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OAS presents study on citizen security in the Americas

  June 6, 2011

OAS presents study on citizen security in the Americas
Photo: OAS

Today, in San Salvador, the Secretary for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS), Adam Blackwell, presented Älertamérica, a report on citizen security in the Americas containing statistical studies of crime and violence in the Americas in 2000 – 2010.

Secretary Blackwell said that the information in the report was “not geared to comparisons between countries, but rather to helping them track the effectiveness of their own domestic policies over time.”

The report presented in connection with the Forty-First Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly taking place in El Salvador was written by staff of the OAS-managed Inter-American Observatory on Citizen Security, which receives official data from member states and international organizations. The purpose of the Observatory is to monitor public policies on security and cooperate by sharing information and experience with a view to helping countries establish peace and harmony among their citizens.

Reference: FNE-5570