government of Québec supported the OAS Scholarships for Academic Studies program through differential tuition fees for ten students from various countries in the Americas. In addition and in response to the January 12 earthquake, the Government of Québec worked with the OAS to provide urgent support to 40 Haitian students whose studies were interrupted by the disaster.
    • Date:  6/20/2010    Paragraphs: 13
    In 2009, Canada released its corporate social responsibility strategy. The strategy includes measures to help Canadian extractive companies meet their social and environmental responsibilities abroad, and initiatives to build the capacity of developing countries to manage their natural resources in a sustainable manner. In 2009, Canada’s promotion of sustainable economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean took many forms, including the following activities funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA):

    • Two key infrastucture projects in Haiti: the Les Cayes-Jeremie road project, and the Routes des Rails road project. CIDA also provided support for a Haitian Centre for Professional Training.
    • In Honduras, a 6-year program aimed at strengthening forestry co-operatives and promoting sustainable forestry practices.
    • Support to the Partnership for CARICOM Private Sector Development, which, implemented by the International Finance Corporation, addresses the unique challenges to Caribbean private sector development.
    • Date:  6/20/2010    Paragraphs: 20
    Following up on Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s announcement at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago, Canada temporarily increased its callable capital at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) by US$4 billion. This measure significantly bolstered the IDB’s ability to promote regional economic growth by enhancing access to credit in the Americas.
    • Related Resources
    Agence canadienne de développement international et les Amériques
    Canada’s Capital Investment in the Inter-American Development Bank
    Canada’s partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank
    Canadian International Development Agency and the Americas
    Corporate Social Responsibility
    Department of Finance Canada
    Export Development Canada
    Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
    L’investissement du Canada dans la Banque interaméricaine de développement
    Le partenariat du Canada avec la Banque interaméricaine de développement
    Responsabilité sociale des entreprises
  • Chile
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/20/2011    Paragraphs: 12
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  6/20/2011    Paragraphs: 13
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  6/20/2011    Paragraphs: 20
    Information available in Spanish
  • Colombia
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/15/2016    Paragraphs: 7
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  5/30/2014    Paragraphs: 7
    Desarrollo de capacidades empresariales y competencias técnicas de las pymes
    Con el propósito de crear alternativas socialmente responsables para la reducción de la pobreza, se han desplegado importantes esfuerzos para hacer competitivas las micro y pequeñas empresas. Para ello, se han identificado importantes escenarios y sinergias de cooperación.
    En el año 2010, el DPS con el objetivo de brindar acceso a las comunidades y organizaciones productivas a recursos complementarios para fortalecer sus proyectos productivos, recuperar activos con vocación productiva o modernizar sus microempresas, creó el programa capitalización microempresarial. La meta de atención de este programa durante 2013 fue de 21.740 participantes, logrando la vinculación efectiva de 32.082 participantes.
    De igual forma, el Grupo de Alianzas por lo Social del DPS gestiona y genera alianzas estratégicas con el sector privado, que faciliten e impulsen el logro de los objetivos del sector y concienticen a los empresarios sobre la importancia de la construcción conjunta de equidad.
    Una de las estrategias más destacadas es el Mapa Social, mecanismo de información y articulación de oferta y demanda pública y privada en temas sociales que se deriva de una alianza estratégica del DPS con el Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, la CAF y Microsoft. Su objetivo es promover la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos en proyectos sociales, consolidar un sistema de información eficiente y transparente y alcanzar una mejor focalización e impacto en las intervenciones sociales.
    El Mapa Social tiene dos componentes básicos. El primero, una plataforma con información georreferenciada de la oferta y demanda, pública y privada, en temas sociales en Colombia. A través de esta plataforma se puede consultar:
    o Proyectos sociales de 500 empresas del país y 100 fundaciones
    o Principales indicadores de desarrollo en el país
    o Proyectos Sociales del Sector de la Inclusión Social y la Reconciliación (DPS, ANSPE, ICBF, CMH, UARIV, UACT)
    o Banco de Proyectos Exitosos
    o Proyectos sociales adelantados de forma conjunta entre entidades del Sector y empresas privadas
    o Portal de Conocimiento: Banco de artículos y noticias relacionadas.
    El segundo componente del Mapa Social es una oficina de consultores que se encarga de articular iniciativas públicas y privadas, facilitar el contacto entre las partes, ofrecer servicios para la efectiva realización de proyectos y alianzas, hacer seguimiento a éstas y mantener actualizado el sistema. La plataforma permite también hacer inteligencia de negocios, facilitando la toma decisiones orientadas a proyectos sociales pertinentes, sostenibles y de impacto.
    De igual forma, el Gobierno Nacional a través del Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones ha puesto en marcha el Plan Vive Digital Colombia –PVDC– a través del cual, entre otras iniciativas, se busca estimular la masificación de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, especialmente internet en el sector productivo, apoyando las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (mipymes) del país en aplicar TIC en sus procesos de negocios, con el fin de reducir costos, aumentar su productividad y, en consecuencia, obtener mejores resultados como empresas. El diagnóstico realizado en el marco del PVDC determinó para el 2014 la meta de alcanzar una penetración de Internet del 50% de las Mipymes utilizando Internet y aplicaciones digitales para sus negocios, meta que alcanzó en este cuatrienio 100% de cumplimiento.
    • Date:  6/3/2010    Paragraphs: 7
    Crecimiento económico

    Durante los últimos cinco años, la economía colombiana creció a tasas superiores al 4% anual. En el 2009, el PIB de Colombia registró un crecimiento de 0,4%, un crecimiento positivo durante la recesión mundial. Las exportaciones totales entre 2002 y 2008 se triplicaron, pasando de US$12 mil millones a US$37 mil millones. Actualmente Colombia es el cuarto receptor de inversión extranjera directa en América Latina y su tasa de desempleo ha caído cerca de 8 puntos porcentuales.

    Inversión extranjera

    En el año 2008 se registró el monto de Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) más alto en la historia del país, con una cifra record de US$10.583 millones, multiplicando por 5 los flujos de inversión que se recibían a comienzos de esta década. Desde 2002, la IED ha aumentado más de 400%, y el 2009 fue el segundo año record en materia de Inversión Extranjera con más de US$7.201 millones, a pesar de la crisis mundial que disminuyó dramáticamente los flujos de inversión en el mundo.

    La economía colombiana lleva tres años consecutivos liderando en la región la implementación de reformas para facilitar el entono empresarial y promover la inversión extranjera y nacional, fundamentales para disminuir la pobreza, el desempleo, y facilitar la formalización de empresas. Esta gran transformación permitió que Colombia ascendiera cinco puestos en el Índice Global de Competitividad del Foro Económico Mundial 2009-2010, pasando del puesto 74 al 69. Colombia se ubicó como el país con el mejor clima de negocios en América Latina según el Informe Doing Business 2010 del Banco Mundial, mejorando su posición del lugar 53 al 37 en la clasificación que mide a 183 países.
    • Date:  6/3/2010    Paragraphs: 12
    Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC)

    Territorios Digitales es la estrategia integral de la política social de telecomunicaciones del Gobierno Nacional, cuyo objetivo es promover, facilitar, apoyar y orientar iniciativas de desarrollo social y económico basadas en el uso intensivo y masivo de las TIC, y en la apropiación social de los beneficios que de ellos se derivan.

    Con el Programa Compartel, se han logrado importantes avances en materia de cobertura de servicios de telefonía e Internet a nivel nacional, a través de la implementación de diferentes proyectos, como telefonía rural comunitaria, telecentros, conectividad de banda ancha a instituciones públicas, ampliación y reposición de redes y banco de proyectos.

    En el último año se ejecutó el proyecto de ampliación y recomposición de redes aptas para banda ancha...
    (Para mayor información, ver el informe adjunto, páginas 8-9)

    Modernización de la Infraestructura

    El Programa de Infraestructura Vial para el Desarrollo Regional, Plan 2500, tiene como objeto la pavimentación, reconstrucción y/o repavimentación de 3160 km. de carreteras del orden primario, secundario y terciario, distribuidas en 31 departamentos del territorio nacional, incluido el Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia, cuya finalidad principal es la de propender por la accesibilidad y conectividad de algunas de las regiones más apartadas del aís.

    Desde el incio del plan se han pavimentado 2324,23 km., mediante una inversión ejecutada en obra de $1,6 billones de pesos, con avance significativo del programa en 15 departamentos, de los cuales durante el periodo junio de 2008 – junio de 2009 se pavimentaron 517,84 km.

    Infraestructura de las TIC

    Durante 2008, las conexiones a Internet en Colombia continuaron creciendo vertiginosamente. A diciembre de ese mismo año se contaba con más de 1.9 millones de conexiones, con un crecimiento del 57% respecto al mismo período de 2007. De éstas, el 77% corresponde a conexiones de banda ancha...
    (Para mayor información, ver el informe adjunto, página 35)

    Construcción de la Política Nacional Logística

    En octubre de 2008, y tras un proceso de concertación público-privado, se aprobó el Documento Conpes 3457 relativo a la Política Nacional Logística, la cual define como estrategia, la promoción de un sistema de plataformas logísticas que articule y aglomere la oferta de infraestructura y servicios, con el objetivo de generar proyectos de impacto para el comercio exterior y para la distribución de mercancías de producción y consumo, así como la promoción y potenciamiento del uso de la infraestructura instalada.
    • Date:  6/3/2010    Paragraphs: 13
    Crecimiento económico

    Durante los últimos cinco años, la economía colombiana creció a tasas superiores al 4% anual. En el 2009, el PIB de Colombia registró un crecimiento de 0,4%, un crecimiento positivo durante la recesión mundial. Las exportaciones totales entre 2002 y 2008 se triplicaron, pasando de US$12 mil millones a US$37 mil millones. Actualmente Colombia es el cuarto receptor de inversión extranjera directa en América Latina y su tasa de desempleo ha caído cerca de 8 puntos porcentuales.

    Inversión extranjera

    En el año 2008 se registró el monto de Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) más alto en la historia del país, con una cifra record de US$10.583 millones, multiplicando por 5 los flujos de inversión que se recibían a comienzos de esta década. Desde 2002, la IED ha aumentado más de 400%, y el 2009 fue el segundo año record en materia de Inversión Extranjera con más de US$7.201 millones...
    (Par mayor información, ver informe adjunto, página 8)

    Desarrollo alternativo

    El programa Proyectos Productivos continuó aunando esfuerzos con los socios estratégicos del desarrollo alternativo, como la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC), la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) y sus programas, y la Federación Nacional de Cafeteros. Gracias a estas alianzas se beneficiaron en el periodo citado más de 27.338 familias y se apoyaron aproximadamente 27.743 hectáreas de cultivos como café, cacao, palma de aceite, caucho y forestales, entre otros.

    Fortalecimiento del Sistema Sanitario y Fitosanitario

    Para obtener la admisibilidad de la producción nacional agropecuaria en los mercados externos, se ha seguido fortaleciendo el Sistema Nacional de Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias (MSF) …
    (Para mayor información, ver informe adjunto, página 25).

    Corredores Arteriales Complementarios para la Competitividad

    El Programa de Corredores Arteriales Complementarios para la Competitividad pretende dar continuidad a corredores que facilitan la movilidad interna de pasajeros y productos, buscando niveles de servicio y capacidad, acordes con las características de cada zona y del mercado…
    (Para mayor información, ver informe adjunto, página 35).

    Mantenimiento Integral de Corredores Viales

    Entre 2008 y 2009, a través del Programa de Mantenimiento Integral de Corredores Viales, se repavimentaron alrededor de 105,62 km. de carreteras, se realizó mantenimiento periódico a 137,15 km. y mantenimiento rutinario a 1.334,57 km.
    • Date:  6/3/2010    Paragraphs: 20
    Desarrollo de capacidades empresariales y competencias técnicas de las pymes

    Las iniciativas que contempla el programa de transformación productiva liderado por el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo conllevarán, entre otros efectos, la implementación de procesos de reingeniería de aquellos sectores emergentes y establecidos en los cuales las Mipymes tienen una sustancial participación, a fin de colocarlos bajo los estándares del mercado internacional y llegar a ser competitivos en el largo plazo, junto con sus encadenamientos productivos.

    Fortalecimiento de las pequeñas empresas rurales

    Como resultado de la convocatoria de 2008 resultaron favorecidas 312 propuestas de negocios microempresariales, asignando cerca de $8.000 millones en subsidios. En la convocatoria 2009 se presentaron 225 propuestas microempresariales por $8.602 millones, con una solicitud de $7.885 millones en incentivos.

    Con el fin de fomentar la empresarización rural, en 2008 se financiaron 66 alianzas que beneficiaron a 4.760 familias, sobre un total de 8.325 hectáreas asociadas; el valor de los proyectos ascendió a $84.816 millones, otorgando un incentivo modular de $19.359 millones.

    Fomento a la participación de Mipymes

    Entre 2008 y 2009 se asignaron $36.770 millones como recursos de apoyo cofinanciados por Fomipyme. Igualmente, en 2009 Bancoldex desembolsó un total de $3.77 billones, de los cuales el 54% se destinó al segmento de las mipymes. Adicionalmente, Balcoldex viene desarrollando el Programa de Formación Gerencial y actualización empresarial para mejorar la gestión, el desempeño y la competitividad de las mipymes colombianas a través de transferencia del conocimiento. En 2009, 11.524 empresarios fueron capacitados a través de este programa.

    El Programa de Formación Especializada y Actualización Tecnológica del Recurso Humano dirigido a pymes, capacitó entre 2008 y 2009 a 28 líderes en Animación Digital 2D. Asimismo, a través del Programa Compartel, se logró acceso a Internet en banda ancha para 40.188 mipymes, con una inversión de $36.000 millones.

    De otra parte, el Programa MiPyme Digital ha beneficiado a 42.411 mipymes, a través de una inversión de $7.599 millones. De igual manera, a través de la Línea Alta Gerencia se han capacitado más de 3.000 trabajado

    Productividad y Competitividad

    El Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo viene liderando el proceso de instalación de Redes Regionales de Emprendimiento --23 en la actualidad - con el apoyo de...
    (Para mayor información, ver el informe adjunto, páginas 33-34)
    • Related Resources
    Avances en PIB per cápita en Colombia
    Crecimiento de la demanda de las administraciones públicas
    Número de Micro-empresarios que usan facilidades de Crédito por primera vez - Colombia
  • Costa Rica
    • Reports
    • Date:  4/3/2012    Paragraphs: 7
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  4/3/2012    Paragraphs: 12, 13
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  4/3/2012    Paragraphs: 20
    Information available in Spanish
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
    • Reports
    • Date:  5/30/2014    Paragraphs: 7
    -La importancia de las MIPYMES en el desarrollo de la República Dominicana una de las más importantes columnas del desarrollo en nuestro país. A pesar de que hay numerosas clasificaciones usadas por muchas instituciones públicas y privadas, tenemos la ley 488-08 que es la que determina quien es micro, pequeña o mediana, según cumpla dos de los tres parámetros que contempla. El 96% de las empresas dominicanas son Mipymes. Son generadoras de 2.1 millones de puestos de trabajo, aportan el 27% del PIB y poseen el mayor potencial para provocar un impacto positivo en el crecimiento económico de la Nación. Algunos datos claves que demuestran la gran importancia de las MIPYMES en el desarrollo nacional son los siguientes: 90% ubicadas en zonas urbanas; 42% comerciales, 28% manufacturas, 30% servicios; 58% compra a almacenes en lugar de productores de MP’s; Focalizadas al mercado local; 48% de los propietarios con estudios Universitarios 42% de los propietarios con experiencia previa en negocios 73% paga salarios fijos.
    -Las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito son una importante fuente tradicional de servicios financieros, especialmente en zonas rurales con bajos niveles de penetración de la banca privada. El mercado de las ONGs es atomizado, con más de 10 organizaciones pequeñas y medianas con servicios de microcrédito. Cabe recalcar que el crédito individual es la metodología más común en República Dominicana, ya que representa un 79% de los créditos otorgados por las IMFs dominicanas y que sólo un 9% de la cartera de microfinanzas se destina a microcrédito rural.
    -Las PYMES y microempresas, generan una parte importante del empleo informal.
    -En el 2012, el Instituto de Desarrollo y Crédito Cooperativo (IDECOOP), entregó 29 certificados de incorporación a igual número de cooperativas, las cuales fueron asesoradas en todo el proceso de formación, por los técnicos de los distintos Centros Regionales de la institución que regula el sector en el país. (Fuente: Pág. IDECOOP).
    -Una primera medida adoptada fue la creación del Vice ministerio de PYMES, en el Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, lo cual se acompañó de la elaboración de un Plan de Atención a dichas empresas, a fin de orientar las acciones al fortalecimiento del subsector, avanzar en la formalización de empresas que actualmente operan en la informalidad y consolidar aquellas que operan dentro de la formalidad.
    ? Diversas medidas de política fueron adoptadas para ampliar el apoyo a estas empresas:
    ? PROINCUBE, programa de PROINDUSTRIA que brinda diversos apoyos a las PYMES, ofreció servicios asesoría técnica, respaldo financiero, facilidades de infraestructura, servicios administrativos, vinculación empresarial privada y con organismos gubernamentales, realización de charlas, talleres de planes de negocios. Algunos resultados de estos apoyos fueron:
    -Más de 350 ideas o proyectos evaluados;
    -110 proyectos asesorados.
    -40 proyectos en operación que han recibido apoyo de PROINCUBE;
    -15 proyectos financiados, con monto de RD$ 9,944,296.00;
    -El Centro de Aceleración Empresarial, que forma parte de PROINCUBE, es la primera incubadora física de República Dominicana y el Caribe. Al finalizar 2012 se habían establecido ya 7 microempresas, que gozan de servicios e instalaciones comunes que facilitan su operación. (LA.
    -Se inició la operación de la Banca Solidaria, creada con el objetivo de promover la inclusión financiera de miles de personas de bajos ingresos, facilitarles el acceso a los servicios financieros de calidad, impulsar una democratización del crédito y crear capital social, utilizando la metodología de grupos solidario. El Banco Central emitió un nuevo reglamento que facilita los préstamos a estas empresas. (LA.
    -La Junta Monetaria autorizó a los bancos múltiples, bancos de ahorro y crédito y asociaciones de ahorros y préstamos a emitir tarjetas pre pagadas, como instrumento de pago, habilitando un sistema de registro de las mismas e incorporándolas a los reportes periódicos al Banco Central y a la Superintendencia de Bancos. Con esta medida se busca profundizar la inclusión financiera de sectores no bancarizados.
    -PROINDUSTRIA ha impulsado el programa Gerencial Factory, que facilitará recursos en menor tiempo y mejores tasas de interés, mediante la adquisición de facturas. A finales de 2012, esa gerencia tenía un total de 143 expedientes depurados, para fines de desembolsos, ascendentes a un valor de RD$ 94, 308,115.45.
    -El Banco de Reservas y la Asociación de Comerciantes e Industriales de Santiago (ACIS) firmaron un acuerdo que permitirá a las empresas afiliadas a esa entidad participar en el Programa Pymes-Banreservas y acceder a préstamos de entre RD$ 300 mil y RD$ 10 millones, que favorecerán a 3,200 miembros de la entidad.
    ? En cuanto a la asistencia para el fortalecimiento de la productividad de las empresas, varias instituciones -Programa de Transferencia de Capacidades para las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (+Pymes) co-ejecutado por el Ministerio de Industria y Comercio y el Consejo Nacional de Competitividad (CNC), dirigido a los sectores Turismo, Manufactura y Agronegocios, mediante el cual se ofrece asistencia técnica en temas de mejoras de procesos, calidad e innovación a 1,000 Pymes, así como capacitación a 15,000 pequeños y medianos empresarios.
    ? La Misión Taiwán brindó asesoría a cuatro empresas y talleres para la enseñanza de las técnicas del bambú.
    ? Otras medidas importantes adoptadas en apoyo al fortalecimiento de las PYMES fueron:
    -Aprobación del Reglamento a ley 488-08 de Incentivo a Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas y la modificación del Reglamento de la Ley de Compras y Contrataciones No. 340- 06, ya señalada. Este último reglamento simplifica los requisitos para el Registro de Proveedores del Estado y ha permitido que se registre una participación significativa de micro pequeñas empresas en los suministros gubernamentales. En el mismo sentido ha operado la decisión de sortear la construcción de planteles escolares entre los ingenieros, lo que da oportunidades a pequeños empresarios de la construcción.
    -Actividades de capacitación dirigidas a proveedores del Estado, con énfasis en el sector de las MIPYMES; participaron 708 personas, mediante 2,600 horas de talleres.
    -Creación e incubación de varios clústeres: Barrio Simón Bolívar con los fabricantes de cinturones, bolsos y sandalias; Pelliceros de Bonao, con los artesanos fabricantes de alfombras y cojines; y Chocolateros de Altamira.
    -Implementación de la plataforma de la ventanilla virtual a nivel nacional y ventanilla única física para la formalización de las MIPYMES, que funciona a través de FEDOCAMARAS. Con esta iniciativa se ha reducido el tiempo de expedición del Registro Mercantil a 5 días laborables, se ha eliminado la obligatoriedad de la asistencia legal para la redacción de los estatutos sociales y se tramita la solicitud de todos los servicios en línea y tiempo real. Como resultado, a la fecha se han formalizado 272 Mipymes.
    -La Dirección de Industria y Comercio Interno consiguió la automatización de las clasificaciones de las Mipymes, lo cual facilita el trámite de las solicitudes de servicio a los clientes a la vez que permitirá, a inicios de 2013, la interconexión con bases de datos de instituciones relacionadas con dicho servicio y la creación de un archivo digital de las informaciones de las Mipymes clasificadas.
    ? Se suscribió un Convenio entre el Ministerio de Agricultura y el Fondo Especial para el Desarrollo Agropecuario (FEDA), mediante el cual se llevó a cabo una serie de encuentros con organizaciones comunitarias para que, mediante la organización de eventos de capacitación orientados al desarrollo de destrezas laborales, se promocionen micro y pequeños emprendimientos entre organizaciones de mujeres rurales y organizaciones mixtas (mujeres y hombres) en situación de pobreza. Se ejecutaron 47 encuentros promocionales, 47 talleres sobre manualidades diversas, preparación de abono orgánico y crianza caprina sostenible.
    ? El FEDA, en su labor de seguimiento al programa de invernaderos tropicalizados, instaló seis (6) unidades metálicas tipo túnel de 540 metros cuadrados cada una. Dos de estos invernaderos fueron instalados en los Centros de Corrección y Rehabilitación Anamuya y El Pinito, otros dos se destinaron a la Asociación de Mujeres de Veragua y Productores San José Obrero en las zonas de Gaspar Hernández y Sánchez Ramírez, respectivamente. También se rehabilitaron y/o mejoraron invernaderos por medio del financiamiento de plásticos a pequeños productores de invernaderos localizados en las zonas de Constanza, Jarabacoa y Moca.
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/24/2013    Paragraphs: 7
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  11/27/2012    Paragraphs: 12
    Para el cumplimiento de este mandato, El Salvador por medio del Ministerio de Economía desarrolla los siguientes proyectos para fomentar la capacidad humana e institucional, la infraestructura financiera y física, el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), el desarrollo del sector empresarial, entre otros.


