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Secretary General of the OAS Met with the President of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal of El Salvador

  June 20, 2014

Secretary General of the OAS Met with the President of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal of El Salvador
Photo: OAS

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today met with the President of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of El Salvador, Eugenio Chicas Martínez, during his visit to Central America.

During the meeting the two discussed the political cooperation between their institutions, recently reflected in the Electoral Observation Mission (EOM/OAS) sent by the OAS to the last two presidential elections at the request of the Government of El Salvador.

Secretary General Insulza expressed his gratitude for the trust placed in the OAS to accompany Salvadoran authorities during several electoral processes. At the same time, President Chicas highlighted the very good level of cooperation between his country and the hemispheric Organization.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: FNE-15061