Indigenous Peoples

Annual Reports

Chapter III - Activities of the rapporteurships, country and thematic reports, and promotional activities

A. Activities of the rapporteurships
1. Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigeno us Peoples

Chapter IV .B - Countries

IV. Situation of vulnerable groups and collectivities
B. Indigenous Peoples

Chapter V - Follow-up on recommendations formulated by the IACHR in its country and thematic reports


Chapter III - Activities of the rapporteurships, country and thematic reports, and promotional activities

A. Activities of the rapporteurships
1. Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Chapter IV .B - Countries

IV. Situation of vulnerable groups and collectivities
B. Indigenous Peoples

Chapter V - Follow-up on recommendations formulated by the IACHR in its country and thematic reports


Chapter III - Activities of the rapporteurships, country and thematic reports, and promotional activities

A. Activities of the rapporteurships
1. Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Chapter IV .A - Panorama of the Human Rights situation in the Hemisphere
      Access to water

Chapter IV .B - Countries

IV. Situation of vulnerable groups and collectivities
A. Indigenous Peoples

Chapter V - Follow-up on recommendations formulated by the IACHR in its country and thematic reports

II. Follow-up on recommendations
3. Differentiated impact of the armed conflict and the progressive disappearance of indigenous peoples in Colombia

Chapter III - Activities of the rapporteurships, country and thematic reports, and promotional activities

A. Activities of the rapporteurships
1. Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Chapter IV .B - Human Rights Developments in the Region

IV. Situation of vulnerable groups and collectivities
A. Indigenous Peoples

Chapter V .B - Follow-up on recommendations formulated by the IACHR in its country and thematic reports

II. Follow-up on recommendations
B. Protection mechanisms
F. Reparation mechanisms
G. Reparation mechanisms
H. Economic, social and cultural rights
3. Differentiated impact of the armed conflict and the progressive disappearance of indigenous peoples in Colombia

Chapter III - Activities of the rapporteurships, country and thematic reports, and promotional activities

A. Activities of the rapporteurships
1. Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Chapter IV .B - Human Rights Developments in the Region

VI. Situation of particular groups
A. Situation of Human Rights defenders and Justice Operators
E. Indigenous Peoples“Rights

IV. Situation of vulnerable groups and collectivities
A. Indigenous Peoples

Chapter II - Legal Bases and Activities of the IACHR during 2012

E. Activities of the rapporteurships
1. Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Chapter IV - Human Rights Developments in the Region

Chapter VI. Situation of particular groups
E. Indigenous Peoples“Rights

IV. Situation of vulnerable groups and collectivities
A. Indigenous Peoples

Chapter II - Legal Bases and Activities of the IACHR during 2011

E. Activities of the rapporteurships
1. Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Chapter IV - Human Rights Developments in the Region

III.The situation of groups in particular vulnerability in Colombia
B. Indigenous Peoples

VI. Situation of specific groups
B. Indigenous Peoples“Rights

 IV. Situation of vulnerable groups or collectivities
A. Indigenous Peoples

  • Annual Report 2010

Chapter II – Legal Bases and Activities 2010

E. Activities of the Rapporteurships
1. Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Chapter IV – Human Rights Developments in the Region

III. The Situation of Ethnic Groups in Colombia

Sectors of the population that have historically been marginalized and are the most vulnerable

  • Annual Report 2009

Chapter II – Legal Bases and Activities 2009

E. Activities of the Rapporteurships
1. Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Chapter IV – Human Rights Developments in the Region

III. The Situation of Ethnic Groups in Colombia
A. Indigenous Peoples

Reference to indigenous peoples

Chapter V  - Follow-Up of the Recommendations Formulated by the IACHR in its Reports on the Situation of Human Rights in Member States

Follow-up Report – Acces to Justice and Social Inclusion: The Road towards Strengthening Democracy in Bolivia
Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Peasant Communities
Recommendations: Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Peasant Communities

Follow-up Report – Violence and Discrimination against Women in the Armed Conflict in Colombia
IV. Multiple Discrimination against Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Women