Follow-up to the IAP

At the inter-American level, the principal mandate on gender mainstreaming is the Inter-American Program on Women's Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality (IAP), adopted in 2000.

The IAP has since been reinforced by the agreements adopted at the Summits of the Americas, as well as numerous resolutions of the OAS General Assembly.

As part of its efforts to implement the IAP, CIM works to ensure that women's rights and gender equality issues are considered during the various Ministerial meetings and other fora that the OAS organizes, a process known as SEPIA (Seguimiento del PIA):

Gender and Labour (SEPIA I)

Since 2000, gender equality and women's labour rights have been a key component of the agenda of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour (IACML), in which the CIM has worked closely with the OAS' Department of Human Development, Education, and Employment to advance gender equality in the decent work agenda in the Americas:

  • Advancing the institutionalization of a gender approach in the Ministries of Labor of the Americas (PDF)
  • Institutionalization of a gender approach in the Ministries of Labour of the Americas: Follow-up to the workshops on strategic planning with a gender perspective (PDF)
  • Final Report of the High-level Policy Dialogue between the National Machineries for the Advancement of Women and the Ministries of Labour (Word)
  • Advancing gender equality in the context of decent work (PDF)
  • Institutionalization of a Gender Approach in the Ministries of Labor of the Americas (PDF)
  • Strategic Guidelines of the XV IACML for Advancing Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination within a Decent Work Framework (Word)
  • Follow up to the  XII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour (IACML): Lines of Action and General Recommendations (PDF)
  • Incorporation of the Gender Perspective in Regional Labor Policies: Progress and Proposals (PDF)
  • Working Document and Recommendations presented to the XII IACML (PDF)

For more information about gender mainstreaming in labour issues, visit our project page

Gender and Justice (SEPIA II)

Since 2001, the CIM has worked to promote access to justice for women and the incorporation of women's rights and gendr equality issues in the administration of justice, including through the Meetings of Ministers of Justice or Other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA):

  • Women' human rights: Good practices in gender justice (Webpage)
  • Mechanisms to protect the rights of indigenous peoples (Webpage)
  • Reports of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights on Access to Justice for Women Victims of (Sexual) Violence in the Americas (Webpage)
  • Network of Hemispheric Legal Cooperation in the Area of Family and Child Law (Webpage)
  • Towards Justice with Gender: Recommendations for Integrating a Gender Perspective into the Programs and Policies of the Ministries of Justice or Ministries or Offices of Attorneys General of the Americas with Competence in this Area (PDF)
  • Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective into the Programs and Policies of Ministries of Justice or Offices of Attorneys General (PDF)

Gender and Education (SEPIA III)

Since 2003, CIM has worked with the Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education to push for the inclusion of gender equality and non-violence in education curricula throughout the region, as well as the elimination of gender stereotypes and sexist language:

  • Adoption of the Findings of SEPIA III - Gender and Education (PDF)
  • Proposals for Integrating a Gender Perspective in Education presented to the III Meeting of Ministers of Education (PDF)

Gender and Science and Technology (SEPIA IV)

Since 2004, CIM has worked with the Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Science and Technology to push for greater attention to closing the gender digital divide and ensuring the access of women and girls to information and communication technologies (ICTs):

  • Recommendations for Integrating a Gender Perspective in Science and Technology Policies and Programs in the Americas (PDF)