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New Permanent Representative of Argentina to the OAS Presents Credentials

  June 4, 2024

New Permanent Representative of Argentina to the OAS Presents Credentials
Photo: OAS

The new Permanent Representative of Argentina to the Organization of American States (OAS), Sonia Cavallo, today presented her credentials to the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, during a ceremony that took place at the Organization's headquarters in Washington, D.C.

In her speech, Ambassador Cavallo highlighted that her country “adheres to the values, principles and fundamental pillars of this Organization, aimed at strengthening human rights, democracy, multidimensional security and integral development,“ and added that, “these objectives will guide my performance as Permanent Representative at all times with a clear intention of promoting cooperation in all areas of the Organization."

For his part, the Secretary General welcomed the appointment of Ambassador Cavallo and highlighted her contributions in “economics, public policies, education and community development.” “Her presence at the Organization will enrich our debates and joint efforts toward a more prosperous and equitable future for our region and her vast experience and knowledge will be of great value to our initiatives and projects,” he added.

Ambassador Cavallo has co-authored works on the economic history of her country and since 2014 has served as a professor at The Catholic University of America, in Washington D.C., teaching courses on development policies.

Reference: FNE-144037