    a. Antecedentes
    El programa en materia de “Imagen Empresarial”, desarrollado por el Ministerio de Economía, por medio de la Dirección de Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (DIDT) y la Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado (UJMD) con su Escuela de Diseño “Rosemarie Vásquez Liévano de Ángel”, denominado “Creando la Imagen Empresarial de su Empresa” Rebrand Matías/INVENTA, con el objetivo de impulsar la competitividad de la empresas MYPES.

    La finalidad del proyecto de identidad corporativa con innovación es implementar un modelo que responda de manera inmediata a la micro, pequeña, mediana empresa. Actualmente las empresas necesitan encontrar todo tipo de factores que puedan hacer que su negocio sea publicitado, reconocido e identificado por el mayor número posible de clientes. El objetivo es aplicar innovación y crear una Identidad Corporativa que permita que su marca sea perfectamente reconocible por el cliente.

    Este modelo implementado entre Rebrand Matías / INVENTA, estudia y analiza las necesidades para encontrar una imagen que encaje perfectamente con los objetivos de la empresa, clientes potenciales, filosofía de la empresa, etc. Se crean elementos creativos que generan en el cliente un impacto, no sólo visual, sino táctil ya que es de igual importancia el cuidar el material que el cliente tendrá en sus manos pues es el producto final de la Empresa. Es aplicar innovación con metodología.

    b. Objetivo
    Brindar un servicio especializado y dedicado a las empresas que deseen rediseñar su identidad visual corporativa y/o la de alguno de sus productos.

    c. Descripción del proyecto
    Los componentes para el desarrollo a tener en cuenta de este proyecto específico son:

    Alcances del programa:
    ? Identificar la actual imagen de la organización, por medio de técnicas y metodologías de investigación y análisis que determinen sus fortalezas y oportunidades.
    ? Determinar y facilitar, por medio de un proceso de consulta y construcción conjunta, la nueva visión y proyección de la empresa con innovación.
    ? Brindar al empresario medios de consulta futura por medio de la documentación fotográfica y documental del proceso.

    ¿Quiénes pueden participar del programa?
    MIPYME salvadoreñas que:
    ? Posean una mente visionaria y dispuesta al cambio.
    ? Estén dispuestas a cambiar su imagen actual, a modernizarla o revalorarla con innovación.
    ? Estén dispuestas y que acepten el compromiso de someterse al proceso definido de consultaría.
    ? Demuestren la disponibilidad para asistir a las reuniones que se definan en el proceso / Posean un amplio sentido de compromiso para colaborar con los equipos.

    d. Fases del proyecto
    El proyecto se divide en 8 fases importantes:
    1. Convocatoria.
    2. Aprobación de la empresa (INVENTA).
    3. Asignación de Equipo.
    4. Investigación y análisis.
    5. Desarrollo conceptual.
    6. Diseño de todas las piezas necesarias para que la empresa o el producto pueda cambiar su proyección al público.
    7. Presentación a la empresa del producto final del programa.
    8. Testimonial del Empresario.

    e. Avances 2011
    Durante el año 2011, se realizó lo siguiente:
    ? Desarrollo de imágenes corporativas a dos empresas.
    ? Se esperan tener al menos 40 empresas con su nueva imagen corporativa para 2012.


    a. Antecedentes
    En El Salvador, el Ministerio de Economía ha estado trabajando en diversos proyectos tendientes a mejorar el clima que propicie y promueva una cultura de Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, como el caso de algunos instrumentos de apoyo en la provisión de información especializada, tal como la información tecnológica, noticias y eventos relevantes que conlleven a la actualización sectorial en temas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación. Asimismo, la realización de eventos de difusión de la innovación en general y la realización de concursos y premios con la finalidad de incentivar a los diferentes actores, a trabajar en nuevas industrias.

    Se hace necesario identificar de las firmas:
    ? Sus prácticas, en función de la realización de actividades de innovación.
    ? Sus resultados, con el propósito de determinar detonantes y modelar tipologías de las empresas para poder extrapolar estas prácticas a una extensión de empresas mayores, a través de la generación de instrumentos de fomento apropiados y pertinentes para su adopción.

    b. Objetivo
    Diseñar, ejecutar, analizar y difundir los resultados de la primera “Encuesta de Innovación en El Salvador”, para medir e identificar el comportamiento y desempeño de las empresas en este ámbito, y proveer la información necesaria para formular y evaluar políticas y estrategias en materia de innovación, ciencia y tecnología.

    c. Descripción del Proyecto
    Se han definido los siguientes componentes para el desarrollo de este proyecto:

    1. Diseño y planificación, este componente comprende:
    a. Diseño del formulario e instructivos.
    b. Contribución al diseño de la muestra de empresas atendiendo a la representatividad nacional, regional y sectorial.
    c. Conformación y capacitación del equipo de trabajo (encuestadores, supervisores, analistas).
    d. Definición de la representatividad de la encuesta y selección de la muestra.
    e. Diseño de la prueba piloto.
    f. Plan de trabajo para la captura, validación, depuración y análisis de resultados.
    g. Diseñar actividades de difusión de resultados.

    2. Aplicación, este componente comprende:
    a. Aplicación y análisis de resultados de la prueba piloto.
    b. Ajustes al formulario.
    c. Capacitación, incluyendo ajustes derivados de la prueba piloto.
    d. Aplicación de la encuesta a un número mínimo de empresas a definir, considerando reemplazar las no-respuestas por nuevas empresas.
    e. Captura, validación, consolidación y depuración de datos de la encuesta.

    3. Análisis y divulgación, comprende:
    a. Producción de una base de datos con la encuesta.
    b. Generación de indicadores e índices.
    c. Elaboración de un análisis descriptivo de los resultados de la encuesta.
    d. Ejecución de actividades de difusión.

    d. Avances 2011
    Generación de Prueba Piloto que incluye:
    a. Diseño del formulario e instructivos.
    b. Conformación y capacitación del equipo de trabajo de la Prueba Piloto.
    c. Diseño de la prueba piloto e implementación de la misma.
    d. Generación de conclusiones para encuesta definitiva.


    a. Antecedentes
    El Ministerio de Economía para cumplir con sus objetivos y atribuciones que le señalan las leyes de la República, dentro de su estructura administrativa con la Dirección de Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, DIDT, que tiene entre algunas de sus funciones, facilitar la vinculación e integración de esfuerzos públicos-privados, así como identificar alianzas estratégicas entre entidades nacionales y extranjeras, orientadas a potenciar el mejoramiento competitivo de los sectores productivos, de cara a las exigencias de los mercados abiertos.

    b. Objetivo General
    Contribuir a desarrollar, acelerar y procurar un ambiente y entorno favorable para la innovación empresarial y su desarrollo tecnológico considerando las particularidades de los sectores prioritarios

    c. Objetivos Específicos
    i. Fortalecer las capacidades de los actores del sistema de innovación empresarial.
    ii. Vincular y articular sectorialmente los programas destinados al apoyo competitivo, la innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico, provenientes del sector privado, público y académico.
    iii. Funcionar como mecanismos de interacción sectorial descentralizado para los otros programas de la Estrategia de Fomento de la Producción (ESproductivo) en temas de Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico.
    iv. Generar mecanismos que contribuyan a la mejora y/o diversificación de la oferta de productos y servicios.

    d. Descripción del Proyecto
    El programa de “Células Sectoriales”, tiene la finalidad de establecer equipos de operación en conjunto con la empresa privada para lograr un mecanismo ágil y de rápido despliegue, asimismo, con la metodología necesaria para apoyar a los sectores productivos del país, en la producción de iniciativas innovadoras y proyectos que cuenten con los componentes de desarrollo tecnológico.

    e. Avances 2011 por Objetivo Específico
    i. Fortalecer las capacidades de los actores del sistema de innovación empresarial:
    ? Mensualmente se capacitan alrededor de 30 empresas en la elaboración de planes de negocios para proyectos innovadores y/o tecnologías aplicables al sector productivo o de servicio.
    ? Asistencias técnicas con expertos internacionales: dos empresas del sector alimentos y bebidas, pertenecientes a los subsectores de bebidas y alimentos étnicos.
    ? Asistencias técnicas con expertos nacionales: al menos una mensual.

    ii. Vincular y articular sectorialmente los programas destinados al apoyo competitivo, la innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico, provenientes del sector privado, público y académico:
    ? Se ha articulado 3 programas provenientes del sector público, privado y académico, que han atendido a 30 empresas en temas como: desarrollo empresarial, formulación de proyectos para fondeo y desarrollo de imagen empresarial.
    ? Se han vinculado a Fondos (FONDEPRO): 7 empresas, con iniciativas de inversión que van desde los US$2,500 a los US$50,000. La meta es vincular 6 empresas mensualmente.
    ? CDMYPE: se está desarrollando trabajo conjunto con 3 empresas del sector turismo, y 1 de alimentos y bebidas, para la elaboración de planes de negocios y posterior fondeo.
    ? Proinnova: 6 empresas para desarrollarles
    • Date:  11/27/2012    Paragraphs: 13
    En el marco del cumplimiento a este mandato, el Ministerio de Economía de El Salvador, retoma iniciativas que tengan impacto nacional a través de encadenamientos productivos, las cuales contribuyen a la mejora de la competitividad:
    Elaboración de estudios para desarrollar la cadena de valor en cada uno de los sectores económicos estratégicos, describiendo sus respectivas etapas:
    a. Diagnóstico y análisis.
    b. Formulación de soluciones: descripción de los proyectos detonantes.
    c. Implementación de los proyectos y el plan de acción general.

    Desarrollar el programa nacional de formación empresarial que permita unificar cadenas productivas sectoriales a través de la conformación de consorcios de compra - venta y desarrollo de clústeres. Se pretende realizar negociaciones directas con empresarios para obtener mejores precios, volúmenes y otras condiciones contractuales para lograr la disminución de costos de realizar operaciones individualmente.

    Gestionar la integración vertical en los sectores estratégicos del Ministerio de Economía. Se pretende dinamizar la economía por medio de la sustitución paulatina de los insumos importados por productos locales. Además, el programa reduce el costo de las empresas por transporte e inventarios, y la disminución en tiempos de entrega; implementándose un modelo de gestión vertical justo a tiempo.

    Desarrollo de capacidad técnica y empresaria para facilitar la consolidación de las oportunidades de negocios para empresas mediante el suministro de bienes y servicios, el acompañamiento de proveedores en la implementación de planes de mejora y la generación de valor a partir de la construcción de relaciones de confianza que mejoren la productividad.
    • Date:  11/27/2012    Paragraphs: 20
    Con el objetivo de lograr el desarrollo del sector empresarial y la reducción de la pobreza, El Salvador ha iniciado la organización de la autogestión comunitaria, y así lograr mayores niveles de desarrollo humano, económico y social en los sectores más vulnerables del país. Para lograr esto, se busca que el desarrollo se fundamente en la colaboración solidaria y el emprendedurismo asociativo, necesarios para potenciar las actividades productivas de las comunidades.
    Dentro de los programas con los que se cuenta para alcanzar este objetivo se mencionan:
    Identificación y acompañamiento de iniciativas económicas productivas en las comunidades con potencial de desarrollo, priorizando los sectores: agroindustrial, agropecuario y turístico productivo, contribuyendo a convertirlas en fuentes de crecimiento económico sostenible para el área geográfica en que se desarrolla.
    Consiste en la formalización de un conjunto de Iniciativas Económicas Comunitarias (IEC) que pueden formar eslabones de una pequeña cadena productiva, formando un Asocio Productivo Comunitario (APC). Son IEC que se complementan entre sí para llevar a cabo acciones económicas bajo las mismas premisas y objetivos, con el fin de obtener mejores beneficios, permitiendo en el mediano plazo, poder ingresar al mercado de exportación.
    De esta forma, se facilita la incorporación o apertura de nuevos mercados, la gestión del financiamiento, las capacitaciones, las asistencias técnicas y las tecnológicas, asimismo, obtener mejor información de los mercados (ferias, ruedas de negocios, festividades públicas), generar más empleo, tener más y mejores contactos.
    Identificación, articulación, acompañamiento y gestión de proyectos que mejoren la competitividad y sostenibilidad del territorio, sus recursos e infraestructuras como base y fundamento del desarrollo económico y social, a partir del aprovechamiento de los recursos internos y las oportunidades que ofrece el entorno.
    • Date:  11/26/2012    Paragraphs: 7

    Como parte de los esfuerzos del Gobierno de El Salvador para dar seguimiento a este mandato, se creó el Fondo de Desarrollo Productivo (FONDEPRO), a través del Ministerio de Economía (MINEC), el cual tiene como objetivo el incentivar la competitividad empresarial en los mercados nacional, regional e internacional, mediante el otorgamiento de un cofinanciamiento no reembolsable del costo total de una iniciativa empresarial, la cual debe estar vinculada al desarrollo de mercados en el exterior, a la calidad, a las cadenas productivas con enfoque de valor, a la asociatividad, la innovación y la tecnología, incluyendo la adopción y la incorporación de mejoras tecnológicas y el emprendimiento dinámico (capital semilla).

    Este cofinanciamiento consiste en un aporte ----financiero para el desarrollo de una iniciativa empresarial, la cual es ejecutada por el inversionista inicialmente en un 100% con sus propios recursos, posteriormente, el Fondo le reembolsa los gastos realizados en el porcentaje de cofinanciamiento aprobado. Este cofinanciamiento autorizado es no reembolsable, por lo que no se espera un retorno monetario, pero sí la generación de un impacto y crecimiento económico del país a través del fortalecimiento de la competitividad de las empresas, así como el incremento de las exportaciones, la generación de más y mejores empleos, el incremento en ventas, el desarrollo de nuevos productos y nuevos mercados, entre otros objetivos.
    1. Líneas de apoyo
    Adicionalmente, y con el propósito de brindar apoyo integral acorde a las necesidades competitivas de los empresarios y contribuir con el desarrollo económico de las empresas de menor tamaño, el Fondo apoya las actividades relacionadas en las siguientes líneas de apoyo:
    a. Innovación y Tecnología
    Es la innovación de productos (bienes y servicios) o de los procesos productivos, que permitan a la empresa incorporar nuevos conocimientos y/o tecnologías de investigación, gestión, producción en pro de la transferencia tecnológica que conlleve a su mejoramiento competitivo, como por ejemplo:
    ? Diagnósticos para hacer nuevos procesos para dar cumplimiento a las normativas de calidad (de todo el proceso de producción, empacado, enviñetado, entre otros).
    ? Diseño, mejoramiento y certificación de productos.
    ? Investigación y desarrollo de tecnologías de nuevos productos, bienes y servicios.
    ? Innovación de nuevos productos y procesos.
    ? Adopción de tecnología, maquinaria y equipo, siempre que permitan a la empresa dar saltos tecnológicos, elaborar nuevos productos, desarrollar nuevos procesos o pasar de procesos manuales a semiautomáticos y automáticos.

    b. Calidad y Productividad
    Es la implantación de actividades de calidad y productividad, orientadas al fortalecimiento de los sistemas de operación en el sector privado, incluyendo actividades de producción eficiente y de producción más limpia. Ejemplo de actividades elegibles en esta línea son la elaboración de diagnósticos, implementaciones, auditorias y certificaciones en:
    ? BMP (Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura).
    ? HACCP (Sistema de análisis de peligros y de puntos críticos de control).
    ? ISO (Organización Internacional de Normalización)

    c. Cadenas Productivas con enfoque de Valor y Asociatividad
    Estas son actividades relacionadas con la conformación y desarrollo de grupos asociativos para exportación, desarrollo de proveedores, cadenas productivas y otras formas de asociatividad empresarial que fortalezca la competitividad, como por ejemplo:
    ? Asesoría de un gerente de exportación para un grupo asociativo.
    ? Plan de comercialización realizado por un asesor externo para el grupo.

    d. Desarrollo de Mercado
    Son actividades que tienen como objetivo facilitar la prospección, penetración y consolidación de mercados internacionales, como lo son:
    ? Realización de estudios de mercado en el exterior.
    ? Investigación y desarrollo de nuevos productos exportables.
    ? Identificación y diseño de empaques, material de presentación y embalaje para mercados extranjeros.
    ? Participación en ferias internacionales y misiones comerciales.
    ? Actividades elegibles que culminen en la conversión de un negocio salvadoreño en una franquicia.

