Contributions to Co-TEP - Document Card
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Language: English Photo of Pages from Light+2014.jpg
Category(ies): Research
Topic(s) & Sub-Topic(s): Professional Development (PD)
  •  ICT Pedagogy
Special Topics
  •  ICT integration
  •  Numeracy
Country: Chile
Title: Increasing Student Engagement in Math: The use of Khan Academy in Chilean Classrooms
Author: Daniel Light Elizabeth Pierson
Summary: Khan Academy, an online platform offering educational videos and exercises in different content areas, has awakened intense interest among foundations, multilateral organizations, policy makers, and educators about how this tool can help meet the educational challenges facing countries around the world. With support from Intel, Education Development Center (EDC) researchers sought to understand how this technology fits into the complex realities of schools in a developing country. In August of 2013, researchers traveled to Santiago, Chile to conduct research in five schools where teachers are using Khan Academy. We found that the way KhanvAcademy functions as a digital learning environment changes the ways and the degree to which tudents engage with and are engaged by the math content; it also changes the way teachers and students interact with each other. Even though the use of Khan Academy may plant the seeds of deeper pedagogical changes such as mastery learning or differentiated instruction, teachers did not need to change their entire teaching model to start using it. Khan Academy’s straightforward approach of providing an endless bank of practice exercises makes it an inviting and universally adaptable tool across different types of teachers, classrooms, and countries.
Reference Website:
Publishing House: International Journal of Education and Development using ICT [Online]
Year of Publication: 2014
Upload date: 2/1/2018

What transformation/reform does this initiative pursue?

What policy/practice has been put in place to achieve this change?

What evidence exists to demonstrate that this intervention is having the desired result?

Contributor Contact Information
Full Name: Light, Daniel
Organization Name: Education Development Center
Address 1:
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E-Mail: [email protected]

Download Links
Document: Light 2014.pdf (355 KB)
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Keywords: Educational innovation
The ITEN Teacher Policy Center is carried out with the financial support of the U.S. Permanent Mission to the OAS and the support of OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.