Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD)

AICD/JD/INF.24/14: Candidacy submitted by the Delegation of El Salvador for the position of Vice Chair of the Management Board of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (MB/IACD) (2014-2015 Term).
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/INF.23/14: Candidacy submitted by the Delegation of Dominican Republic for the Reelection as Chair of the Management Board of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (MB/IACD) (2014-2015 Term),
                                English - Español

AICD/JD/INF.22/14: Biography of the Representative of Ecuador to the Management Board of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development.
                                English - Español*

AICD/JD/INF.21/14: Request from the Delegation of Haiti regarding the project entitled "Raising Awareness and Changing Public Attitudes Toward Tourism.
                                English - Español


*Available only in this language