    e. Emprendimiento Dinámico - Capital Semilla
    Consiste en fomentar el surgimiento de nuevos emprendedores mediante la asignación de cofinanciamiento no reembolsable en su etapa de puesta en marcha a proyectos de negocios innovadores con alto potencial de crecimiento. Se apoyan actividades como:
    ? Actualización del Plan de Negocios.
    ? Constitución legal de la empresa.
    ? Desarrollo y prueba de prototipos.
    ? Registro de marcas y/o patentes.
    ? Estudios especializados de mercado.
    ? Prospección comercial y tecnológica.
    ? Promoción comercial.
  • Grenada
  • Guatemala
    • Reports
    • Date:  7/20/2011    Paragraphs: 7
    La planificación para el desarrollo se concibe como un instrumento al servicio de las sociedades para ordenar y priorizar la inversión pública para garantizar la calidad de vida de la población. El Gobierno de Guatemala por medio de la Secretaría de Planificación y Programación de la Presidencia, trabaja en implementar el Sistema Nacional de Planificación a través de la vinculación del marco de políticas para el desarrollo entre la planificación territorial y sectorial con el presupuesto de ingresos y egresos de la Nación. Se ha priorizado el fortalecimiento de las capacidades institucionales del organismo Ejecutivo, de las municipalidades y de los Consejos de Desarrollo, así como la participación de la población en los territorios, para la elaboración de los planes de desarrollo municipal, departamental y regional.
    El esfuerzo está orientado a que la planificación e inversión sectorial, municipal, de los Consejos de Desarrollo y el apoyo de la cooperación internacional, respondan a la misma visión que fue plasmada en el trabajo participativo entre la ciudadanía y autoridades.
    Estos planes, presentados oficialmente a la sociedad guatemalteca el pasado 13 de abril 2011, recogen las necesidades más sentidas de los territorios y propone las acciones que les permitirán alcanzar los Objetivos Del Milenio y un desarrollo sostenible y con calidad democrática.
    A lo largo del período 2008-2010, la economía guatemalteca enfrentó condiciones adversas derivadas de la crisis económica mundial, ésta fue atendida mediante la implementación del Programa Nacional de Emergencia y Recuperación Económica (PNERE), tratando de aminorar su impacto económico-social. Entre las medidas que contemplaba el Programa se priorizaban 11 políticas sectoriales y más de 80 acciones específicas, las cuales en conjunto buscaban:
    - La generación de empleo a través de la construcción de infraestructura pública, apoyo a la inversión privada y la diversificación productiva.
    - Brindar protección social a los sectores más vulnerables, principalmente a las personas en pobreza extrema del país.
    - Mantener los balances macroeconómicos y la salud del sistema financiero.
    -Garantizar la transparencia en el gasto público y fortalecer el clima de negocios.
    La implementación del Programa se ejecutó dentro de un margen limitado de maniobra: en el ámbito nacional estuvo caracterizado por la ausencia de amplios consensos sociales alrededor de la agenda económica de recuperación; la difícil viabilidad política de cualquier propuesta en un contexto de polarización social y política; la oposición de algunos sectores a un fortalecimiento del papel regulador y promotor del Estado y la limitada disponibilidad de recursos para financiar dicho programa. Por su parte, en el ámbito internacional sobresale la severidad de la crisis económica que afectó las principales economías con las cuales Guatemala mantiene relaciones comerciales (Estados Unidos, Europa, México y Centro América), afectando fuertemente su sector externo.
    Para la consecución de los resultados anteriores fue necesaria la movilización de recursos de préstamos externos, en cuyo caso cobró vital importancia la modalidad de apoyo presupuestario, ya que permitió darle cierta flexibilidad al presupuesto; el apoyo de la cooperación internacional fue vital, además de las medidas implementadas en el fortalecimiento de la administración tributaria y la optimización del manejo de caja.
    • Date:  7/20/2011    Paragraphs: 12
    Promoción del Comercio Exterior
    El programa Foguami que opera con fondos de donantes internacionales, apoya al Ministerio de Economía en la promoción del comercio exterior a través de diferentes componentes que pretenden el fortalecimiento institucional con herramientas para el apoyo del sector empresarial:
    Inteligencia de Mercados:
    Consolidación de la Unidad de Inteligencia de Mercados y del Sistema de Información Unificado para la identificación de nuevos mercados, información de productos y mercados, asesoría técnica y enlaces comerciales.
    Fortalecimiento de la Capacidad Negociadora:
    Capacitación en negociaciones comerciales para 48 negociadores y expertos del sector público y privado en las distintas ramas del comercio exterior, 39 públicos y 9 privados.
    Capacitación en derecho de integración económica, fortalecimiento de 30 técnicos en integración económica centroamericana: 22 públicos y 8 privados.
    Fortalecimiento al Sistema Nacional de Calidad:
    Estrategia y diagnósticos: Conformación de la estrategia nacional de la calidad para Guatemala, elaboración de 4 propuestas para fortalecimiento institucional y de servicios, reforma a la ley del sistema nacional de calidad, política nacional de metrología, autonomía de la OGA; diagnóstico para la facilitación de laboratorios de Guatemala y estudios de fortalecimiento de servicios del sistema nacional de calidad.
    Equipamiento de tecnología de punta: para las siguientes instituciones: Cename (laboratorio), Coguanor (unidad de metrología), Maga (laboratorios), Dirección de normas y regulaciones e Intecap.
    Certificación Internacional en normas ISO/IEC: formación en procesos para la certificación de productos, organismos de inspección y laboratorios de ensayo y calibración: 68 personas capacitadas.
    Fomento a la Inversión Extranjera:
    Incorporación de la Inversión en Política de Comercio Exterior: Análisis de sectores, países socios y política de inversiones.
    Apoyo al organismo que atiende la atracción de inversión extranjera directa: A través de Invest in Guatemala, incorporación del sistema de información unificado.
    Apoyo a la estrategia de atracción de inversión extranjera: Se ha propiciado la vinculación entre inversionistas extranjeros y guatemaltecos a través de tours de familiarización para co-inversionistas y tour operadores especializados, citas y ruedas de negocios.
    La SEGEPLAN desea resaltar los esfuerzos que el país ha realizado en materia de apropiación, que ha sido acompañado de la puesta en marcha de planes nacionales de desarrollo, como el Sistema Nacional de Planificación impulsado por la SEGEPLAN, para “canalizar de mejor manera las políticas y maximizar el uso de los fondos estatales o de la cooperación internacional.”
    También existen avances palpables referentes al diálogo político entre los cooperantes y el gobierno, como lo muestra el establecimiento de la Mesa Sectorial de Coordinación de la Cooperación Internacional, siendo un espacio de diálogo político entre ambos actores y que ha mejorado las relaciones en torno a la Cooperación Internacional Guatemala ha impulsado el dialogo en la región, tomando como punto de partida el “Taller Subregional: Eficacia de la Cooperación “ Capítulo Centroamérica, donde participó la región Centroamericana y República Dominicana para abordar diversos temas para enfrentar los desafíos de desigualdad, déficit social y con fuertes tareas de cohesión social pendientes.
    En materia de cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, Guatemala presentó en noviembre de 2010, ante los países asistentes a la Reunión Plenaria de Alto Nivel sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, celebrada en Nueva York, el 20 de septiembre de 2010, los principales resultados del III Informe de Avances en el Cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, que incluye además de los indicadores originales, los incorporados a partir del 15 de enero de 2008, referidos al empleo pleno, la salud reproductiva y el acceso universal a antirretrovirales, además de un examen de la situación de los asentamientos precarios urbanos en Guatemala.
    • Date:  7/20/2011    Paragraphs: 13
    El Gobierno de Guatemala a través del Ministerio de Agricultura Ganadería y Alimentación-MAGA- ha facilitado a los productores de la agroindustria frutícola, los procesos tecnológicos agroindustriales en la búsqueda de la competitividad en el mercado globalizado, el Proyecto Desarrollo de la Fruticultura y Agroindustria -PROFRUTA-, durante el año 2010 se han atendido 9,247 hectáreas con plantaciones frutales anteriormente establecidas, a través de 2,340 eventos de asistencia técnica y 185 eventos de capacitación en aspectos de establecimiento, manejo, cosecha y postcosecha a plantaciones frutícolas en los 22 departamentos del país, para la atención de 2,686 mujeres y 4,281 hombres productores, con una inversión de Q.4.76 millones.
    El Plan de Acción para la Modernización y Fomento de la Agricultura Bajo Riego -PLAMAR-, a través de su Programa de Desarrollo Integral con potencial de Riego y Drenaje -DIAPRYD-, cuenta con fondos no reembolsables consistentes en la pre inversión, capacitación y asistencia técnica en riego; así como fondos reembolsables consistentes en el crédito que se le otorga a los beneficiarios; el crédito contempla dos años de gracia y cinco años para pago de capital en cultivos anuales y cuatro años de gracia y cinco años para pago de capital para cultivos permanentes.
    Durante el año 2010 se realizaron 236 estudios de factibilidad; así mismo la incorporaron 414 hectáreas bajo sistemas de riego, en beneficio de 1,326 mujeres y 1,766 hombres, con una inversión de Q.13.10 millones.
    A través del Fondo Nacional para la Reactivación y Modernización de la Actividad Agropecuaria -FONAGRO-, se han desembolsado Q.7.82 millones para el financiamiento de 11 proyectos productivos, beneficiando a 215 mujeres y 3,936 hombres, en tres Departamentos.
    El Programa para la Dinamización de Economías Campesinas -PECAS-, realizó 159 eventos de asistencia técnica en beneficio de 491 mujeres y 289 hombres, como seguimiento a proyectos productivos agropecuarios establecidos en el año 2009, con un presupuesto de Q.3.29 millones.
    Con el Proyecto Centro Maya, se ejecutaron acciones en 10 municipios del departamento de Petén, por medio de asistencia técnica agrícola en 519 hectáreas de cultivos tradicionales, no tradicionales y productos no maderables bajo el bosque, en beneficio de 155 mujeres y 331 hombres, así mismo se ha brindado asistencia técnica en el fortalecimiento de 75 organizaciones de mujeres productoras, beneficiando a 1,871 mujeres; se han desarrollado 157 eventos de capacitación en los temas de manejo forestal, agropecuario y género, beneficiando a 1,948 mujeres y 373 hombres, con un inversión de Q.2.58 millones.
    En cuanto al tema de transporte se implemento el Sistema Electrónico de Pago (Pre Pago) en el Transporte Extraurbano de Pasajeros por Carretera, la autorización de nuevas líneas de transporte público extraurbano de pasajeros, actualización del Reglamento de Control de Pesos y Dimensiones de Vehículos Automotores y sus Combinaciones, autorizado mediante Acuerdo Gubernativo No. 379 de fecha 28 de enero de 2011, el cual permite la circulación de vehículos con cargas ligeramente altas que representan menores costos de operación, propiciando la competitividad en el comercio y generando fuentes de empleo.
    Con el apoyo de la SIECA y en coordinación con todos los países de Centroamérica se ha logrado la formulación y aprobación de los siguientes manuales:
    - Manual Centroamericano de Normas para la Revisión Mecánica de Vehículos para la Seguridad Vial.
    - Manual Centroamericano de Normas para el Transporte Terrestre de Mercancías y Residuos Peligrosos para la Seguridad Vial e Industrial.
    - Propuestas formuladas para mejorar la eficiencia, productividad y profesionalización de pequeños y medianos transportistas terrestres.
    - Plan de Modernización del Sistema Institucional y Empresarial del Transporte Terrestre en Centroamérica.
    La ejecución de proyectos de infraestructura vial, la inversión para el año 2010 fue de Q 1, 711.86 millones que generaron un total estimado de 11,412 empleos directos y 57,060 empleos indirectos.
    A través de la Unidad de Conservación Vial, COVIAL se ha impulsado la generación de empleos de mano de obra no calificada en actividades de limpia, chapeo y bacheo de carreteras, derivado de la redefinición de funciones de la COVIAL mediante la emisión del Acuerdo Gubernativo No. 5-2010 de fecha 19 de enero de 2010.
    Para la atención en casos de emergencia se ha permitido el acceso de pequeñas y medianas empresas en las tareas de reconstrucción, lo cual general empleo y permite un desarrollo empresarial equitativo.
    En el marco del Proyecto Mesoamérica y con el apoyo del BID, se vienen realizando proyectos en materia de transporte, donde el más importante es el mejoramiento del Corredor Pacífico, en donde se mueve más del 70% del comercio regional y la meta es convertirlo en una carretera 5 estrellas para el año 2015.
    En el área de comunicaciones, las actividades están orientadas a la concesión en usufructo de frecuencia radioeléctricas y ejecución de proyectos de telefonía rural además se presta a través de la empresa concesionaria Correo de Guatemala, un servicio de correspondencia eficaz y accesible en toda la República, con tarifas de cobro justo, tanto a nivel nacional e internacional al que está comprometido el Estado de Guatemala, como consecuencia de los convenios y tratados vigentes con la unión Postal Universal y Unión Postal de las Américas.
    En el sector de telecomunicaciones se ha continuado con un crecimiento importante contemplando la participación del sector privado, lo que ha traído beneficios importantes, para el año 2010 la penetración de la telefonía fija era del 10.56% y de la telefonía móvil del 127.33%.
    • Date:  7/20/2011    Paragraphs: 20
    A través del proyecto “Programa de Desarrollo Económico desde lo Rural” que opera el Ministerio de Economía a través de Pronacom, cuyo propósito es el fortalecer a los pequeños productores rurales en zonas geográficas determinadas. A la fecha se ha dado apoyo a 39 asociaciones de pequeños productores, con un total de 6,662 beneficiarios indígenas de diferentes etnias, se han otorgado servicios de desarrollo empresarial por un monto de Q16 millones de quetzales, capital semilla por Q 2.3 millones, capital productivo por un monto de Q25.7 millones para un total de presupuesto ejecutado por Q44 millones.
  • Guyana
    • Reports
    • Date:  11/24/2010    Paragraphs: 12
    1. Guyana ensures that health care delivery is based on equity and accountability. The Ministry of Health strives to improve the physical, social and mental health status of all Guyanese and non-Guyanese residing in Guyana by ensuring that health services are as accessible, acceptable, affordable, timely and appropriate as possible given available resources and that the effectiveness of health personnel is enhanced through continuing education, training and management systems.
    2. Guyana had prepared a “National Health Sector Strategy 2008-12 (NHSS 2008-12)” that sets out the government's plans for providing equitable access to high quality and 'consumer-friendly' health services. The strategy covers all health care provided in the country by public, private and voluntary services and is guided by the values and principles outlined in the National Development Plan and the Poverty Alleviation Strategy i.e. to protect the most vulnerable and assure sustainability, accountability and transparency in government-led processes.
    4. Maternal health will be enhanced with a full Women's Health Programme, introducing services for pre-conception, safer motherhood, and early detection of breast and cervical cancer, whilst continuing to integrate other vertically delivered services into the Integrated Management of Common Childhood Illnesse (IMCI). Obstetric care is to be improved with an enhanced package of services standardized at all hospitals, and C-section capacity developed for all Regional Hospitals.
    5. Safer motherhood will be strengthened through inter-sectoral and inter-agency collaboration, and through promotion of community support groups in, for example, breastfeeding and HIV counselling. Maternity services will be stratified further to improve quality at the various levels from basic care to comprehensive obstetic services, to simplify provision of the right equipment and supplies, to ensure equity in the distribution of trained skilled staff, to reinforce management of high risk cases, and to develop a functional referral system. Training in emergency obstetric care will be done at all levels of the health care system. Provision of mosquito nets for mothers and children will greatly reduce malaria morbidity.
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
    • Reports
    • Date:  4/1/2012    Paragraphs: 20
    Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas.
    El Sector de las Instituciones de Micro nanzas se orientan a prestar servicios nancieros a la Micro Pequeña y Mediana Empresa, así como a personas de bajos ingresos que no son atendidos por el sistema bancario tradicional. Estas instituciones mantienen una cartera de $ 196.90 millones de dólares estadounidenses y atienden a 177,387 MiPyMEs.

    La importancia de las MiPyMEs en la estructura productiva nacional implica que el efecto de su dinamismo y de la calidad de los productos y servicios que ofrece trasciende a los trabajadores involucrados directamente en su operación, y se extiende e impacta la competitividad nacional y la generación y distribución del ingreso.

    Los esfuerzos realizados por el Gobierno de Honduras han generado los logros signicativos en los procesos de simplicación administrativa:

    • A partir del 2009 la mayoría de las instituciones gubernamentales facilitan a través de sus portales electrónicos los formularios para la realización de trámites, información sobre requisitos, guías y manuales, entre otros.

    • En el segundo semestre del 2009, el Programa Nacional de Competitividad Honduras Compite, entregó equipo de cómputo por valor de 14.3 millones de lempiras para acelerar distintos procesos de simplificación administrativa, lo que permitió el establecimiento de “ventanillas únicas” en las Instituciones, para profundizar la simplificación de trámites, como el permiso de operación y establecimiento de empresas.

    • La Municipalidad de San Pedro Sula, inauguró en el año 2011 la Ventanilla Única Permifácil, para simplificar el otorgamiento de permisos de construcción, reduciendo los trámites de 30 días a 20 minutos. Esta iniciativa se desarrolló con el apoyo de la Corporación Financiera Internacional (IFC) miembro del grupo Banco Mundial.

    • El tiempo para la obtención de Licencias Ambientales se redujo significativamente, entre los años 2009-2011, tal como se aparece a continuación:

    Proyectos Categoría I: De 3 meses a 1-9 días hábiles.
    Proyectos Categoría II: Más de 3 meses a 10 días hábiles.
    Proyectos Categoría III: Más de 3 meses a 30 días hábiles.

    • En la Secretaría de Industria y Comercio actualmente Ssecuenta con una ventanilla única en la que participan en el Centro de Trámites de Exportaciones (CENTREX) las Instituciones involucradas en estos trámites son:

    o Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (Sanidad Animal y Sanidad Vegetal)
    o Banco Central de Honduras (Departamento Internacional)
    o Secretaría de Industria y Comercio (Dirección General de Sectores Productivos)
    o Dirección Ejecutiva de Ingresos (DEI)
    o Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (OIRSA).

    • En el presente año 2012, se actualizó el Manual de Requisitos para Constituir y Operar una Empresa en Honduras, a fin de facilitar información que necesitan los inversionistas nacionales y extranjeros.
  • Jamaica
    • Reports
    • Date:  3/21/2012    Paragraphs: 7, 12, 13, 20
    The Jamaican government has taken steps towards achieving sustainable economic growth, guided by the National Development Plan: Vision 2030 Jamaica which was conceptualized in 2009. Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan provides a comprehensive planning framework in which the economic, social, environmental and governance aspects of national development are integrated, and is expected to put Jamaica in a position to achieve developed country status by 2030, guided by the mantra “Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business”. During 2011 the PIOJ continued to build the long-term sustainable framework for the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and communication of the Plan to the wider public. In the area of policy and planning, several results were achieved in 2011; the third year of the 21 year implementation period.
    Institutionalization of Vision 2030 Jamaica
    Over the reporting period, the Plan Development Unit (PDU) which has direct oversight of Vision 2030, continued to advance the process of institutionalization internally within the PIOJ and externally with key Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to embed ownership of, and engender commitment towards the implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica.
    Strategic Cons03/21/2012ultations with MDAs
    In keeping with Cabinet Decision 20/09 which directed all MDAs to align their corporate and operational plans with Vision 2030 Jamaica and the MTF, the PIOJ as the National Focal Point for Vision 2030 Jamaica continued to carry out ongoing meetings with MDAs to facilitate:
    • alignment of the corporate and operational plans of MDAs with Vision 2030 Jamaica and the MTF;
    • alignment of key national policies and strategies with Vision 2030 Jamaica, including the National Minerals Policy (draft) 2010 - 2030 and the State of the Environment Report 2010;
    • the revision and finalisation of performance indicators and targets for key MDAs including the ministries of National Security, Justice, Education, Energy and Mining, Health, Labour and Social Security, and the Environment;
    • progress towards agreement on coordination and reporting requirements.

