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Action against antipersonnel mines

Various documents


Letter from the Inter-American Defense Board updating information on its support to OAS humanitarian demining activities CP/CSH/INF.20/03


Presentation by Mr. Carlos Orozco, Interim Director of the Office of Humanitarian Mine Action of the Department of Public Security (Presented at the meeting held on April 3, 2008) CP/CSH/INF. 169/08 corr. 1

Cartagena Action Plan 2010 - 2014: Ending the Suffering Caused by Anti-Personnel Mines
CP/CSH/INF. 195/10


A shared commitment for a mine-free world: The 2009 Cartagena Declaration CP/CSH/INF. 196/10

Briefing of AICMA at the Cartagena Summit on a Mine-Free World OAS Mine Action Program Perspectives and Projections in Colombia
CP/CSH/INF. 197/10




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