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Press Release
Special Rapporteurship for Freedom of Expression
Washington D.C. - The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the IACHR launches its new thematic report “Digital Inclusion and Internet Content Governance”, which analyzes the challenges of the deterioration of public debate, content moderation and the situation of accessibility and digital inclusion in the hemisphere, with a special focus on digital civic skills literacy.
The digital era has particularly reshaped the dynamics of freedom of expression and access to information. The Internet, which initially emerged as a promising platform for the democratization of access to information, now faces significant challenges that jeopardize its ability to serve as a free, open and inclusive space. This report addresses these challenges, considering the crucial role and potential of the Internet for the effective realization of human rights and the promotion of democratic societies, as well as the risks associated with its governance.
This document is grounded in principles of international human rights law and seeks to serve as a guide for States and other key actors in the promotion of an Internet accessible to all persons, without discrimination. The Special Rapporteur has incorporated in this analysis the contributions of various actors, including contributions from States, academia and representatives of the technology sector, reflecting a comprehensive and multifaceted perspective on the issues under discussion.
The objective of this report is twofold: to highlight the critical importance of ensuring access to the Internet as a fundamental means of exercising freedom of expression, and to propose a content governance framework that respects and promotes international human rights standards. In doing so, it recognizes and addresses significant challenges presented by both misinformation and corporate content moderation policies, both of which can have profound impacts on society and democracy.
The report not only offers a diagnosis of current problems, but also suggests proactive approaches to ensure that the digital space continues to be an open and democratic forum, facilitating constructive dialogue and the effective exercise of human rights. Recommendations are put forward for States to strengthen digital governance, implement inclusive Internet access policies, and actively combat the dissemination of false and discriminatory information online. These recommendations are aligned with the Inter-American human rights’ legal framework, reaffirming the commitment to promote a free, open and inclusive Internet, essential for strengthening democracy in the Americas.
As relevant context, in 2021, the IACHR and its Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression warned that freedom of expression on the Internet was at a turning point in the hemisphere. In response, the IACHR initiated the Dialogue of the Americas on freedom of expression on the Internet, a multi-stakeholder dialogue process involving Member States, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector. This dialogue has significantly nurtured this report based on the input received during its development through public consultations, meetings, forums and public hearings.
This report responds to the mandate granted by the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) in 2022 through the Resolution on “Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Online”. It is also part of the commitments made during the IX Summit of the Americas in 2022, where the OAS member states adopted the Regional Agenda for Digital Transformation.
Finally, the Office of the Special Rapporteur calls on the Member States to continuously implement the recommendations outlined in the report and to create the necessary conditions for broad participation by various sectors of society in this process. This Office recognizes that this is a complex effort that requires the participation of multiple actors, and therefore offers its support to accompany and provide technical advice to those who require it.
Through this work, the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression reaffirms its commitment to promoting a digital environment that is safe, inclusive and respectful of the dignity and rights of all people.
To access the full report, please click here.
The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression is an office created by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to encourage the hemispheric defense of the right to freedom of thought and expression, considering its fundamental role in the consolidation and development of the democratic system.
No. R164/24
2:31 PM