    Work with the Cabinet Office also continued to complete the alignment of the new Strategic Business Plan templates by the Cabinet Office in FY 2011/ 2012 with the goals and outcomes of Vision 2030 Jamaica, including the explicit alignment with the three (3) year plans and budgets for the eight (8) pilot ministries under the phased establishment of the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System (PMES) in the public sector.
    Also spearheaded by the PIOJ in 2011 were the Growth-Inducement Strategy and the Community Renewal Programme, which were developed as key initiatives aligned with the priority National Outcomes of the MTF in consultation with stakeholders in the public sector, private sector and civil society.

    Establishment of a robust performance monitoring and evaluation system

    Thematic Working Groups
    Thematic Working Groups (TWGs), with membership drawn from the public and private sectors, civil society and international development partners are being established as part of the monitoring and evaluation framework for Vision 2030 Jamaica. TWGs provide a dynamic framework in which to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate strategic priorities and actions; track indicator progress; identify and mobilize resources for the sector or thematic area; promote new policies and projects; share information, knowledge and expertise; and ensure concerted and coordinated technical support towards national development. It is expected that a total of 17 TWGs will be established and that each will meet at least once per quarter. By the end of 2011, the establishment of ten (10) TWGs namely Education and Training; National Security and Justice; Strong Economic Infrastructure; Effective Social Protection; Energy and Minerals Development; Environment and Natural Resources Management; Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change; and Population, Tourism and Health were facilitated.

    Consultations toward an Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
    The Vision 2030 Jamaica monitoring and evaluation framework is being built on existing systems and processes within the public sector. During 2011 several high-level meetings were held with key agencies including the PIOJ, the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service (MFPS) to ensure the integration of Vision 2030 Jamaica into proposed and existing national and sectoral processes and mechanisms for planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation in the public sector. These included:
    • the establishment of the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System (PMES) in the public sector including the proposed development of a Whole of Government Business Plan;
    • the new Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) being introduced in six (6) pilot ministries in FY 2011/2012 to provide a rolling 3-year budget for the public sector; and
    • the Jamaica Public Investment Prioritization System.
    The overall expected outcome is an integrated national framework for monitoring and evaluation which is consistent with current public sector transformation efforts and the Government’s commitment to Results-Based Management (RBM), and which is fully aligned to Vision 2030 Jamaica.
    Capacity Strengthening
    Members of the PDU participated in training to enhance the application and use of the JAMSTATS DevInfo system for national statistics. The JAMSTATS system is used as the database for the framework of national indicators and targets used to track progress under Vision 2030 Jamaica.
    Performance Reporting
    A draft 2-Year Progress Report on Vision 2030 Jamaica for FY 2009/2010 and FY 2010/2011 was finalized. As an integral part of the PIOJ Quarterly Press Briefings during 2011, four quarterly reports were made on the National Dashboard of Indicators introduced in the previous year to track the country’s progress towards the achievement of the national goals articulated in Vision 2030 Jamaica, using the following eight areas of measurement for national development and social well-being: Health Status; Education Status; Labour Force Quality; Security Status; Justice Status; Economic Growth; Employment and Environmental Stewardship Status.
    During the period the full framework of over sixty-two (62) national indicators and targets used to track progress under Vision 2030 Jamaica were updated on the JAMSTATS database, including data time series for available years, baseline values and targets for 2012, 2015 and 2030.
    Commencement of Preparation for the new MTF 2012-2015

    FY 2009/2010 represented the first year of implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica. Vision 2030 and the MTF are now in the third year of implementation. The long-term implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica as approved by Cabinet calls for the preparation of a new MTF for the next three-year period, FY2012/2013 – 2014/2015. Therefore the process to prepare the new Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) for FY2012/2013 to FY2014/2015 commenced in 2011. The new MTF 2012-2015 will provide the strategic framework for development priorities at the national and sectoral levels over the three year period FY2012/2013 to FY2014/2015.
    The steps taken during the period for the preparation of the new MTF 2012-2015 included:
    • the recruitment of a Plan Review Consultant to lead the preparation of the new MTF
    • the establishment of a MTF Planning Committee to provide oversight to preparation of the new MTF
    • the Terms of Reference for the review of MTF 2009-2012 finalized and the procurement process to identify a National Consultant to conduct the MTF Review commenced
    • Preparatory meetings held with key stakeholders including Cabinet Office, Bank of Jamaica, SALISES, National Centre for Youth Development, Social Development Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and JAMPRO
    • the preparation of supporting documentation including a MTF Preparation Brief, draft Jamaica Country Assessment Report, draft Environmental Scanning Report and a draft MTF Progress Report
    The schedule for preparation of MTF 2012-2015 envisages the staging of a Country Assessment Workshop in February 2012 to arrive at consensus among national stakeholders on the main economic, social and environmental issues and challenges for Jamaica’s development over the medium term. It is planned that the draft MTF 2012-2015 will be prepared by April-May 2012 and the final MTF 2012-2015 will be completed for submission to Cabinet by August 2012.
    External Communications and Marketing - Vision 2030 Jamaica
    A range of activities was completed during the period to support the communication programme for Vision 2030 Jamaica. These included:

    Completion of Vision 2030 Jamaica, Popular Version
    The Popular Version of Vision 2030 Jamaica was completed in July 2010, and 37,000 copies printed for distribution to a wide cross-section of stakeholders throughout Jamaica and overseas to broaden awareness of the National Development Plan and mobilize involvement in its implementation. In 2011 a Braille version of the Popular Version of Vision 2030 Jamaica was developed and distributed to agencies for the visually impaired. The PIOJ also collaborated with the Social Development Commission (SDC) to hold a series of sixteen “Train the Trainer” Workshops island wide between November 2010-February 2011 to train SDC staff and community leaders on how to use the Popular Version to apply Vision 2030 Jamaica to development planning at the parish and community levels. At the end of December 2011, approximately 26,957 copies of the Popular Version had been distributed to stakeholders.
    • Date:  3/21/2012    Paragraphs: 7, 12, 13, 20

    In 2010, the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) formulated a growth strategy aimed at inducing economic growth in the short to medium term. The Growth Inducement Strategy (GIS) seeks to “build and sustain an enabling environment for creative and enterprising actors (individuals and firms) to seize emerging opportunities for value-creation” by providing a coherent and comprehensively structured package of strategies and initiatives to systematically address binding structural constraints and achieve sustainable economic growth with social equity. In the current macroeconomic environment and the context of limited fiscal space, three priority “programme themes” which are fully aligned with the long term goals of Vision 2030 Jamaica have been identified to underpin the growth impetus of the 2012/13 – 2014/15 medium term economic programme within the comprehensive strategic framework of the Growth Inducement Strategy. These programme themes are:
    1. Asset Mobilization
    2. Climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Risk Reduction
    3. Community Renewal and Empowerment

    Additionally, specific areas were also proposed as essential components of the growth-inducement strategy for implementation in the short to medium term, some of which are highlighted below.
    Tax Reform

    In the area of tax reform it was proposed that a systematic program of tax reform be embarked on to remove distortionary taxes; simplify the tax code; review the external tariff structure; introduce new mechanisms for collateralizing assets (physical capital, financial assets, and land); and package and privatize government-owned assets. The reforms aim to unlock latent wealth tied up in potentially productive assets and promote entrepreneurial dynamism.
    International Competitiveness

    The GIS proposes that international competitiveness be strengthened via the following media:
    ? an acceleration of the National Energy Policy Action Plan as an urgent priority and a potential game-changer
    ? the continuation of ongoing efforts to lower cost of capital and improve transmission to the productive sector
    ? improvement of productivity of the workforce by ramping up training and labour certification
    ? the promotion of technical innovation (e.g. greenhouse agriculture) through research and development.

    The Business Network Model

    The exploitation of the full potential of the business-network model has also been advocated by the GIS to promote synergies within and among targeted clusters of economic activity, reduce transaction costs and realize economies of scale: including the building and strengthening of value-chain linkages, both backward and forward, among firms (e.g. business incubator network; linkages between tourism, agriculture, agro-processing, and local services (health, sports, food, crafts, entertainment)); and also to spur the emergence of new clusters of activity based on a logistics hub. Immediate gains for increased employment and export earnings are expected to come from front-loaded measures to expand ICT sites.
    Loan Portability

    The GIS proposed that stamp duty be abolished, as it has been proven to hinder the portability of bank loans and in so doing facilitates the sub-optimal functioning. The application of stamp duty on the transfer of loans was also found to act as a constraint on the refinancing of debt, which acts a deterrent for borrowers in shifting from high cost loans to more attractive rates of financing. Changes have been made to the regime of stamp duty and transfer taxes on mortgage loans, such that the refinancing and substitution of mortgages between financial institutions is less costly. This has significantly increased the portability of mortgage loans.

    Secured Transactions

    A secured transactions framework allows borrowers to pledge movable property as security for a loan in a manner that removes ambiguity regarding the property that has been pledged, to whom the property has been pledged, and gives the lender the right to repossess these assets speedily in the event of payment default. It was envisaged that the implementation of the Framework would also lead to a reduction in loan rates as the loan assessment process would be optimized and the degree of risk associated with individual borrowers could be determined. Cabinet has approved the preparation of a new Secure Transactions law and drafting instructions for the preparation of this new law have been issued.
    Credit Bureaus
    The Credit Reporting Act was passed on August 31st, 2010. The notice was signed by the Minister of Finance to bring the Act into effect from October 1, 2010. The Regulations were passed in the Lower House during the first week of November. The original Regulations were revised and these were passed by the Senate on January 13, 2011. The Bank of Jamaica is in receipt of applications from potential Bureau Owners; with approval for the first licence for the establishment of a credit bureau granted by the Minister of Finance in March 2012.
    Land Registration & Titling
    The Land Administration and Management Programme (LAMP) II programme is a Government initiative aimed at assisting owners of land in Jamaica to obtain Certificates of Title and updating the information on existing land titles. The project has been facing a constrained by inadequate capacity at the National Land Agency. Financing also poses another challenge to persons who seek to register property as the average cost of first registration is approximately seventy thousand Jamaican dollars. Private sector firms have been invited to provide financing via loans but have opted to charge commercial rates, resulting in no takers. The National Housing Trust is exploring options to address this situation,
    Probate & Land Transfer
    Stamp duties and transfer taxes attached to the process of probate were reduced in 2011. Estimates have shown that the previous system of probate taxes resulted in as much as 50 – 60 per cent of deceased estates not being probated. This financial constraint has significant equity implications: for many rural poor or vulnerable persons, property bequests represents one of the main sources of non-cash wealth but these are precisely the persons who are least able to afford the cash costs of monetizing their property
    Protection and strengthening of the built environment
    Severe and costly damage (in treasure and human life) is perennially inflicted on Jamaica by hazards arising from both natural and man-made causes, recent experience with tropical storm Nicole being only the latest example. Opportunities now exist to simultaneously reduce such costs and create jobs, by redirecting resources within existing fiscal constraints, through “public works”: infrastructure maintenance and improvement; housing construction.
    Community Renewal Programme
    The Community Renewal Programme (CRP) is aimed at improving the lives of residents in a total of 100 volatile and vulnerable communities in the parishes of Kingston, St. Andrew, St. Catherine, Clarendon and St James. The Programme has been designed as a coordinating mechanism that will bring together various organisations implementing projects/programmes at the community level in order to improve the level of impact of these projects/programmes and, maximise resource efficiency. The CRP has six main components namely: governance, safety and justice, social transformation, socio-economic development, sustainable physical transformation and youth development.
    Consultations have been held with various stakeholders to get their input and identify sources of funding for the various projects being/to be implemented under the programme. Currently, the list of communities to be targeted is being identified using the following criteria: major crimes such as murder, shooting, rape, carnal abuse; violence related injuries; presence of ex-offenders; access for policing (drivable roads, identifiable addresses, forceful prevention of access); poverty levels; grade 4 Literacy results; children at-risk; existence of areas of squatting; and existence of illegitimate electricity and water connections. Additionally, individuals are being recruited to manage the programme and a Secretariat has been established in the Planning Institute of Jamaica to manage the programme.
  • Mexico
    • Reports
    • Date:  5/30/2014    Paragraphs: 7
    • En 2012 el Decreto de Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación asignó para la Igualdad entre Mujeres y Hombres un presupuesto de 889.2 millones de pesos (68 millones de dólares estadounidenses), a programas que tienen acciones a favor de la igualdad de género y 10,184.3 millones de pesos (773 millones de dólares americanos) a programas con acciones a combatir la pobreza. Dentro de estos estudios se realizó el de “Género y pobreza: Escalas de Equivalencia y Escalas de Madrid” en el que se estudia la vulnerabilidad en ingreso y carencias sociales con una perspectiva de género, y se investiga la carga de demanda de cuidados existentes en México.
    • La Secretaría de Educación Pública desarrolló un modelo de incubación social a través del proyecto “Fortalecimiento del emprendimiento social para el combate a la pobreza en México a través de la Red de Incubadoras del Subsistema de Universidades Tecnológicas (RISUT)”, modelo innovado de emprendimiento social con la finalidad de apoyar la generación de empresas que además de ser económicamente rentables, ofrecen empleo a gente de las localidades con alto índice de marginación.
    • Con el objetivo de fortalecer las capacidades productivas y para el acceso a financiamiento de las mujeres, el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres organizó el foro de mujeres empresarias “Mejora la competitividad de tu Empresa”, beneficiando a 185 personas (168 mujeres y 17 hombres). Las actividades incluyeron mesas temáticas sobre los aspectos: comercial, producción, recursos humanos, inversión de los negocios. Se presentó la oferta de capacitación empresarial del Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor (INADEM) y se establecieron redes entre las asistentes por medio de sesiones de networking.
    • Date:  11/30/2010    Paragraphs: 7
    Ciencia y Tecnología
    • Asimismo, ha promovido una regulación del sistema financiero basado en la prevención y la evaluación de riesgos, que propicie la solidez del sistema y evite nuevas crisis financieras. Para incentivar la competencia en el sector, se fomentó la entrada de nuevos participantes al sistema y se amplió la gama de productos y servicios financieros.

    • Date:  11/30/2010    Paragraphs: 12
    • Se realizó un estudio sobre la “Política de Innovación en México” en colaboración con la Organización para la Cooperación
    y el Desarrollo Económico dando como resultado las recomendaciones siguientes:

    o Fortalecer las capacidades regionales de ciencia, tecnología e innovación.
    o Fomentar el desarrollo, inserción y movilidad de recursos humanos altamente calificados.
    o Mejorar la mezcla de instrumentos de política en apoyo a la investigación, desarrollo e innovación empresarial.
    o Fortalecer la investigación pública y fomentar su contribución a la innovación.

    • Date:  11/30/2010    Paragraphs: 20
    Desarrollo Económico
    • Este gobierno se propuso reposicionar a la banca de desarrollo como un instrumento estratégico en el financiamiento del desarrollo económico nacional, impulsando las siguientes estrategias: 1) concentrar la atención en los sectores que enfrentan mayores dificultades para acceder al crédito: las pequeñas y medianas empresas, los productores rurales de ingresos medios y bajos, la infraestructura pública, y la vivienda para la población de menores recursos; 2) fomentar una mayor coordinación con los intermediarios financieros privados; 3) mejorar la coordinación entre bancos de desarrollo y otras dependencias públicas, y 4) promover el crédito a plazos más largos para apoyar la capitalización y la competitividad de las unidades productivas. Asimismo, ante el entorno internacional complejo, durante 2008 y 2009 la banca de desarrollo ha promovido acciones de financiamiento contracíclica al adoptar diversas medidas dirigidas a apoyar transitoriamente a las empresas e intermediarios que han visto limitado la disponibilidad de financiamiento y respaldos que tienen un impacto significativo en la economía, por la contribución a la generación de empleo y competitividad.

    Ciencia y Tecnología
    • Este gobierno se propuso reposicionar a la banca de desarrollo como un instrumento estratégico en el financiamiento del desarrollo económico nacional, impulsando las siguientes estrategias:
    o Concentrar la atención en los sectores que enfrentan mayores dificultades para acceder al crédito.
    o Fomentar una mayor coordinación con los intermediarios financieros privados.
    o Mejorar la coordinación entre bancos de desarrollo y otras dependencias públicas.
    o Promover el crédito a plazos más largos para apoyar la capitalización y la competitividad de las unidades productivas.
    • Related Resources
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
    • Reports
    • Date:  4/13/2012    Paragraphs: 12
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  4/13/2012    Paragraphs: 13
    Information available in Spanish
    • Date:  4/13/2012    Paragraphs: 20
    Information available in Spanish
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
    • Reports
    • Date:  3/5/2012    Paragraphs: 7, 12, 10

    A. Indicador

    Micro y pequeñas empresas de Manchay ya cuenta con Oficina de Mi Empresa. Espacio busca contribuir a mejorar su capacidad de negociación y acercarlos a la formalización.

    Con el objetivo de fortalecer las capacidades técnicas y de gestión e innovación productiva de los trabajadores de la micro y pequeña empresa (MYPE), el Ministerio de la Producción inauguró en el distrito de Manchay, el centro “Mi Empresa”, espacio a través del cual se les orientará para generar y aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades de negocios.

    B. Breve descripción del tema

    Entre los servicios que aquí se impartirán están temas como capacitación en compras del Estado, gestión empresarial moderna, Tecnologías de la Información (TICs), tecnologías innovadoras para mejorar los procesos productivos y especialmente se brindará asesoría para la formalización y constitución de empresas.

    También se les ofrecerá asesoramiento en la formulación de proyectos de innovación tecnológica, en el marco del fondo de Investigación y Desarrollo para la Competitividad (FIDECOM), así como para la conformación de consorcios, asociaciones y cooperativas.

    C. Problemática

    Definir que herramientas podemos utilizar para abordar la crisis económica y financiera actual con el fin de lograr nuestros objetivos de promover la prosperidad humana y garantizar el futuro de nuestros ciudadanos.

    D. Avances, Planes y programas desarrollados para el cumplimiento del mandato

    Además de los espacios creados por 2Mi empresa”, como en el caso mencionado más arriba, el Ministerio de la Producción presta asesoramiento a los microempresarios en su formalización a través de diversos programas y campañas. Estas son difundidas a través del Portal Institucional y la página de Internet de Crecemype.
    • Date:  3/5/2012    Paragraphs: 13, 17, 5

    A. Breve descripción del tema

    Promoción en materia de infraestructura y otros sectores pertinentes con el fin de promover el desarrollo empresarial. En el año 2011 los créditos aprobados registrados en el mes de octubre del presente año alcanzaron la cifra de S/. 487,830, cantidad que permitió superar la meta del mes en 15.41%, por otro lado respecto a la meta anual las colocaciones alcanzadas representaron un avance del 88.73%.

    B. Problemática

    Promover la inclusión, formalización, capacitación, lucha contra la pobreza mientras se mejora la infraestructura.

    C. Avances, Planes y programas desarrollados para el cumplimiento del mandato

    A nivel de programas crediticios, el Programa de “Reflotamiento de E/P” es el de mayor colocación con una participación del 62 %. Los bienes colocados a través de este programa consisten en motores fuera de borda de 60 HP, 50 HP, 40 HP y 15 HP y motores de centro.

    El otro programa con mayor colocación es Acuicultura, a través del cual se financia la adquisición de alimento balanceado para la etapa de engorde de trucha, en las regiones altonandinas de Puno, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Junín, Pasco y Apurímac. Asimismo, el FONDEPES brinda el apoyo financiero a los damnificados de los distintos eventos climatológicos marítimos a través del otorgamiento de créditos en condiciones muy preferenciales.

    Mientras que, a través de su Dirección de Apoyo Financiero – el Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Pesquero (FONDEPES) –, otorga financiamiento para el desarrollo de la Pesca Artesanal y Acuicultura.

