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Hazard Mitigation & Vulnerability Reduction Plan
Jérémie, Haiti

A Programme to Mitigate the Impacts of Natural Hazards
Summary of Proposed Projects

The pre-feasibility study for CDMP's hazard and vulnerability assessment work in Jeremie, proposed four major projects:

  1. Preparation of A Hazard Mitigation and Vulnerability Reduction Plan to assess the physical nature of all hazards affecting Jeremie, and the vulnerability of the town to these hazards; and to propose sustainable management strategies for vulnerability reduction/hazard mitigation. This programme of activities has been completed. This plan will help in hazard mitigation and vulnerability reduction by providing necessary information on the nature of hazards and vulnerability in Jeremie.
  2. Preparation of A Plan for the Rationalisation and Expansion of Storm Water Disposal Capacity in Jeremie.
  3. A Rapid Watershed Assessment to provide guidelines for the communities within the Grande Anse watershed to regulate exploitation of watershed resources, and ensure sustainable use.
  4. A Plan for Riverbank Stabilization on the Grande Anse between Jeremie and Marfranc primarily to reduce the rate of sedimentation near the pier at Jeremie and the vulnerability of communities along the river bank. It will also promote the sustainable use of bamboo as an alternative construction material.

The report Hazard Mitigation & Vulnerability Reduction Plan for Jeremie Haiti, of which this document forms a part, describes the results of activity #1, A Hazard Mitigation and Vulnerability Reduction Plan. Fifty specific hazard vulnerability reduction projects were developed as part of this plan. These 50 projects are summarized below. Additional financial assistance is required in order to undertake the three latter projects. Background information and technical proposals are provided for each of the three remaining activities (rationalization of storm water disposal, rapid watershed assessment and riverbank stabilization) and the 50 projects listed below are contained in the document with detailed descriptions of these project proposals.

Each of these projects will assist in the reduction of vulnerability and the mitigation of natural hazards in the Grande Anse region in general, and in Jeremie in particular.



Program Result Intervention



Reduced losses from flooding Upper Rue Adrien Brutus: train gully
2 A Minimal loss of function due to hazards. Programme to upgrade critical facilities
3 A Increased community preparedness/awareness of natural disasters Newsletter
4 A Reduced losses from flooding/groundwater contamination Implement Early Warning System
5 A Reduced losses from flooding/river bank erosion Introduce the use of bamboo for river bank stabilisation
6 A Reduced losses from flooding Education program to inform about the effects of overgrazing,and how to prevent it.
7 A Reduced losses from slope failure. Controlled grey water disposal.
8 A Increased co-ordination of critical facilities before, and after a disaster. Development of a critical facilities mobilization plan
9 A Reduced losses from flooding Project Sacre Coeur: Gully training
10 A Reduced losses from flooding/groundwater contamination Develop effective evacuation response plan for EWS
11 A Reduced losses from flooding Training of the Brouette gully
12 A Reduced losses from flooding Training of the lower Berquier gully
13 A Reduced losses from flooding Clean-up drains and gullies
14 A Reduced losses from flooding Introduce design technology whereby walls of paved drains are lined with boulders.
15 A Reduced losses from flooding Alternative fuelwood forest
16 A Reduced losses from flooding Regrassing slopes
17 A Reduced the incidence of destructive fires Education about fuel storage
18 A Reduced losses from flooding Project Cemetery: Gully Training
19 A Increased preparedness Rationalize communication of information re hurricanes warning system
20 A Increase community resilience, and organization to allow for greater co-operation Relief and Response outreach training
21 A Reduced impacts on health after disasters Clean ups after disasters
22 A Reduce losses from collapsing cavities. Advise builders in the area about grouting of cavities
23 A Reduced losses from flooding/groundwater contamination Store emergency supply of chlorine for after flood event
24 A Reduce losses from coastal flooding Develop evacuation plan for coastal communities
25 A Improved co-ordination/developed community structures for relief, response and rehabilitation Continue development of the skills bank
26 A Reduce losses from hurricanes Introduce improved hurricane fittings/designs for structures (straps, shutters, vents etc.)
27 A Reduced losses from flooding Introduce improved flood designs for houses
28 A Reduced losses from fires Programme for the establishment of a volunteer fire brigade
29 A Increased capacity for Effective disaster mitigation Development and Implementation of a programme for organization of street-level community units
30 A Reduced losses from hurricanes Introduce better technology for building materials - brick making
31 A Improved disaster management Development of a post-disaster auditing form; analysis and review capacity
1 B Reduced disruption of lifeline (road) Elevation of the floodprone sections of the road
2 B Reduced losses from flooding Alter storm water drainage designs to encourage soakaways
3 B Reduced losses from flooding Development control: preserve and maintain current resource levels (trees and soil)
4 B Reduced incidence and magnitude of flooding in the lower Grande Anse Monitor trends in watershed
5 B Reduce disruption of lifeline (wharf) Extend the wharf to allow berthing in deeper water.
6 B Reduced impacts on health after disasters Disposal of dead animals after disasters
7 B Reduce possibility of shoreline erosion near Versailles Control beach sand mining
8 B Increase awareness of why disasters are worsening Development of training materials
9 B Increased Capacity for co-ordination between critical facilities Lobby for installation of telephones in key facilities/individuals or ensure a high priority for these
10 B Reduced losses at sea Construct groynes or sediment traps
11 B Reduced losses from flooding Land use control/zonation
12 B Reduced losses from flooding/groundwater contamination Introduce USAID VIP toilet design/demo
1 C Reduced losses at sea Weather station at the wharf
2 C Improved watershed management in the Grande Anse. Rapid Watershed Assessment: Management units and recommendations
3 C Increased capacity for Effective Disaster Mitigation Train committee in decision analysis and co-ordination (institutional strengthening)
4 C Reduced losses from flooding Project Rue Martineau: redesign of main storm water drain
5 C Reduce losses from consumption of contaminated water. Increased number of standpipes in Gebeau and La Digue
6 C Reduce losses due to flooding in Jeremie Engineering Design and Plan for rationalisation of storm water design
7 C Reduced rate of sedimentation in the shipping channel. Plan for riverbank stabilisation between Marfranc and La Saline