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OAS and Inter-American Bar Association Sign Agreement to Help Develop Inter-American Legal System

  January 11, 2011

OAS and Inter-American Bar Association Sign Agreement to Help Develop Inter-American Legal System

The Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA) today signed a cooperation agreement to conduct academic and research activities that contribute to the progressive development of the Inter-American Legal System.

The signing of the Agreement, which took place at OAS headquarters in Washington, DC, was presided by OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza and the IABA President, Beatriz R. Martorello. Also present was OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin.

The two institutions expect to develop ties and work together in areas such as promoting and implementing international law, legal cooperation and development, as well as research projects or comparative studies, and participating in and organizing conferences, seminars, events and programs.

Reference: FNE-4725