    Programas de Crédito que desarrolla el FONDEPES:
    • Programa de Construcción de Embarcaciones Pesqueras.
    • Programa de Reflotamiento de Embarcaciones Pesqueras Artesanales.
    • Programa de Diversificación de la Pesca Artesanal.
    • Programa de Equipamiento de Embarcaciones Pesqueras Artesanales.
    • Programa de Apoyo a la Pesca en Aguas Continentales.
    • Programa de Promoción a la Acuicultura.
    • Programa de Comercialización de Productos Hidrobiológicos.
    • Programa de Vehículos Isotérmicos para el transporte de Productos Hidrobiológicos.
    • Programas de Emergencia

    Otro programa importante es Mi Empresa. Este plan ha desarrollado acciones que permiten implementar acciones a favor de las MYPE, con la finalidad de contribuir al incremento de la productividad de la misma, a través de servicios de desarrollo empresarial, promoción y acceso a la formalización, promoción de la asociatividad.

    Mi Empresa, entre otras acciones, ha permitido:
    • La implementación de 14 servicios de capacitación y/o asistencia técnica integral (técnico productivo, TICS, calidad y normas técnicas)
    • La implementación de 253 servicios de capacitación para el trabajador MYPE en aspectos técnico productivo.
    • La realización de 500 eventos de capacitación y/o asistencia técnica a los conductores MYPE en TICS.
    • La puesta en marche de servicios de Información a 42430 MYPE, para que accedan a las compras estatales.
    • 12571 eventos de sensibilización por ejes temáticos (calidad y certificación, cooperativas, formalización, compras estatales, financiamiento, asociatividad.)
    • 45330 servicios de orientación y asesoría para formalización empresarial.
    • 2170 capacitaciones en temas de contrataciones del estado a las MYPE.
    • 17 eventos de sensibilización dirigida al personal logístico del Estado, con la finalidad de mantener la cuota del 40% de las compras del estado destinadas a las MYPE.
    • 173 asistencias técnicas a MYPE para formular perfiles de proyectos – INNÓVATE PERÚ.
    • La realización de 17 talleres de transferencia de la metodología de constitución de empresas y sistemas informáticos SIGE e ID.
    • Date:  3/5/2012    Paragraphs: 20, 18, 72

    A. Indicador

    El Ministerio de la Producción culminará en Enero del 2012 la elaboración de su nuevo Plan Estratégico Sectorial (PESEM) 2012-2016, el cual tendrá como énfasis central la inclusión productiva. Esta acción se enmarca en el proceso de reestructuración del Produce y en línea con la hoja de ruta del Gobierno.

    B. Breve descripción del tema

    El Ministerio de la Producción viene realizando una serie de reuniones y talleres donde participan el titular del Sector, José Urquizo, así como los líderes de los despachos viceministeriales de Pesquería y Mype e Industria.

    De la misma manera, la alta dirección y directores generales del Ministerio de la Producción, trabajadores en general, especialistas e intelectuales, al igual que los presidentes Ejecutivos de los organismos públicos sectoriales como son el Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), Instituto Tecnológico Pesquero (ITP), y el Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Pesquero (FONDEPES).

    A través del nuevo PESEM se podrán conocer los nuevos lineamientos, políticas, estrategias, indicadores, metas, entre otros, que permitirán al Produce ser el principal ente de apoyo del sector pesquero, microempresas, industria y cooperativas a nivel nacional.

    C. Problemática

    Como desarrollar e implementar políticas y programas de protección e inclusión social que den prioridad a personas que viven en condiciones de pobreza y vulnerabilidad.

    D. Avances, Planes y programas desarrollados para el cumplimiento del mandato

    A partir de las estrategias relevadas y consideradas en los planes de Gobierno se elaboró el PESEM 2012 – 2016, el cual se encuentra en etapa final de revisión para su publicación.

    PRODUCE busca Fomento de la innovación, incremento de la competitividad y promoción del desarrollo social. Fortalecimiento de vínculos entre diversas instituciones del país, así como generar desarrollo productivo con inclusión social.

    En este sentido, el Ministerio de la Producción ha propiciado y apoyado la creación de parques industriales que están destinados a convertirse en el soporte del crecimiento económico, pues están conformados por pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) que han permitido atenuar en el mercado interno los efectos de la crisis internacional.

    (Ver Anexos – Mandato 20. Gráfico 1)

    En el marco de la iniciativa Produce Dialoga, el ministro se reunió con representantes de gremios empresariales a quienes ofreció brindar asistencia técnica para la formulación del proyecto del parque industrial para la región. El Ministerio de la Producción va a brindar asesoría a los emprendedores para que puedan acceder a Procompite, ley que permite a los gobiernos regionales y locales a invertir en proyectos productivos.

    Asimismo convocará a la Dirección de Competitividad y al programa de Financiamiento para la Innovación, la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FINCyT) para brindar apoyo y asesoramiento a los empresarios en la elaboración de proyectos de innovación. Las iniciativas que se formulen serán presentadas durante la nueva convocatoria del Fondo de Investigación y Desarrollo para la Competitividad (Fidecom). También se viene facilitando el acceso a la capacitación a través de los Centros de Innovación Tecnológica (Cite), iniciando con los rubros de calzado y madera de la región. Como parte del plan operativo del Ministerio de la Producción se tiene programado que en marzo se instalará la mesa técnica regional de metalmecánica en Huánuco, la cual permitirá recoger las demandas del rubro en mención.

    Respecto al sector pesca, el Ministerio de la Producción realizará una evaluación de los recursos hídricos de la región, para determinar el potencial de las actividades de acuicultura. Recordó que la Dirección General de Acuicultura se comprometió a participar activamente en el repoblamiento de las truchas en la Región. Paralelas a las acciones de repoblamiento se brindan capacitaciones en cultivo, traslado de peces, aclimatación, calidad de agua, formulación de alimentos balanceados, proyectos de inversión acuícola y desarrollo de micro y pequeñas empresas (mypes) acuícolas.

    Se vienen realizando coordinaciones con las regiones para repotenciar el Consejo Regional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (Coremype), indicándoles que ello permitirá proponer planes y programas en favor de la competitividad y desarrollo de las mypes de la zona.
    • Date:  3/5/2012    Paragraphs: 7, 8, 13

    Acción 1.
    Tratamiento y administración de la deuda pública.

    Descripción del tema

    El Ministerio de Economía ha implementado el Programa Anual de Endeudamiento y de Administración de Deuda (PAEAD), que tiene por objeto contribuir a brindar transparencia y predictibilidad al mercado sobre la orientación de la política de endeudamiento, a fin de apoyar a los agentes económicos en el proceso de toma de decisiones de inversión.

    Asimismo, el PAED brinda los elementos para un mayor entendimiento sobre las razones que sustentan las acciones que se han venido adoptando.


    La dinámica de los mercados y los avances obtenidos en los últimos años, plantean hoy nuevos retos que implicarán algunas variaciones respecto a la estrategia que se ha venido siguiendo, la misma que además de cautelar los riesgos del portafolio, apoyará al fortalecimiento del desarrollo del mercado de capitales doméstico como eje estratégico importante.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    El balance es positivo y alentador, en la medida que los niveles alcanzados en el 2011 superan los rangos alcanzados en los PAEAD dentro del periodo 2008-2010.

    Durante el Año Fiscal 2011, se han venido aplicando esencialmente las líneas matrices de la política que se viene implementando en los últimos años, la misma que ha permitido que la composición de los pasivos públicos experimente cambios cualitativos importantes que han contribuido a reducir la vulnerabilidad de las finanzas públicas frente a shocks externos adversos en los mercados financieros, y a fortalecer patrimonialmente al Estado.

    Acción 2.
    Prevención de crisis financieras

    Descripción del tema

    La competencia del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, en lo que respecta a mitigar las secuelas de las crisis financieras, está asociada a la función de procurar que los recursos del mercado de capitales nacional e internacional, puedan respaldar las necesidades de liquidez que puedan generarse con la ocurrencia de crisis financieras de alcance nacional y/o internacional.


    Una visión retrospectiva del comportamiento de las necesidades de financiamiento, muestra que aún desde dos años previos a la crisis financiera desatada en el año 2008 e inclusive en ese año, ya se generaban superávits fiscales que hubiesen cubierto en exceso el pago de las amortizaciones respectivas del país, situación altamente positiva para el Perú.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    En el marco de ese periodo 2008-2010, la política de endeudamiento se constituyó en una herramienta para implementar una política fiscal contracíclica, cuyos beneficios han sido especialmente evidentes en los años en los que el mercado se tornó más volátil e ilíquido por efectos de la crisis.

    Acción 3.
    Ejecución de planes de estímulo económico.

    Descripción del tema

    El buen desempeño macroeconómico del país le ha permitido reducir el ratio de la deuda pública, de manera tal que la deuda pública ya no representa un problema importante. El ratio de deuda/PBI se habría reducido de 33% en el año 2006 a 21.8% a fines del 2011. Se estima que para el año 2012 el ratio se encuentre ligeramente por debajo del 21%, teniendo en cuenta la coyuntura internacional actual.


    Si bien se proyecta una disminución del ratio deuda/PBI para el año 2012, es necesario que el país conserve un ritmo de crecimiento económico favorable y se mantenga alerta en cuento a posibles necesidades de financiamiento que se podría tener ante una posible crisis internacional, que le permita mitigar los efectos negativos de la misma.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Actividad 1: Plan de Estímulo Económico (PEE) 2009 - 2010

    Fue puesto en ejecución en el 2009 con el objetivo de mitigar el impacto de la crisis internacional sobre la economía local y salvaguardar los logros alcanzados en materia de reducción de la tasa de pobreza, es decir, estuvo enfocado a moderar los impactos de corto plazo.

    El PEE ascendió a 3,4% del PBI para el bienio 2009-2010, estaba compuesto por un conjunto de medidas temporales para el aumento de la inversión pública que buscaba la reducción de la brecha de infraestructura con el efecto de aumentar la productividad y promover el crecimiento de largo plazo.

    Actividad 2: Plan de Estímulo Económico (PEE) 2011 - 2012

    Con fecha 19 de setiembre de 2011 se publicó el Decreto de Urgencia Nº 054-2011, mediante el cual se aprobó un paquete de medidas extraordinarias y urgentes para dinamizar la ejecución de los proyectos de inversión pública, con el objeto de prevenir que el mayor deterioro del entorno internacional y la sub-ejecución de la inversión pública de los gobiernos regionales y gobiernos locales impliquen un riesgo para el crecimiento económico.

    Con fecha 19 de setiembre de 2011 se publicó el Decreto de Urgencia Nº 058-2011, mediante el cual se aprobaron medidas extraordinarias y urgentes, con el objeto de mantener y promover el dinamismo de la economía nacional.

    El monto total estimado de las actividades de estímulo asciende a S/. 5 049 millones de Nuevos Soles.

    Acción 4.
    Implementación de políticas para el crecimiento económico del país.

    Descripción del tema

    Una de las principales cifras económicas para medir el crecimiento del país es el Producto Interno Bruto (PBI), el cual viene creciendo sostenidamente desde el año 2005 a tasas superiores al 6%, a excepción del año 2009, en el cual la crisis financiera de EEUU produjo su mayor impacto negativo. Al cierre del año 2011 se estima que el crecimiento sea del orden de 7%, mientras que para el año 2012 se espera que llegue a 6%.


    El crecimiento del PBI para el año 2011 se ha estimado en 7%, con este resultado el crecimiento promedio anual desde el 2005 al 2011 sería de 7,1%. Sin embargo, el crecimiento de la economía mundial se ha desacelerado en los últimos años y durante los próximos años se espera un débil desempeño económico en los países desarrollados, incluso el riesgo de una nueva recesión en varios de ellos se ha incrementado; de materializarse un mayor deterioro del entorno internacional, el crecimiento del Perú también sería menor.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Ante este escenario de mayor incertidumbre en la economía mundial, la actual administración es consciente de la necesidad de crear las condiciones necesarias para retomar un alto dinamismo de la inversión privada en un futuro cercano. Asimismo, ante un entorno internacional tan incierto es imprescindible mantener la prudencia fiscal de modo que de materializarse un mayor deterioro del contexto internacional se pueda adoptar un oportuno estímulo fiscal transitorio.

    De esta manera, el MEF ha propuesto líneas de acción que permitan, durante el periodo 2011-2014, que el Perú tenga la capacidad de mantenerse como la economía de mayor crecimiento en la región y crecer a tasas sostenidas en torno del 6% anual.

    Acción 5.
    Fortalecimiento de la regulación bancaria.

    Descripción del tema

    El tema de la supervisión bancaria y la implementación de los Principios Fundamentales de Basilea (II y III) resultan relevantes para que el sistema bancario mantenga adecuados niveles de capitalización que le permitan hacer frente a situaciones imprevistas que puedan afectar su solvencia.


    En un escenario de desaceleración global, producto de los desequilibrios fiscales de las economías avanzadas (Europa principalmente) y la lenta recuperación de EE.UU., y de mayor incertidumbre económica y financiera, es preciso que el sistema bancario mantenga adecuados niveles de capitalización para hacer frente a situaciones imprevistas de “estrés financiero” que no deterioren su solvencia y capacidad de intermediación abruptamente.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Durante el 2008, se aprobó un paquete de 96 decretos legislativos orientados a adecuar los lineamientos del Perú en diversos sectores (comercio exterior, agricultura, sector laboral, vivienda, AFP, entre otros) a los estándares exigidos por Estados Unidos, en el marco de la implementación del TLC con EE.UU., dos de los cuales relevantes relacionados a Banca y Finanzas:
    • Decreto Legislativo N° 1028: Modifica la Ley General del Sistema Financiero, de Seguros y de la SBS. (Adecuación de estándares regulatorios y contables para efectos de cálculo y registro del patrimonio efectivo y provisiones al sistema financiero).
    • Decreto Legislativo N° 1052: Modifica la Ley General del Sistema Financiero.
    • Date:  3/5/2012    Paragraphs: 12, 2, 10

    Acción 1.
    Acceso a financiamiento para proyectos de desarrollo.

    Descripción del tema

    Los proyectos de inversión se financian prioritariamente con los recursos provenientes de los créditos contratados con los Organismos Multilaterales, tomando ventaja de la experiencia y de la asistencia técnica que estas entidades proveen a los prestatarios en este campo.


    En un contexto internacional volátil que restringe el acceso a los mercados de capital, el Perú ha desarrollado medidas de política fiscal para mitigar los eventuales efectos negativos en el financiamiento de proyectos de inversión del sector público, así como otros mecanismos financieramente viables.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Como parte de una política preventiva para enfrentar el impacto sobre las necesidades de financiamiento que podría involucrar la ocurrencia de desastres naturales o crisis financieras, el Perú mantiene, al cierre de 2011, líneas contingentes con las referidas entidades hasta por US$ 1 900 millones.

    En el caso del Perú, el ratio del servicio de la deuda respecto al PBI muestra una tendencia decreciente, explicada principalmente por el crecimiento sostenido del PBI de los últimos años.
    • Date:  3/5/2012    Paragraphs: 20, 54, 19

    Acción 1.
    Fomento de las micro y pequeñas empresas.

    Descripción del tema

    El actual gobierno tiene como uno de sus principales objetivos a la inclusión social, para ello, se considera la inclusión financiera como herramienta primordial. Se subraya que la orientación de política económica financiera del gobierno está orientada hacia una mayor ampliación de los servicios financieros principalmente enfocada hacia los sectores menos favorecidos y tradicionalmente excluidos del sistema bancario. Entre estos se destaca al sector de la micro y pequeña empresa.


    Si bien el sistema microfinanciero ha mostrado un desempeño exitoso en los últimos años, uno de los principales problemas identificados para su crecimiento en los próximos años es una mayor capitalización para el financiamiento y ampliación de sus actividades. Actualmente, los principales entes reguladores del sistema (Banco Central de Reserva, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas y la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP) vienen trabajando diversas propuestas para lograr una mayor capitalización de las entidades microfinancieras; en suma, se está trabajando en el reforzamiento patrimonial de las mismas.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Se viene trabajando en la modificación del reglamento operativo del programa de seguro de crédito de exportación para la pequeña y mediana empresa (SEPYMEX) a fin de que el fondo también otorgue cobertura para las operaciones de post embarque. Asimismo, se está evaluando extender los fondos de PROMYPE a S/. 600 millones.
    • Date:  3/5/2012    Paragraphs: 13, 3, 183

    En los últimos 10 años se ha impulsado la participación del sector privado a través de concesiones para el mejoramiento y rehabilitación y contratos de conservación, lo que hace que actualmente el Sector administre 26 contratos de concesión:
    • El Perú tiene una Red Vial Nacional de 23,596 Km, de las cuales 5,363 Km. han sido adjudicadas en concesión, con un compromiso de inversión de US$ 3,423 millones, lo que ha permitido que el 60% de la red vial nacional se encuentre en buen estado de conservación.
    • La infraestructura portuaria que se ha dado en concesión son los Puertos de Matarani y Paita, así como el Terminal Sur de Contenedores y el Terminal Norte Multipropósito del Puerto del Callao, que mueve cerca del 70% de la carga total, el 90% del tráfico portuario de contenedores del país y se ha posicionado como el Primer Puerto de Transbordo de Contenedores en la Costa Oeste de Sudamérica. Asimismo, se ha entregado en concesión el Terminal Fluvial de Yurimaguas.
    • Respecto a la infraestructura aérea, 19 aeropuertos se encuentran concesionados: Jorge Chávez (compromiso de inversión de US$ 1,062 millones); y un Primer Grupo de Aeropuertos, con un compromiso de inversión de US$ 53.5 millones en el período inicial); y un Segundo Grupo de Aeropuertos, con un compromiso de inversión de US$ 257 millones.
    • La Red Ferroviaria del Perú está conformada por 1,943 Km., de los cuales 1,479 Km. están concesionadas a operadores privados, 189 Km. aún permanecen bajo la administración directa del Estado y 275 Km. son propiedad privada, básicamente compañías de mineras.
    • En febrero del 2011 se otorgó la concesión de la Línea 1 del Tren Eléctrico, Villa El Salvador – Avenida Grau -San Juan de Lurigancho, para su explotación por 30 años, logrando un compromiso inversión de US$ 290 millones.

    No obstante, con el fin de mejorar los servicios asociados y su articulación territorial, asociado al mejor desempeño de los costos logísticos, se ha formulado un Programa de Inversiones 2011-2016 para invertir en 22 corredores de infraestructura logística, que incluye nodos logísticos (plataformas de distribución urbana y centros de carga aérea) y proyectos complementarios (centros de atención y apoyo al transporte de carga y observatorio de transporte).
    • Date:  3/5/2012    Paragraphs: 13, 5, 12

    Acción 1.
    Promoción de la inversión privada en servicios públicos.

    Descripción del tema

    La Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Privada - PROINVERSIÓN promueve la incorporación de la inversión privada en servicios públicos y obras de infraestructura a fin de incrementar la competitividad, dinamizando las actividades económicas y mejorando las condiciones de vida de la población.


    Si bien el mecanismo de ejecución de obras de infraestructura a través de la Ley N° 29230, más conocida como la Ley de “Obras por Impuestos”, ha sido exitoso, aún se observa poca voluntad política por parte de los gobiernos regionales y gobiernos locales para utilizar esta herramienta de modo intensivo.

    Asimismo, hay factores o vacíos en el reglamento actual de dicha Ley, los cuales se pueden mejorar a fin de agilizar los procesos y facilitar la labor de los Gobiernos Regionales y Gobiernos Locales.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Durante el período comprendido entre los años 2006 al 2011 PROINVERSIÓN concluyó 58 procesos, de los cuales 40 fueron concesiones, 11 proyectos del programa FITEL (Fondo de Inversión en Telecomunicaciones) y 7 Iniciativas Privadas. En suma, los procesos concluidos representan compromisos de inversión por cerca de US$ 9,000 millones.

    Acción 2.
    Medidas para mejora de los niveles de competitividad del país.

    Descripción del tema

    El Perú ha consolidado su posición como uno de los países con mayor perspectiva de crecimiento y desarrollo, así lo demostró la última edición 2011 – 2012 del Ranking de Competitividad Global emitido por el Foro Económico Mundial, que señala que Perú ha mejorado 6 posiciones respecto al año anterior: del puesto 73 de 139 al 67 de 142.

