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OAS Supports Showcase of Caribbean Cuisine

  July 11, 2011

OAS Supports Showcase of Caribbean Cuisine

A celebration of Caribbean cuisine took place this week in Washington, DC, as the Organization of American States (OAS), through its Department of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism, collaborated with the Caribbean Export Development Agency, to present “A Taste of The Caribbean” at the Hall of the Americas.

Food and food products from across the Caribbean were showcased at a special reception in an attempt to highlight the potential of the creative industries of the Caribbean region.

Speaking at the launch of the event, OAS Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin said, “Events like these bring pleasure not only to our palate, but to thousands of people in the Caribbean Community, who work hard to develop and refine food products for an international market.”

Pointing to current economic challenges in the hemisphere, the high-ranking diplomat called on Caribbean entrepreneurs to continue to think of creative new ways to generate income, employment and opportunity. “Creative industries, if managed well, can contribute significantly to economic development, investment and economic diversification,” Ramdin pointed out. “Caribbean cuisine is known for its unique fusion of influences from all the major continents of the world. The Organization of American States supported ‘A Taste of the Caribbean’ event as part of the Inter-American Year of Culture.”

Reference: FNE-5906