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OAS Secretary General Meets with the President of the Congress of Paraguay

  July 24, 2013

OAS Secretary General Meets with the President of the Congress of Paraguay
Photo: OAS

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today met with the President of the National Congress of Paraguay, Senator Julio César Velázquez, and with leaders of all the political parties represented in parliament, in the first activity of the second day of his official visit to Paraguay.

At the meeting, both Senator Velázquez as well as other political leaders thanked Insulza for the position taken by the OAS that allowed for progress in a complex political transition process.

In addition for thanking him for his personal role, the legislators also recognized that the position of the hemispheric Organization was crucial to moving toward the normalization of the international relations of Paraguay in the aftermath of the country’s political crisis.

The OAS leader congratulated the leaders of the political parties for having carried out a difficult political process and for the commitment to bring governability to the country and look for solutions to allow a better future for Paraguayan society. The Secretary General said the decisions of the hemispheric Organization were not easy, but stressed the special care taken not to make pronouncements about internal decisions, but to promote dialogue between all sectors to consolidate the democratic process.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: FNE-12667