    Asimismo, el país ha mejorado su nivel de competitividad en 19 posiciones en los últimos 5 años. Este aumento sostenido en los niveles de competitividad ha permitido que pasemos del puesto 83 (de 134 países) en el 2008 – 2009, a ocupar el puesto 67 en el 2011 – 2012 (de 142 países), lo cual demuestra los buenos resultados de la política economía y la confianza que reflejan estas políticas, permitiéndonos estar, por primera vez, en la mitad superior del ranking.


    No obstante los avances realizados, entre los aspectos menos competitivos para hacer negocios se encuentran: la débil orientación hacia la innovación, la corrupción, la ineficiencia de la burocracia gubernamental, las regulaciones tributarias, la restrictiva legislación laboral y la inadecuada infraestructura.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Con la finalidad de mejorar los niveles de competitividad del país, el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas a través del Consejo Nacional de la Competitividad se encuentra elaborando la Agenda de Competitividad 2012 – 2013, con énfasis en medidas específicas para promover la innovación.

    Acción 3.
    Promoción de la inversión.

    Descripción del tema

    La Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Privada - PROINVERSIÓN promueve la creación y consolidación de un clima de inversiones estable y previsible que permita y facilite el desarrollo de las inversiones nacionales y extranjeras requeridas para viabilizar las potencialidades productivas del país.


    Es necesario informar y orientar a los distintos niveles de gobierno sobre los compromisos asumidos en los acuerdos internacionales de inversión, a fin de evitar situaciones que pudieran derivar en la violación de derechos de los inversionistas y activar los mecanismos de solución de controversias contenidos en los acuerdos internacionales de inversión.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Acuerdos Internacionales de Inversión

    En materia de acuerdos internacionales de inversiones con otros países, el Perú ha suscrito tanto convenios de promoción y protección recíproca de inversiones, así como acuerdos comerciales de mayor alcance (tales como tratados de libre comercio) que incluyen un capítulo relativo a inversiones.

    Convenios de Estabilidad Jurídica

    Garantías que se otorgan al inversionista:
    • Estabilidad de la legislación nacional por la cual se establece la no discriminación de los inversionistas, en términos de su condición de nacional o extranjero.
    • Estabilidad del régimen del Impuesto a la Renta, aplicable al inversionista.
    • Estabilidad del régimen de libre disponibilidad de divisas y de remesa de utilidades, dividendos y regalías en el caso de capitales extranjeros.

    Garantías que se otorgan a la empresa receptora de inversión:
    • Estabilidad de los regímenes de contratación laboral.
    • Estabilidad de los regímenes de promoción de exportaciones.
    • Estabilidad del régimen del Impuesto a la Renta.

    Régimen Especial de Recuperación Anticipada del Impuesto General a las Ventas (IGV)

    El régimen consiste en la devolución del IGV que gravó las importaciones y/o adquisiciones locales de bienes de capital nuevos, bienes intermedios nuevos, servicios y contratos de construcción, realizados en la etapa pre-productiva a ser empleados por los beneficiarios del Régimen directamente para la ejecución de los proyectos previstos en los Contratos de Inversión y que se destinen a la realización de operaciones gravadas con el IGV o a exportaciones.

    Acción 4.
    Promoción del desarrollo del mercado de capitales.

    Descripción del tema

    Con el objetivo de conformar un mercado único de renta variable que promueva el desarrollo del mercado de capitales del Perú, Colombia y Chile, las bolsas de valores de estos países junto con sus respectivos organismos reguladores suscribieron en noviembre de 2010, el acuerdo de integración de las tres plazas bursátiles, conformando así el primer Mercado Integrado Latinoamericano (MILA).

    La presencia de mayores capitales internacionales significa mayores fuentes de financiamiento para la inversión productiva, tanto de proyectos privados como públicos, lo que favorecerá un mayor crecimiento económico.


    La problemática identificada respecto a este tema es apuntar hacia una mayor integración con más economías del grupo a fin de propiciar un mayor flujo de capitales entre nuestras economías. En relación al tema específico del MILA, los próximos esfuerzos están orientados a lograr una plena adecuación de los estándares tecnológicos y regulatorios para una operatividad al 100 por ciento del mercado integrado.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Recogiendo la iniciativa del sector privado (Bolsas y Depósitos de Valores de los 3 países), y de manera coordinada con los reguladores de los mercados de valores de Colombia y Chile, se ha venido generando el marco normativo y requerimientos que permitan la integración de las 3 Bolsas, de modo que en su primera fase de enrutamiento intermediado del segmento secundario de renta variable se lleve adelante dentro de los estándares de transparencia y protección al inversionista, y que reditúen en beneficio y desarrollo de los 3 mercados. Actualmente se viene evaluando la participación de México en el MILA.

    En ese sentido, se han suscrito memorándums de entendimiento (MOU) con las entidades reguladoras de Chile y Colombia, con el fin de establecer mecanismos de intercambio de información, consultas y de colaboración entre entidades, lograr la mayor asistencia mutua posible, asegurar la aplicación y el cumplimiento de sus legislaciones y regulaciones, y facilitar sus labores de supervisión. Sobre esto último se viene trabajando en un documento denominado protocolo de supervisión.

    De la misma manera, mediante la Ley Nº 23638 se modificó la Ley del Mercado de Valores para facilitar la integración corporativa entre bolsas y la integración entre instituciones de compensación.
    • Date:  3/5/2012    Paragraphs: 13, 13, 113

    Acción 5.
    Desarrollo de la transparencia en el mercado de valores.

    Descripción del tema

    El Consejo de Reguladores de Valores de las Américas (COSRA) proporciona un foro para la mutua cooperación y comunicación entre sus miembros a efectos de promover el desarrollo de sólidos mercados de valores que sean justos para todos los inversionistas.

    La Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores (SMV) es miembro integrante del Consejo de Reguladores de Valores de las Américas (COSRA) y, como tal, ha venido participando conjuntamente con otros organismos reguladores de valores de la región en el desarrollo de estructuras de regulación que tienen como objetivo primordial la transparencia e integridad de los mercados.

    En este sentido, el COSRA ha focalizado parte de sus actividades en desarrollar estructuras de regulación y supervisión basadas en los principios de protección al inversionista y transparencia (de la información y de las operaciones) e integridad de los mercados, a efectos de apoyar el desarrollo y la integración progresiva de los mercados de capitales.


    En el mercado de valores peruano se han implementado diversos cambios legales y regulatorios con el propósito de incrementar los niveles de transparencia e integridad del mercado y facilitar así la asignación de recursos a través de este.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    Entre las medidas adoptadas recientemente orientadas a fortalecer el rol del mercado de capitales dentro del proceso ahorro - inversión de la economía, destaca el fortalecimiento del rol supervisor del organismo regulador del mercado de valores, mediante la reciente creación de la Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores (Ley N° 29782, Ley del Fortalecimiento de la Supervisión del Mercado de Valores), con lo cual se dota a esta nueva institución de una mayor autonomía, se otorga protección legal a sus funcionarios y mayores facultades para ejercer una adecuada supervisión.

    Acción 6.
    Facilitación de trámites aduaneros y tributarios a través de medios virtuales.

    Descripción del tema

    La Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y Administración Tributaria-SUNAT es la entidad encargada de administrar y diseñar los programas, procedimientos y acciones relativos a los servicios a los contribuyentes, responsables y usuarios del servicio aduanero.

    Durante los últimos años, las acciones de la SUNAT estuvieron orientadas a mejorar los procesos de atención al contribuyente, enfocándose en el desarrollo y promoción de los servicios de gobierno electrónico.

    Lo que se busca es promover el uso del canal virtual para la presentación de trámites del RUC y comprobantes de pagos, declaraciones y boletas de pago con la finalidad de reducir los costos que incurren los ciudadanos y contribuyentes para cumplir con sus obligaciones formales y sustanciales.


    El nivel de usos de herramientas virtuales es bajo en el Perú, por lo que la SUNAT está creando el hábito de uso de medios electrónicos en los ciudadanos y con el creciente desarrollo de la Internet, se busca brindar todo tipo de servicios a través del Portal de manera de cubrir las necesidades y la creciente demanda de los usuarios.

    Avances, planes y programas desarrollados para su cumplimiento

    El canal virtual requiere consolidar la implementación de la oficina virtual de tributación con un menú ágil y completo que facilite el acceso a los contribuyentes, además de optimizar el uso del buzón electrónico.

    También, se ha continuado con la implementación de comunidades para los contribuyentes que necesitan información diferenciada (MYPEs, Trabajadores Independientes, de Inversionistas extranjeros, etc.). Adicionalmente, se viene trabajando en el desarrollo de la Virtualización de poderes, e Inscripción virtual al Registro Único del Contribuyente-RUC.
    • Related Resources
    Anexos. Mandato 07 (MEF)
    Anexos. Mandato 12 (MEF)
    Anexos. Mandato 13 (MEF)
    Anexos. Mandato 20 (MEF)
    Créditos Directos según Tipo de Crédito - SBS
    Indicadores Económicos - BCRP
    Indicadores Económicos - INEI
    Indicadores Económicos Históricos - BCRP
    Indicadores Laborales - MTPE
    Indicadores Sociales - INEI
    Indicadores. Programa Mi Vivienda
    La microempresa: Una propuesta tipológica y ejercicio de aplicación en Lima Sur
    Mandato 13
    Mandato 20
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Suriname
    • Reports
    • Date:  4/11/2012    Paragraphs: 7
    The prospect for economic growth for Suriname is estimated at an average of 6% annually. In order to improve the fiscal accounts, the currency was devalued by twenty percent in 2011. There is, however, a stable exchange rate, an increase in international reserves by thirty percent, a sharp reduction in the fiscal deficit and all outstanding arrears with external creditors have been cleared. As a result two leading ratings agencies, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch, upgraded Suriname in 2011.

    Currently, economic growth is primarily generated from the mining sector - approximately 94% of export value of goods – however, the diversification of other sectors such as agriculture and tourism are prioritized. The mining income itself is also targeted for diversification, namely through the export of oil and gold.

    Medium-term growth in Suriname is projected to be sustained at 4 - 5%, supported by large investments (almost 100% of GDP), which are expected in the gold, alumina and oil sectors in the near future.

    Suriname intends to establish a Sovereign Wealth Fund. A law, providing strict controls on how the funds will be saved, invested and used in times of need, will be submitted to parliament.

    The fiscal framework is also being strengthened, with the view to broaden our revenue base and improve public finance management and reporting. Transparency of government operations is a high priority and we are working with regional partners to strengthen statistical data systems in national accounts, public finance, balance of payments, and monetary statistics.

    Suriname has, together with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), developed a country strategy plan for the coming 5 years with financing secured of up to 10% of GDP. We are also engaging to attract needed technical assistance for pre-feasibility and feasibility studies and the design of the projects themselves, while adhering to international environmental standards. Cognizant of the low debt-to-GDP ratio, Suriname will borrow only where clear benefits are seen for growing the economy and investing in our physical and human capital.

    1. Strengthening and increasing the capacity of the agricultural and industry sectors.
    2. Acquiring Foreign Direct Investment, in particular for sustainable production in agriculture, industry and tourism.
    3. Lack of economies of scale in the domestic market, due to our small and open economy.
    4. Generating structural public savings.
    5. Increasing national private savings, including repatriating national savings abroad.
  • Trinidad and Tobago
    • Reports
    • Date:  1/21/2011    Paragraphs: 13
    In relation to the development of the business sector and other productive economic sectors it is important to note that the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has identified seven (7) targeted non-energy sectors for the diversification of the economy away from the helms of the non-renewable energy sector. These sectors are:
    -Fish and Fish Processing;
    -Food and Beverage;
    -Merchant Marine;
    -Music and Entertainment;
    -Printing and Packaging; and

    To this end, Industry Specialists and relevant secretarial support have been mobilized to develop and grow these Sectors so as to assist in the diversification of the economy. Strategic Plans have also been developed for all seven (7) Sectors and are currently being executed. Furthermore, a range of incentives have been provided that are sector-specific to individuals and companies in the above-mentioned Sectors to assist the various sectors. In all Sectors Industry Development Committee, Industry Development Boards or Industry Development Councils have been approved by Cabinet and are functioning to move the Sectors forward.

    The Ministry of Trade and Industry has recently developed a Draft Investment Policy focusing on ten (10) sectors that are earmarked for increased investment in Trinidad and Tobago. Two (2) of these sectors are Tourism and Information and Communications Technology (ICT). As such, emphasis has been placed on further developing and growing these sectors among other non-energy sectors. Another of the ten (10) sectors identified for investment is that of Financial Services. It must be noted that a clear relationship can be traced between the provision of Financial Services and Information and Communication Technology linking the two (2) sectors.
    • Date:  1/21/2011    Paragraphs: 20
    The Enterprise Development Division is charged with the following responsibilities:

    -To develop policy and co-ordinate its implementation and make necessary intervention with the approval of the Minister to ensure that policy implementation is on course;

    -To provide advice and consultation to the Minister with regard to the different arms of the institutional structure;

    -To manage inter-institutional and inter-agency relationships;

    -To perform a supervisory role on behalf of the Minister by receiving and reviewing reports;

    -To monitor the performance of the small and micro enterprise (SME) sector, the National Entrepreneurship Development Company (NEDCO), the Small and Micro Enterprise Development Fund, the Small Enterprising Businesses Assocation or any other organization receiving Government subventions for SME development;

    -To address and resolve the following issues with the assistance and collaboration of NEDCO:
    *availability and access to sources of funding
    *integration of support programmes and services
    *proliferation of agencies and the need for collaboration, co-ordination and/or rationalization among micro and small business assistance agencies
    *development, streamlining and synchronization of policies, legislation and regulations that impact on the SME sector

    Actions taken by Trinidad and Tobago in support of SMEs:

    -Business Development Service and access to credit facility

    -Fair Share Programme

    -Greater access to Information on the Market

    -Cooperative Development
    *Micro-Enterprise Loan Facility (MEL)
    *Micro Enterprise Training and Development Grant (MEG)
    *Poverty Reduction Programme
  • United States
    • Reports
    • Date:  7/7/2016    Paragraphs: -
    Economic Growth and Opportunity

    At the 2015 Summit, President Obama emphasized the contribution small businesses make to creating jobs and growth, particularly for women. The United States is working with regional partners to launch new and expand and ongoing programs to increase growth opportunities in the regional economies.

    “Recognizing the fundamental importance of international development cooperation in all of its modalities and dimensions, guided by solidarity, flexibility, complementarity, alignment with national priorities and voluntary participation, with particular attention to strengthening institutional capacity and the development of human capital to attain inclusive and sustainable development as the basis of prosperity with equity, and further recognizing the importance of public and private investment in research and development and science and technology infrastructure to encourage inclusive innovation.” (Prosperity with Equity: The Challenge of Cooperation in the Americas, 2015
    Mandates for Action; Hemispheric Partnership for Development)

    Americas Business Dialogue (ABD)

    Established in 2014, the ABD made its high-level debut at the 2015 CEO Summit of the Americas in Panama, where business leaders presented its inaugural set of policy recommendations to heads of state, including President Obama. Since then, the U. S. government has supported the ABD’s institutionalization as the premier consultative mechanism for regional private sector engagement in the hemisphere. The ABD has grown in membership, promoted valuable public-private collaborations, and provided opportunities for high-level dialogue between government and business leaders. Thus far in 2016, the ABD has headlined a public-private dialogue in Buenos Aires on trade facilitation, and featured prominently in the Inter-American Development Bank’s Annual Meetings in Nassau, where ministers and CEOs highlighted financial integration, small business inclusion, and energy cooperation. The ABD also organized the private sector sessions for the Vice President’s U.S.-Caribbean-Central American Energy Summit in Washington in May 2016.

    “Work to ensure that our countries… have significantly increased by 2025, broadband
    access to overcome the digital gap.” (Prosperity with Equity: The Challenge of
    Cooperation in the Americas, 2015 Mandates for Action; Hemispheric Partnership for
    Development, b)

    Communications and Connectivity

    We have advanced broadband adoption and deployment of infrastructure in the Americas to support economic growth and opportunity and citizen participation in the region. Building from the Broadband Partnership of the Americas that President Obama launched at the 2012 Summit, the United States and its partners are to increase the adoption of fixed and mobile broadband service and the deployment of broadband infrastructure especially in rural communities. The Broadband Alliance for Progress in the Americas is advancing this objective by mobilizing the expertise and resources of the U.S. government, regional organizations, and the private sector to support the broadband adoption and deployment efforts of countries in the Americas.

    The Global Connect Initiative, launched in September 2015 with Secretary Kerry's support, has the goal of catalyzing multi-stakeholder partnerships to bring 1.5 billion new internet users online by 2020. We have more partner countries in the Americas than in any other region in the world with whom we are promoting universal access to communications and broadband technologies as a tool for competitiveness, development, and economic prosperity.

    Also, since the 2015 Summit, we have shared U.S. technical knowledge and assistance with partners in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guyana, Jamaica, and Mexico, on topics ranging from maintaining an open internet, spectrum management, planning and allocation, broadband accessibility by persons with disabilities, emergency communications to digital television transition.

    Related to connectivity, progress also has been made in implementing the President’s new policy approach to Cuba. Changes undertaken by the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security, and the Federal Communications Commission have enabled new opportunities for the provision of direct telecommunications services to Cuba. There are now four U.S. carriers providing direct facilities-based service to Cuba with other carriers expected to provide these services in the near future. In addition, for the first time, many U.S. consumers now have an option to roam using their own U.S. mobile device while in Cuba. U.S. firms may now export certain telecommunications equipment to Cuba without having to apply for a license. We have also continued our efforts of advancing broadband adoption and deployment in the region, including the allocation of spectrum for mobile broadband, by promoting efforts within the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission under the OAS, the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, and the Latin-American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (Regulatel).
    • Date:  7/7/2016    Paragraphs: 7
    Small Business Network of the Americas (SBNA)

    After the 2012 Summit in Panama, President Obama announced “the United States will work with its partners to expand SBNA so that it can independently help micro, small, and medium size enterprises, and entrepreneurs, and increase opportunities for growth.” The overarching goal of Small Business Network of the Americas is to increase international connectivity of small business support infrastructure to improve both domestic and international growth opportunities for small and medium businesses through job creation, business development resource access, and greater trade. The United States has put in place a regular process for over 4,000 small business service providers to participate in SBNA, with an eye toward establishing an independent association to facilitate greater cooperation among the service provider community. Since the last Summit, we have established the SBNA Partnership Program, under which service providers have formed more than 300 “sister center” relationships. We have hosted five sister center workshops and will continue doing so on a semi-annual basis to help centers find new partners. The U.S. Department of State anticipates providing up to $3 million in targeted grant funds to enable center partnerships to work together to benefit their small business clients. In addition to existing networks of incubators, accelerators, and other service providers, the United States is providing technical assistance to countries interested in adapting the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) model to local contexts. In 2015, there were 118 SBDCs operating in 13 countries in the region. By 2018, we expect 296 SBDCs to be operating in 16 countries across the region. Given that each SBDC serves an average of 367 small business clients per year, we expect the total number of clients served to exceed 100,000 small businesses annually. The United States has signed bilateral memoranda of understanding to support cooperation on SBNA goals with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay.

    The United States and Brazil are committed to helping small businesses grow and entrepreneurs start new companies so that they can create jobs and ensure inclusive economic growth. To that end, the United States and Brazil signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Promoting Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Micro-and-Small-Sized Enterprises in June 2015. The agreement not only advances the objectives of the Small Business Network of the Americas, but also promotes entrepreneurship among women. One key deliverable of the MOU was the execution of the LA Idea Incubator Program, which provided 22 scholarships for Brazilian entrepreneurs to undertake training programs at U.S.-based incubators and accelerators in late 2015. In addition, the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia offered tech-focused startup trainings for 100 Brazilian university students in March and May 2016, with mentorship from American and local entrepreneurs. Select participants will travel to Austin, Texas, for further activities and will receive additional support to launch their startups.

