Contribuciones a Co-PED - Información del Documento
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Idioma: Ingles Photo of CC Early Childhood Development Services.jpg
Categoría(s): Políticas, Buenas Practicas, Publicaciones
Tema(s) & Sub-Tema(s): Reclutamiento
  •  Atraer a los candidatos
Preparación Inicial
  •  Estándares
Desarrollo Profesional (DP)
  •  Educación continua
Trayectoria Profesional
  •  Carrera profesional
  •  Monitoreo de la efectividad docente
  •  Habilidades de gestión
  •  Rendimiento
Temas Especiales
  •  Primera infancia
País: Antigua y Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haití, Jamaica, Saint Kitts y Nevis, Santa Lucía, Suriname, Trinidad y Tobago, San Vicente y las Granadinas
Título: Regional Guidelines for Developing Policy Regulation and Standards in Early Childhood Development Services
Autor: CARICOM Community
Resumen: Improving the standard of services for early childhood is absolutely critical in addressing the particular challenges to childhood in the Caribbean, including HIV, violence, and poverty. Studies all over the world have evidenced the high returns brought by investments in early childhood, especially in the reduction of violence and poverty; but equally, they have shown that to pay off substantially, services must have high standards. These Guidelines are part of a drive to improve the quality of education and care for ALL children, especially the most disadvantaged.
Sitio Web de referencia
Editorial: CARICOM Secretariat
Año de Publicación: 2009
Fecha de registro: 3/31/2017

¿Qué transformación persigue esta iniciativa?
CARICOM Secretariat and Development Partners agreed as a priority to support the development of policies, regulation and standards for early childhood development services and to harmonize expectations across the region for quality and equity in access to services. This was seen as an important development especially in the context of the CSME, free movement of skilled nationals and the associated contingent rights.

¿Qué política / práctica se ha puesto en marcha para lograr este cambio?
Early childhood services have been growing rapidly in the CARICOM region, and policy/practice put in place in support of this growth, particularly since the latter half of the 20th Century, as mothers were increasingly employed out of the home and away from the support of extended family networks. Consequently, the Caribbean region saw a rapid expansion of preschool and day care services which were mainly established by private and charitable interest groups.

¿Qué evidencia existe para demostrar que esta intervención está teniendo el resultado deseado?
Not Applicable

Información de Contacto del colaborador
Nombre Completo: Lockhart, Paula Lynne
Organización: OAS
Dirección 1: 1889 F. St NW
Dirección 2:
Ciudad / Provincia: washingron DC
Estado: DC
Teléfono: 2023705492
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
Sitio Web:

Enlace a los documentos
Documento: regional_guidelines_ for developing policy, regulations and standards in early_childhood_development_services.pdf (3650 KB)
Documentos adicionales:
Enlaces a videos:
Palabras Clave: Calidad docente y aprendizaje, Otro, Competencia docente, Educación para la inclusión, Composición del cuerpo docente, El Caribe
El Centro de Políticas Docentes RIED se lleva a cabo gracias a la ayuda financiera de la Misión Permanente de los Estados Unidos ante la OEA y cuenta con el apoyo de OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.