Freedom of Expression

Press Release 88/03


The Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Eduardo Bertoni, will hold a visit to Mexico from August 18th to August 26 th, 2003 to gather information related to freedom of expression and access to information issues. For that purpose, the Special Rapporteur will meet with key actors in the field, such as public officials, journalists, media editors and representatives of civil society.  

As part of his agenda, the Special Rapporteur will be visiting the State of Guerrero on August 20th and the State of Chihuahua on August 22nd. His other activities will take place in the Federal District of Mexico. The Rapporteurship delegation will be hosted at the Hotel Fiesta Inn, Centro Histórico (Juárez Ave. 76, Colonia Centro, Delegación Cuahutémoc).  

On August 19th, at noon, Eduardo Bertoni will give a lecture in the Martin Buber Hall at the Universidad Iberoamericana , Mexico City, on the subject: “Terrorism and Freedom of Expression in the Americas ”.  

On August 23rd, at noon, the Rapporteur will give the final lecture of the Academia Mexicana de Derechos Humanos Seminar on Freedom of Expression and International Mechanisms of Protection of Human Rights (Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana Izazaga No. 92. Ex convento de San Jerónimo, Centro Histórico)  

At the end of his visit, Dr. Bertoni will offer a press conference at the Office of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Mexico on Tuesday 26th at 10:20 a.m. (Presidente Masaryk #526, 1st. Floor, SEPBuilding , Colonia Polanco).  

The Rapporteurship for Freedom of Expression was created in 1998 by the IACHR as a permanent office, with functional and budgetary independence, which works under the juridical framework of the Commission.  

Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression

August 15, 2003

Washington, D.C.