    Supporting Local Businesses and Communities

    The United States promotes and invests in the best ideas from local communities for their own economic and social development through the Inter-American Foundation (IAF). The IAF grants multi-year funding to citizen-led, grassroots development projects throughout the region and supports project implementation by providing technical advice and independent verification of project goals throughout the life of the grant. These grants enable community enterprises, cooperatives, and local businesses to get off the ground, refine their products and services, create jobs, and access the global marketplace. The U.S. government’s support helps vulnerable people improve their lives, strengthen the local economy, and remain in their communities to contribute as workers and leaders. Approximately 187,000 people acquired new knowledge and skills in agriculture, manufacturing, technical vocations, finance, planning, administration, marketing, civic engagement, and environmental conservation. Funds dedicated to education/training in FY15 totaled $4.5 million. Through the IAF, the United States committed another $25.2 million in the last five years to grants for agriculture, many of which enabled or improved food production for sale in domestic and international markets.

    Feed the Future

    In parts of the Americas, food insecurity and poor nutrition together pose an important obstacle to economic growth and social development. Feed the Future (FTF) is the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative. With a focus on smallholder farmers, particularly women, FTF is establishing a foundation for lasting progress against global hunger by supporting countries in developing their agriculture sectors to spur economic growth that increases incomes and reduces hunger, poverty, and undernutrition. Under FTF, USAID and other U.S. government actors are working with host governments, other donors, the private sector, and civil society in poor rural areas in Guatemala, Haiti, and Honduras. Our programs are raising the productivity, quality, and income-earning potential of high-value and staple food crops, creating jobs, and improving nutrition outcomes. In Honduras, for example, FTF has leveraged $200 million from outside sources, including the Government of Honduras, other donors, and the private sector, for the Dry Corridor Alliance. This Alliance is working to accelerate sustainable economic development in the geographic corridor that stretches along Honduras’s southern and western borders, characterized by pervasive extreme poverty and erratic climatic conditions. The Alliance aims to lift 50,000 families out of extreme poverty, reduce undernutrition of children by 20 percent, and improve more than 280 kilometers of secondary and tertiary roads, providing market access to thousands.

    Trade Facilitation

    The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), concluded at the 9th WTO Ministerial
    Conference in Bali in 2013, establishes binding commitments for WTO members to: expedite movement, release, and clearance of goods; improve transparency through commitments on publication and advance rulings; and improve cooperation among WTO Members on customs matters. According to the OECD, the potential cost reduction from a “full” implementation of the WTO TFA (that is, all provisions including the “best endeavor” provisions of the agreement) is 16.5 percent of total costs for low income countries, 17.4 percent for lower middle income countries and 14.6 percent for upper middle income countries.
    For the WTO TFA to enter into force, two-thirds of the WTO’s members need to notify the WTO that they have completed their domestic procedures to accept the Agreement. The United States completed this process in January 2015.
    At the Seventh Summit of the Americas, the United States joined 13 other countries in the region in a joint statement that considers the TFA’s “entry into force essential to enhance the competitiveness of the Americas in the global marketplace.” Ten countries in the Americas have since then joined the United States in ratifying the TFA. The United States applauds their leadership in that regard and encourages additional countries in the Americas to ratify the TFA for the region to play an important role in helping achieve its entry into force and benefit from its implementation. The United States remains committed to seeing the TFA enter into force as soon as possible.
    USAID fosters enhanced public-private dialogue around trade facilitation, helping to pave the way for implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. USAID’s Regional Trade and Market Alliances (RTMA) project promotes inclusive economic growth through intraregional trade and exports. The project’s goal is to establish consolidated regional value chains and improve market access, particularly for agricultural products, through more robust market alliances and increased trade facilitation, regional harmonization, and institutional capacity. USAID has also partnered with USDA to help private sectors in the Americas to take advantage of trade opportunities.
    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have worked with, and provided support to governments in the Americas in identifying best practices for how to engage industry as new trade policies are developed. DHS and CBP have also worked with international organizations including the Inter-American Development Bank, World Customs Organization, and ABD to promote trade facilitation, specifically by sharing best practices for single window implementation.
    • Date:  6/2/2014    Paragraphs: 20, 7
    Small Business Network of the Americas (SBNA)
    - The Small Business Network of the Americas (SBNA), launched at the 2012 Summit of the Americas, facilitates an interconnected network of thousands of small business support centers in the Western Hemisphere and assists millions of small business owners. Interconnection expands the pool of available resources for business development, enhances access to business counseling services for entrepreneurs, and fosters small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) growth by providing a framework to connect businesses across the hemisphere. SBNA, in turn, promotes and supports job creation in SMEs and encourages greater trade among these businesses throughout the Western Hemisphere.
    - The United States is working with its partners to increase the number of small business development centers (SBDCs) and other small business support centers; increase connections among SBDCs throughout the hemisphere; catalyze cross-border business-to-business connections; and expand resources for business development. In 2013, U.S. efforts generated $98.5 million in guaranteed lending to small businesses in Latin America.

    Microfinance Growth Fund (MiGroF)
    - President Obama announced the Microfinance Growth Fund (MiGroF) at the 2009 Summit of the Americas to provide a new source of funding for microfinance institutions (MFIs) in response to the reduction in their lending capacity due to the global credit crisis. It provides a stable medium- and long-term source of financing to allow MFIs throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to continue funding micro and small enterprises that have good repayment records and to find new entrepreneurs who have lacked access to microfinance services.
    - The United States has disbursed $112 million to MiGroF to date, supporting access to finance for more than 100,000 micro and small enterprises in Latin America and the Caribbean.

    Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Americas (WEAmericas)
    - The United States and 11 private sector partners founded the Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Americas (WEAmericas) initiative at the 2012 Summit of the Americas. WEAmericas leverages public-private partnerships to promote inclusive economic growth in the Western Hemisphere by reducing barriers that women entrepreneurs face in starting and growing SMEs. The United States is also working with bilateral partners and has signed memoranda of understanding with Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru to further women’s economic empowerment and the goals of WEAmericas.
    - Through these partnerships, the United States and its partners have awarded $1.5 million in small grants to 24 organizations to support women entrepreneurs across 24 countries, directly benefiting approximately 20,000 women. Approximately 300 women have directly participated in WEAmericas training programs, and over 100 additional women have received training from the initial trainees.
    - Through ongoing partnerships, an additional 300 women will participate in WEAmericas training programs by 2015. Ongoing partnerships are also providing increased market access and access to capital for women entrepreneurs. For example, the Inter-American Development Bank is providing up to $55 million in grants and loans to improve lending to women-owned SMEs and WEConnect International is providing certification and supply chain integration services for women-owned SMEs.
    - The United States is working to increase the number of public, private, and bilateral partners to expand opportunities available to women entrepreneurs under WEAmericas.

    Supporting Local Businesses and Communities
    - The United States promotes and invests in the best ideas from local communities for their own economic and social development through the Inter-American Foundation (IAF). The IAF grants multi-year funding to citizen-led, grassroots development projects throughout the region and supports project implementation by providing technical advice and independent verification of project goals throughout the life of the grant. These grants enable community enterprises, cooperatives, and local businesses to get off the ground, refine their products and services, create jobs, and access the global marketplace. The U.S. government’s support helps vulnerable people improve their lives, strengthen the local economy, and remain in their communities to contribute as workers and leaders.
    - The IAF has dedicated 22 percent of its grant funds from 2009 to 2013 to enterprise development and 25 percent to training or education, for a total of $36.3 million. This support created, improved, or sustained at least 3,882 jobs in 2013 and 5,300 jobs in 2012, and resulted in many new micro and small businesses in the region. Through the IAF, the United States committed another $25.2 million in the last five years to grants for agriculture, many of which enabled or improved food production for sale in domestic and international markets.
    • Date:  6/15/2010    Paragraphs: 7
    Economic Recovery
    • President Obama led efforts to substantially increase the resources available to a reformed International Monetary Fund through
    contributions to a renewed and expanded New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB). The United States also supported expanding the
    Inter-American Development Bank's short term crisis response through changes in lending limits and capital ratios.
    • As President Obama noted at the Summit, the United States worked with its G20 partners, setting aside over a trillion dollars to
    ensure assistance to those countries that are the most vulnerable.

    • Date:  6/15/2010    Paragraphs: 13
    Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF):

    • The United States Secretary of Commerce will host the fourth ACF November 14-16, 2010, in Atlanta.
    • The Forum provides a platform for nearly a thousand officials from the public sector, private sector, and civil
    society to discuss ways to enhance the region’s competiveness.

  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela
  • Organization of American States (OAS)
    • Reports
    • Date:  5/7/2014    Paragraphs: 7
    Initiative: Strengthening MSME support institutions, programs and policies

    The OAS supports efforts by member states aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), as well as cooperatives and other production units, so as to contribute to economic growth, job creation, and poverty alleviation in the countries of the Hemisphere by: (i) strengthening the MSME support institutional framework; (ii) promoting the association and participation of MSMEs, as well as cooperatives and other production units, in supply chains by improving their quality management and marketing through activities such as the use of internet resources and information and communication technologies (ICTs); and, (iii) transferring lessons learned and sharing best practices.

    Activities: 1. Annual Inter-American Dialogue of High-Level MSME Authorities that provides a forum for the exchange of experiences and identification of cooperation initiatives for enhancing the competitiveness, innovation and internationalization of MSMEs.
    2. Strengthening of the institutional capacity of national entities that assist MSMEs through online and on-site train-the-trainers programs such as: "New Market Opportunities for MSMEs Using the Internet and Social Networks," "The use of ICTs by Women Entrepreneurs," and “Assessment of MSMEs' ICT capabilities.”
    3. Horizontal cooperation initiatives such as the US Small Business Development Center (SBDC) model currently being adapted in five countries in the Caribbean - Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Jamaica and Saint Lucia, following similar processes in Central America and Mexico.
    4. A result of the Inter-American Dialogue of High-Level MSME Authorities, InnovaNet supports a community of practice on transfer of technology and incubation for institutions and stakeholders supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).

    Beneficiaries: All OAS member states

    Partnerships: Other international and regional organizations, MSME support institutions, universities.
    • Date:  5/6/2014    Paragraphs: 7
    Initiative: Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF) and Annual RIAC Meeting

    The OAS is the Technical Secretariat of the Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC), a high level mechanism for regional dialogue that convenes Ministers, High-Level Authorities, Competitiveness Councils, multilateral organizations, leaders of private sector, academia and NGOS with programs on competitiveness. The RIAC fosters the exchange of experiences and the development of joint initiatives in all areas related to competitiveness, including capacity building activities, experts meetings and policy-related events.

    The OAS also supports the Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF), the preeminent hemispheric policy space for government and business leaders to discuss economic competitiveness and promote innovation in the Americas.

    Activities: 1. RIAC Meeting of the Expert Working Group on Subnational Competitiveness (GTECS), Lima, Peru, Catholic University, co-sponsored and hosted meeting of GTECS, August 2013

    2. Honduras 2030 Forum, Presentation of Presidential Candidates on the National Competitiveness Agenda. CABEI, COHEP and UNITEC, as local hosts and co-organizers of the event..

    3. Innovanet, Regional Event, Costa Rica, in collaboration with Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC), April 2013.

    4. Innovanet, Honduras, in collaboration with UNITEC and COHEP, workshop on technology transfer and incubation.

    5. Innovanet, Guatemala, in collaboration with SENACYT, workshop in technology transfer and incubation.

    6. 2013 U.C. Davis Licensing Academy in Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization, June 2013, together with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

    7. 2013 Technology Transfer Academy of the Americas, La Paz, Baja California Sur, November, 2013, in Mexico, program from 15 technology transfer leaders from Central America (7 countries) and 15 from certified technology Transfer Officers from Mexico.

    8. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop in Guyana, organized by the Caribbean Science Foundation (CSF).

    OAS-ARTCA Project, with University of Illinois Funding, sponsored with the National Science Foundation of the United States, and high-level expertise to organize Radical Innovation Summit in Washington DC, June 2013, and the Pan American Summer Institute PASI,on Methods of Computation-Based Discovery (CBD), in Guatemala, in July, 2013.

    Beneficiaries: All the countries of the Region

    Partnerships: Other international organizations, universities, the governments of Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, local organizations, regional foundations, research institutions

    • Date:  5/2/2014    Paragraphs: 7
    Department of Economic and Social Development (DESD) - Cultural section Initiatives

    Cultural technical cooperation missions:
    The implementation of five in site cooperation among member states in the topic “To strengthen and train OAS member states on the implementation of culture satellite accounts” (recommended during the V Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC), held in Washington, DC on March 21 and 22, 2013).
    Activities: Five technical cooperation missions were requested and undertaken in Peru, Costa Rica, St. Lucia, Barbados and Bolivia. The technical assistance provider countries were Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay and the UNESCO Statistics Institute. The five missions were co-financed by local institutions. All were successfully executed and the reports highlighted the importance of the implementation of these cooperation missions and the need for follow up action with special emphasis on the measurement of culture and its impact in the economy.

    Economic Impact of the creative industries in the Americas:
    Development of a diagnostic study that demonstrates the economic contribution and potential of the creative and cultural industries in the countries of the Americas, presents an overview of the availability of data, and offers recommendations for improving and harmonizing this measurement.
    Activities: Completion of a report that compiled and analyzed data from OAS member states and 10 benchmark countries; 7 country summary dashboards were created that showcase the available data to demonstrate the economic impact of the sector.

    Expanding socio-economic potential of cultural heritage:
    In the framework of a project executed from October 2012 to February 2014 a network of heritage professionals and institutions was established in the Caribbean region, and the scope of works for model projects to advance regional cooperation on sustainable tourism, heritage legislation and policy and heritage education and management among other aspects of cultural heritage was developed.
    Activities: A survey targeted at actors working in areas related to cultural heritage, tourism, planning and the environment to identify the regional needs, priorities and opportunities of cultural heritage in the Caribbean region; a regional meeting in Barbados (May 7-9, 2013) of experts and government officers in the areas of culture, tourism, planning and community development to verify and expand survey results; a list of national and external expert advisors for the design and implementation of the Model Projects; a list of recommended host institutions for each of the 4 model projects and lasting legacy project; and the scope of work for the implementation of 5 regionally replicable Model Projects in the areas of heritage network, heritage legislation, national heritage registers, sustainable heritage tourism and heritage education.

    Culture, common denominator for development:
    A compilation of successful practices in the OAS member states with examples from different contexts that show the potential that culture offers for development was disseminated.
    Activities: Creation of a portfolio Culture, common denominator for development includes 26 practices from 18 OAS member states: Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.

    Beneficiaries: Ministries of Culture and other governmental and non-governmental institutions of the OAS member states

    Partnerships: Ministries of Culture of the member states; Inter-American Development Bank; British Council
    • Date:  5/30/2013    Paragraphs: 7
    The OAS Executive Secretariat for Integral Development has assisted member states in their efforts “[to] promote economic growth with equity and social inclusion by strengthening cooperatives, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, including cultural industries, in addition to grassroots economic initiatives and other production units, innovation, and competitiveness in the countries of the Americas,”

    The focus of the work has been on the strengthening of the institutional capacity of member states for the design and implementation of public policies and programs in the areas of trade and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) by supporting policy dialogues, horizontal cooperation and capacity building programs.

    The II Annual Inter-American Dialogue of High-Level MSME Authorities (New Orleans, September 10-11, 2012) provided a forum for the exchange of experiences and identification of cooperation initiatives for enhancing the competitiveness, innovation and internationalization of MSMEs The institutional capacity of national entities that assist MSMEs was strengthened through: (i) online and on-site train-the-trainers programs on the use of ICTs and social media by MSMEs, with special attention to women entrepreneurs; and, (ii) cooperation initiatives among member states to share successful programs, such as the United States Small Business Development Center (SBDC) model that continues to be adapted in five Caribbean countries.
    • Date:  5/30/2013    Paragraphs: 7

    Projects and Activities in Tourism
    Small Tourism Enterprises Network (STEN): In 2010, the Small Tourism Enterprises Network (STEN) project was established as a unified network that integrates public, private and community sector strategies to provide strategic support to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the tourism industry in the Caribbean. STEN seeks to contribute to enhanced marketability and viability of small tourism enterprises in the Caribbean through delivery of a self-sustaining mechanism that addresses the need for increased market access, more effective promotion/communication between the tourism MSMEs and the target market, and facilitates the packaging of ‘tourism experiences.

    As part of this project eight national, regional and sub-regional capacity building and training workshops have been held with over 250 small tourism enterprises benefitting directly. In April 2013, at the First Latin American and Caribbean Encounter of Owners and Operators of Small Hotels, in San Jose, Costa Rica, the participating organizations established the Latin American and Caribbean network of owners and operators of small hotels, as a mechanism to promote; collaboration, sharing of experiences, innovative solutions and exemplary practices among small and medium-sized lodging from the Caribbean and Latin America.
    • Date:  5/30/2013    Paragraphs: 7

    The purpose of the OAS Competitiveness Program is to promote productivity and innovation in the member states through dialogue, cooperation, exchange of best practices, and adoption of initiatives whose purpose is to improve public policy and human and institutional capacity building. The multilateral public-private policy dialogue on competitiveness has continued its process of consolidation through the Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC). The network brings together high-level competitiveness authorities and public/private councils of competitiveness and innovation of the Americas.

    The 2012 Annual RIAC meeting brought together the competitiveness authorities and councils of 31 countries on the occasion of the VI Americas Competitiveness Forum (Cali, Colombia, October 22-24, 2012). The ACF featured plenary sessions on innovative cities, culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, international trade, enabling business environment and infrastructure. There were also special workshops for Caribbean Member States, on sub-national competitiveness and one for the medical device industry.

    The RIAC presented the “Signs of Competitiveness Report”, a summary of profiles of best practices shared by member countries which included specific offers of supply and demand of cooperation. The Report was prepared by the Chair Pro Tempore, Colombia, with the support of the Technical Secretariat (OAS). It includes 53 successful experiences from 16 countries and two institutions (Compete Caribbean and CAF-Development Bank of Latin America) on the 10 competitiveness principles approved by RIAC members in the Consensus of Santo Domingo in 2011. It also features a section on the innovation regional landscape with contributions from RIAC support institutions (IDB, ECLAC, CABEI) and experts (key note speakers, Oxford Economics, GFCC, IIPI). These profiles have allowed cooperation initiatives and technical exchanges among member states.

    RIAC members also agreed to create a working group of experts on sub-national competitiveness. This initiative on regional competitiveness is working to identify the elements of regional competitiveness that will be useful as a point of reference when putting together and implementing agendas of specific public policies (at the state, provincial or municipal level) that nurture relative competitiveness and that can be replicated in the countries of the Americas that are interested in this issue.
    • Date:  5/30/2013    Paragraphs: 7

    In the Declaration of Port of Spain (2009), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is linked to reducing poverty, inequality and inequity “To reduce poverty and hunger, eradicate extreme poverty, create dignified and decent work, and raise the standard of living of all our people, we must achieve higher levels of business development and sustainable economic growth with equity. Subject to the domestic laws of each country, we will continue to promote diversified economic activity in the energy, transport, tourism, communications, services, financial services and agricultural sectors. We are committed to facilitating investment and public-private partnerships in infrastructure and other relevant sectors in order to promote business development, economic growth and social development with equity. We will continue to promote increased corporate social responsibility and improved competitiveness, to which the Americas Competitiveness Forum in Chile in 2009 will contribute.

    CSR Projects and Activities

    The OAS CSR Program focuses on three principal work areas:

    1. Integrating CSR into the business practices of SMEs in the Americas. SMEs are a key component of economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean and the OAS CSR workshops for SMEs offer theory, practical knowledge and tools for businesses to develop innovative CSR solutions and strategies;
    2. Raising awareness about CSR among parliamentarians in the region to support a policy framework that is conducive to implementing responsible business practices. This component focuses heavily on promoting public-private partnerships; and
    3. Creating a CSR community of practice, which is a platform designed to facilitate knowledge exchange, share CSR solutions, provide tools, and promote partnerships between the private and public sectors, academia and other key actors.

    The OAS CSR Program assists the region in incorporating CSR principles and guidelines into the business strategies of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and ensuring it is included in government agendas. Since 2003, the Program has trained approximately 800 SMEs in LAC on the importance of CSR as a strategic tool to enhance their productivity and competitiveness. Furthermore, and has trained policymakers in the region about the advantages of CSR.

    In 2013, the OAS CSR Program has developed and launched a new methodology for SMEs, which aims to provide SMEs with tools to implement responsible practices into their business strategies. The new methodology moves beyond CSR awareness and into CSR implementation. The first pilot workshop that utilized the new methodology was held in Quito, Ecuador in March 2013 and the Ecuadorian SMEs indicated that they were extremely pleased with the workshop methodology, content, and format and they appreciated the concrete ideas, solutions, and tools that were presented throughout. The OAS CSR Program will be holding similar workshops in Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama in 2013.
    • Date:  5/30/2013    Paragraphs: 7
    Office of Education and Culture
    The OAS is implementing the Project: “Expanding the socio-economic potential of cultural heritage in the Caribbean. Phase I: needs assessment and project selection”.
    The project coordinated a regional workshop in Barbados in May 2013 to present initial results of the survey, conducted focused discussion sessions and verified conclusions. During the regional workshop the stakeholders discussed the needs and priorities in the region regarding the protection, use, and enhancement of cultural heritage.
    The Project plans to have a second phase: “Implementation of model projects, dissemination of results, monitoring, and impact assessment”. This phase II still needs to be financed.

    The Office of Education and Culture is also implementing the Project: “Expanding the socio-economic potential of cultural heritage in the Caribbean. Phase I: needs assessment and project selection”.
    The project coordinated a regional workshop in Barbados in May 2013 to present initial results of the survey, conducted focused discussion sessions and verified conclusions. During the regional workshop the stakeholders discussed the needs and priorities in the region regarding the protection, use, and enhancement of cultural heritage.
    The Project plans to have a second phase: “Implementation of model projects, dissemination of results, monitoring, and impact assessment”. This phase II still needs to be financed.

    The Office also currently implement the project “Culture and Development: Promoting horizontal cooperation and knowledge sharing among member states. Phase II”. The Office commissioned a diagnosis study on the capacity to measure the contribution of creative industries to the economies of member states. This study was commissioned in alliance with the IDB and the British Council, to Oxford Economics.
    The study will be ready for dissemination among all member states by June 2013.

    The Office of Education and Culture serves as the Technical Secretariat of the Inter American Committee on Culture CIC (each OAS member state has a representative to the CIC). During the last CIC meeting held in march 2013 in Washington, DC the CIC representatives discussed on the importance of the implementation of Cultural Satellite Accounts in all OAS member countries in order to properly measure the impact of creative industries in their economies.
    Current implementation of the project “Culture and Development: Promoting horizontal cooperation and knowledge sharing among member states. Phase II”. As part of the project, the Office of Education and Culture will implement technical cooperation missions among OAS member states, and one of the main topics will be the implementation of cultural satellite accounts (as per CIC representatives recommended during the march 2013 meeting). The project will also publish a new virtual Portfolio of successful practices on culture and development. Cultural Satellite Account experiences and creative industries among OAS member states may be included in the virtual publication.
    • Date:  6/23/2011    Paragraphs: 12
    the OAS has continued to support the efforts of member states to strengthen their institutional and human capacity in the area of trade policy - including in relation to the negotiation, implementation and administration of agreements- in recognition of the contribution of trade to growth, employment and development. Given the statement commitment of countries to an open, transparent and rules-based multilateral trading system, it is especially important to highlight the strengthening of the capacity of member states to participate actively within this normative framework. The training activities organized by the OAS, in coordination with other international organizations such as WTO, UNCTAD, WIPO, IDB and ECLAC, which cover the main issues of the multilateral and regional trade agenda, has contributed positively in this regard. CARICOM countries have increased their negotiating capacity through the assistance provided in relation to their negotiations with Canada, at the same time as they prepared to implement the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Community.

    Following its successful execution in the Caribbean region, the OAS Small Tourism Enterprise Program (STEP) is being replicated in Andean and Central American member states. With a network of over 1200 hotels, this program continues to deliver training and technical assistance, including on using information and communication technologies (ICTs), to small hotels and other small tourism enterprises. The OAS Supporting our Caribbean Enterprises (SOURCE) project has provided Caribbean artisans with better access to tourism markets by strengthening their business capabilities, improving the marketability of their products, and streamlining distribution.
    • Date:  6/23/2011    Paragraphs: 13
    The OAS has continued to contribute to information exchange and capacity-building on corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles and guidelines to enable member states to promote CSR initiatives among their own private sector communities. Since June 2010, the OAS CSR program has: i) promoted the incorporation of CSR in the business strategy of more than 100 SMEs from 20 member states, as a tool to increase their competitiveness; (ii) developed management tools and indicators, in partnership with ECLAC, to measure the environmental and social performance of SMEs; (iii) researched about the potential participation of MSMEs in economic opportunities through inclusive business in Latin America; (iv) promoted CSR awareness among Latin American parliamentarians through pilot training projects in Costa Rica, Colombia and Uruguay; (v) strengthened the regional network of organizations promoting CSR through roundtable dialogues held in Mexico, Peru and Chile and (vi) organized in partnership with ECLAC and the Technological Institute of Monterrey the Green Business Forum in México, which gathered together international experts to debate CSR issues and recommended ways to move towards a more sustainable economy.

    The OAS has also facilitated the exchange of experiences and best practices among member states on the use of intellectual property as a tool to promote innovation and competitiveness in Latin America and the Caribbean. Regional dialogues and capacity building activities served as a means to promote new forms of public-private collaboration, to create awareness about the importance of protecting and leveraging the intangible value to diversify products and services, to generate new strategies to facilitate technology transfer, and build capacity to manage intellectual assets in Universities, research and development centers, producer associations, and SME - support institutions. To implement these tasks, the OAS signed a cooperation agreement with the Mexican Industrial Property Institute (IMPI) and developed several programs and projects in collaboration with other multilateral and national institutions.

    Representatives from 27 OAS member states gathered on the occasion of the IV Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF) to analyze the current state of competitiveness in the Hemisphere, exchange experiences and discuss reforms, identifying elements for a 2020 Competitiveness and Productivity Agenda for the Americas. The OAS co-organized with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) “Compete Caribbean” program, a workshop to strengthen institutions promoting competitiveness and productivity in the Caribbean member states. The Observatory of Competitiveness was launched on the Internet The Dominican Republic in 2011 and Colombia in 2012 were confirmed as hosts of the next Meetings of Competitiveness Authorities and Councils and the ACF. Panama formally offered to host these events in 2013.
    • Related Resources
    OAS Website
  • Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
    • Reports
    • Date:  11/8/2012    Paragraphs: 7
    Investment and Innovation in the Americas
    To assist Latin America and the Caribbean to advance economic growth with social inclusion, in 2012, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank, and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) committed to invest an average of US $35 billion annually to support projects that generate greater competitiveness for production in the region.

    World Bank
    Development Bank of Latin America
    • Date:  6/23/2011    Paragraphs: 7
    Since the Fifth Summit, IDB Members have agreed to a 70% capital increase in new resources into the Bank, which will allow the IDB to double its pre-crisis lending program.
    • Date:  6/23/2011    Paragraphs: 13
    The IDB has implemented interventions in Colombia to strengthen the competitiveness of the productive sector. The Bancoldex Conditional Credit Line Investment Project (CCLIP) has allowed the private sector to improve its performance by helping reduce the bureaucratic, legal, regulatory, and institutional barriers to trade, and has fostered the development of businesses and access to financing. The total cost of the project is US$ 650 million.
    • Related Resources
    IDB's Website
  • Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 12
    ECLAC continued to devote efforts to strengthen the capacity of governments to formulate and implement policies and strategies to enhance productivity and competitiveness. Through the Observatory for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (OSILAC), assistance was provided to countries in the process to gather, centralize and harmonize data that serves to monitor the implementation status of the "information society" in the region. Seeking to bring down the cost of broadband internet access, ECLAC has been asked to create a Broadband Observatory.
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 13
    Relevant analysis on macroeconomic policy, fiscal policy and labor markets have continued to be carried out. The most recent joint bulletins undertaken with the International Labor Organization on the employment situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, focused on job-growth post the global crisis, the growth of ‘green jobs’, the role of women in the workforce, gender parity and measures geared to protecting the income of most vulnerable workers.
    • Related Resources
    ECLAC's Website
  • Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
  • World Bank
    • Reports
    • Date:  4/29/2014    Paragraphs: 7
    Peru, Social Inclusion Technical Assistance Loan
    The development objective of the Social Inclusion Technical Assistance Project for Peru is to strengthen MIDIS's (Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusion Social - Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion) systems and capacity to improve the performance of MIDIS's programs and to monitor social inclusion policy. There are five components to the project. The first component is quality improvement of MIDIS's programs. The second component is improving knowledge management, information and communication. The third component is strengthening of MIDIS's capacity on results orientation, monitoring and evaluation. The fourth component is strengthening of human resource management and capacity. The fifth component is support to project administration. Commitment Amount: US$ 10.00 million.

    There are five components to the project. The first component is quality improvement of MIDIS's programs. This component includes: provision of support to design and pilot activities aimed at improving the quality control of MIDIS's programs by: (i) developing user's participation and accountability mechanisms for the MIDIS's programs. The first component contributes to the Project Development Objective (PDO) by supporting activities that improve the performance of MIDIS's programs through accountability mechanisms that institutionalize channels for user's feedback; and the development of planning, information, monitoring and evaluation tools for MIDIS's decentralized offices that coordinate the provision of social programs in the territory. The second component is improving knowledge management, information and communication. This contributes to the PDO by supporting activities that improve the performance of MIDIS's programs and strengthen MIDIS's capacity to monitor social inclusion policy through the implementation of an integrated information platform that includes data from different programs; the interconnectivity of local targeting units that are strengthened with trained staff on information management, monitoring and customer service; and the development of a national communication strategy that includes different approaches for different population groups. The third component is strengthening of MIDIS's capacity on results orientation, monitoring and evaluation. This contributes to the PDO by supporting activities that strengthen MIDIS's capacity to monitor social inclusion policies through the development of information dashboards to oversee infant malnutrition and development plans; and technical assistance to improve the evaluation of programs processes, potential effects and impacts. The fourth component is strengthening of human resource management and capacity. This contributes to the PDO by supporting activities that strengthen MIDIS's systems and capacity to improve the performance of MIDIS's programs through the introduction of result-oriented human resources management practices. The fifth component is support to project administration. This component finances the activities related to management and implementation of the project, including the strengthening of the UCPS's (Unidad de Coordinación de Prestamos Sectoriales - Coordinating Unit for Sectoral Loans) team to be able to facilitate, coordinate and monitor implementation.

    Beneficiaries: Close to 5 million poor in Peru

    Partners and financing: Government of Peru
    • Date:  4/29/2014    Paragraphs: 7
    Mexico, Savings and Credit Sector Consolidation and Financial Inclusion Project
    The objectives of the Savings and Credit Sector Consolidation and Financial Inclusion Project for Mexico are to support the: (a) consolidation of the savings and credit institutions (SCIs); and (b) deepening of financial inclusion in selected areas and selected locations. There are four components to the project, the first component being Consolidation and strengthening of savings and credit institutions. This component provides training and technical assistance to strengthen savings and credit institutions; and provides training and technical assistance to the confederation, federations, self-regulatory bodies, auxiliary supervision committees, and deposit protection funds to enhance their performance. The second component is the broadening access to financial services and products. This component expands access to financial services through technical assistance to Savings and credit entities to increase their membership base; and expanding National Bank for Savings and Financial Services (BANSEFI's) client base through support from banking agents. The third component is the strengthening BANSEFI capacity. This component aims to expand the technological capacity of BANSEFI, including its platform's mainframe. Finally, the fourth component is the project management. This component provides technical assistance, training and material support to BANSEFI's staff and consultants in order to assist them in the implementation of the project. Commitment Amount: US$ 100.00 million.

    The project has two main components: 1. Consolidation and strengthening sector institutions. This component supports: (a) technical assistance to about 385 sector entities for certification, merger/liquidation, or operational performance improvement; (b) technical assistance, and a one-time equipment, and operating cost reimbursement to about 20 sector institutions consisting of federations, supervision committees, and deposit protection funds; (c) studies for strategy and evaluation, and sector database creation; and (d) communication and dissemination activities. This component is designed to meet the sector institutions’ consolidation objective. 2. Broadening access to financial services and products. This component expands access to financial services and products through four main lines of action: (a) expanding membership base in existing entities (825,000 new members) through a combination of project resources to finance technical assistance and leveraging government funds to finance equipment and operating costs of participating entities to sustain the enhanced membership level; (b) mainstreaming new clients in municipalities where there are no other points of access to financial services using agency banking (5,000 access points covering about one million new clients); (c) expanding the range of financial products offered to members by about 70 entities by incorporating them into the L@red network, and to entities by BANSEFI through technical assistance and communication activities; and (d) creating a demand for financial services through an integrated financial education initiative covering building capacity for multiplier effect, and direct communication with existing and potential financial services users. This component specifically addresses the financial inclusion objective.

    Beneficiaries: Population of Mexico

    Partners and financing: Government of Mexico
    • Date:  6/23/2011    Paragraphs: 7
    The WB supports its partner countries in advancing a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable development path. Reducing inequality and poverty are at the center of this agenda. In response to the financial crisis, the World Bank Group stepped up its commitment to LAC, approving new financing for more than US$15 billion in the last two fiscal years (2009-2010). By June 2011, lending for the fiscal year 2011 is expected to reach around US$12 billion. Emphasis has been given to the economic recovery with a renewed focus in social protection, human development and the environment. The Bank is supporting country efforts to create opportunities for all, while continuing to put solid macroeconomic and financial policies in place.
    • Related Resources
    World Bank's Website
  • Inter-American Institute for Cooperation of Agriculture (IICA)
    • Reports
    • Date:  4/28/2014    Paragraphs: 7
    To improve the productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector
    IICA intends to promote technological, organizational and human innovation to enhance competitiveness, increase production and help improve the operation of agricultural markets in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. These efforts are focus on small and medium-scale agricultural producers, who have limited access to markets.

    1. More than 30 instruments were validated as part of an IICA agribusiness toolbox, which strengthened the capabilities of 30 producers’ organizations in Ecuador, Paraguay and Guatemala; in addition, approximately 5000 agriculture sector stakeholders received training in business management, aggregation of value and promotion of exports, among other topics. 2. Thanks to the strengthening of the Institute’s links with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the Codex Alimentarius, its member countries were able to participate in virtual meetings, forums and committees in which plant health and food safety standards were discussed and approved. 3. Working with its strategic partners, IICA implemented projects to create two virtual schools for food and plant health inspectors in the Central and Southern regions. 4. The Institute supported field operations in Mexico aimed at maintaining the country’s phytosanitary status as an area free of the Mediterranean fruit fly; in Paraguay, efforts were aimed at restoring the country’s status as an area free from foot-and-mouth disease with vaccination; and in Central America, the focus was on combating coffee leaf rust. 5. The Market Information Organization of the Americas (MIOA), made up of 33 countries, was consolidated as a hemispheric network. Fourteen officials from the Caribbean region received training in the collection, analysis and dissemination of information on agricultural prices and markets. 6. Five Caribbean countries launched processes aimed at improving the competitiveness of priority agrifood chains after the support of IICA to strengthen their capabilities, promote dialogue, among others. 7. Promotion of changes in policies on agricultural insurance in Colombia, Haiti, Paraguay and Peru.

    55 officials from18 Latin American Countries. Producers organizations and stakeholders, Phitosanitary services, MIOA, and regional organizations like Standing Veterinary Committee, Plant Health Committee and the Central American Agricultural Council.

    Partners and financing:
    International Organizations: IPPC, OIE, Codex Alimentarius, PAHO, Governments of USA, Mexico, Canada, Ecuador, Paraguay, Central America and Caribbean.
    • Date:  5/2/2013    Paragraphs: 7
    Information available in Spanish
  • Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/20/2011    Paragraphs: 12
    The CAF’s Competitiveness Support Program (PAC) helped strengthen productivity and improve competitiveness in the nations of Latin America. The PAC promoted entrepreneurial capacity, assisted in improving the business climate, and strengthened the development of productive and commercial clusters, through technical assistance and grants.
    • Related Resources
    CAF's Website
  • Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 20
    The Central American Markets for Biodiversity Project (CAMBio), through its Support Program for Bio-friendly MSMEs, allocated resources worth US$5.7 million through more than 794 loans to regional financial intermediaries (banks, cooperatives, and associations), thus benefiting more than 1,779 Central American micro-, small, and medium-sized producers working in such areas as woodland and pasture management systems, coffee and cacao agroforestry, organic agriculture, and sustainable tourism. The Bank also began the placement of partial credit guarantees, the provision of grant assistance for technical and business training, and the awarding of Biodiversity Awards for a total of more than US$133,000 in four of the region’s countries, benefiting more than a thousand bio-friendly microenterprises and small-scale producers.

    At the same time, CABEI disbursed US$129.1 million through its support programs for micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to promote and strengthen 38,550 productive units in the Central American region with its own resources and with funds from the Spanish International Agency for Cooperation and Development (AECID) and the German development bank KfW.
    • Related Resources
    CABEI's Website
  • Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 12
    The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) assisted Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs) to
    reduce poverty through sustainable economic growth and by strengthening the resilience of
    BMCs to external shocks. There was also a need to promote a balanced approach to improving
    the welfare of BMCs’ citizens and ensuring that growth is inclusive, explicitly focused on income
    and gender disparities and on other inequities, and that it is environmentally sustainable.

    Loans and grants approved by CDB in 2010 totaled approximately USD299 million (mn) which is
    a 79% increase on the amount approved in 2009. Funds actually disbursed in 2010 totaled
    approximately USD323 mn, which is 54% greater than in 2009. The Bank’s Less Developed
    Countries received 60% of approvals and 62% of disbursements. In 2010, budgetary support
    through policy-based loans was the largest component with USD95 mn (39% of the total), next
    was economic infrastructure (including roads, drainage, energy, ports, bridges and water supply)
    with USD70 mn (29%).
    • Date:  6/21/2011    Paragraphs: 7
    The CDB has implemented initiatives not only aimed at mitigating the effects of the economic
    crisis, but also at improving conditions for longer-term sustainable growth and poverty
    reduction. In 2010 the CDB continued to provide support for macroeconomic policy reform
    process in its borrowing member countries (BMCS), and to provide critical budgetary support. In
    2010, USD37 mn or 15% of total loans and grants approved by CDB were devoted to financial
    sector stabilization.
    • Related Resources
    CDB's Website
  • International Organization for Migrations (IOM)
  • International Labor Organization (ILO)
    • Reports
    • Date:  5/2/2013    Paragraphs: 7
    Information available in Spanish
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
    • Reports
    • Date:  6/23/2011    Paragraphs: 7
    UNDP has contributed in this area with the HDR on Citizen Security in Central America and is developing another one for the Caribbean countries. While respecting human rights and adherence to the rule of law and democracy, comprehensive security policies should be strengthened as remedies for the heightened levels of insecurity in the region. UNDP’s support has underlined sharing lessons and good practices, as well as providing capacity development and technical assistance to LAC countries on the design and implementation of regional, national and local security initiatives (Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Brazil, Mexico and Jamaica) in cooperation with subregional organizations (SICA, CASAC). In addition, the area has been developing protection programs for justice operators and analytical tools to tackle gender-based and intra-family violence. As regards to disaster risk reduction and management, UNDP has intervened to help in natural disasters in Haiti, El Salvador and Chile. It has also supported multinational initiatives and strategies to reduce and mitigate the risk of disasters, through adoptions of strategies, policies and systems.
    • Related Resources
    UNDP's Website